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Рекомендовані вакансії

Инстаграм менеджер. Оплата ежедневно. INSTAGRAM фриланс. Удаленная онлайн работа на дому. Без опыта
Simple Tech, Дніпро (Дніпропетровськ), Днепропетровская область
Слава Украине!Пока что актуальный набор.Приглашаю Вас работать удаленно вести Instagram профиль.Подходит работа для студентов, для школьников, в декрете (декрет) и всем кому нужен удаленный заработок на дому.Требования:‣ по возрасту с 16 лет.‣ 3-4 часа свободного времени в день.‣ умение пользоваться Instagram и Telegram.‣ наличие смартфона или ПК или ноутбука.‣ вежливость.Условия работы:‣ свободный гибкий график.‣ удаленная работа на дому.‣ без опыта берем (обучаем, есть пошаговый алгоритм работы).‣ постоянная поддержка на каждом этапе.Заработная плата 700 грн в день. Выплаты ежедневно на Вашу карту.Обязанности:‣ вести страницу в Instagram.‣ по четкой инструкции публиковать посты и истории на рабочей странице.‣ по готовому шаблону отвечать клиентам.‣ предоставлять 5 коммерческих услуг для социальных сетей.Подходите по требованиям?Быстрее пишите мне.Отвечаю быстро!ПИСАТЬ:• в TELEGRAM по номеру указанному в объявлении.• в VIBER по номеру указанному в объявлении.Контактное лицо: Владислав І РаботаДам полную информацию по работе и начнем.Контактний НОМЕР:+380 95 821 13 89         .
Трейд-маркетинг менеджер
Виробнича Компанія Простір, ТОВ, Дніпро
На нашому підприємстві Виробнича Компанія «Простір» відкрита вакансія маркетолога!Приймаємо на роботу людей з інвалідністюЯкщо Ви хочете стати частиною нашої команди, то перед Вами стоятимутьтакі ключові завдання:- Планування, розробка та затвердження мотиваційних програм- Втілення та коригування (аналітика) програм з просування брендуДля нас важливо:- переважно вища профільна освіта- Знання та досвід використання маркетингових інструментів- Активна життєва позиція, відповідальність, комунікабельність- Вміння працювати з великим об'ємом інформації- ТаймменеджментНаші співробітники мають:- Офіційне оформлення- Можливості для професійного зростання та самореалізації- Забезпечення необхідними ресурсами для комфортної роботи та досягнення результату- графік Пн.-Пт. з 9:00 до 18:00,- розташування — правий берег, недалеко від вул. Павлова;Алеся — 0673966189 (viber, telegramm)Чекаємо саме на Ваше резюме!
Регіональний продакт-менеджер зі збуту (Посуд, товари для дому)
ЮГ-Контракт, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
YUGCONTRACT запрошує в свою команду спеціаліста на посаду Регіональний продакт-менеджер зі збуту (товарний напрямок — Посуд, товари категорії household, текстиль).Ми пропонуємо: Роботу в компанії з сильною корпоративною культурою, згуртованою командою, відкритими комунікаціями, налагодженими бізнес-процесамиОфіційне оформлення з першого дня, відпустка 24 дніКонкурентну заробітну плату, можливість впливати на рівень свого доходу, прозора система мотиваціїГрафік роботи: Пн-Пт 9:00 — 18:00, офіс за адресою - вул. Канатна, 12670% — офісна робота, 30% — польова на територіїКомпенсація відряджень, мобільного зв’язкуМожливості для професійного та кар'єрного росту у великій дистриб’юторській компанії Для нас важливо: Розвинуті навички проведення переговорів, аналізу та систематизації інформації, вміння ставити та контролювати виконання задач, ініціативність, гнучкість мисленняДосвід роботи від 2-х років на схожих позиціях (менеджер з гуртових продажів, торговий представник, територіальний, регіональний менеджер)Бажаний досвід управління персоналом, навчання, коучинг торгової командиГотовність опанувати нові продукти і ринок за короткий термінДосвід роботи з Посудом буде перевагоюРадо розглянемо на цю вакансію ветерана. Наша компанія не має жодних зв’язків із рф, а натомість має патріотичний колектив та активну соціальну позицію Основні завдання: Розробка та реалізація стратегії збуту товарної групи в регіоні - Дніпропетровська, Запоріжська, КіровоградськаУчасть у плануванні продажів, організація виконання планових показників по групі товарів Посуд — асортимент тутАналіз конкурентного середовища, участь у ціноутворенні в регіоні по своїй групі товаруВиведення нових продуктів на регіональний ринок; розробка спільних маркетингових заходів, що стимулюють збут, з клієнтамиБезпосередня робота з розвитку ключових клієнтів регіону, розробка індивідуальних пропозицій для клієнтівПланування та контроль наповнення регіональних складівОрганізація навчання клієнтів/менеджерів по новим групам (включно з коучингом в полях) Будемо раді вітати Вас в команді YUGCONTRACT!Надсилайте Ваше резюме!
Programme Development Specialist - UKRAINE
Handicap International, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
Handicap International/Humanity & Inclusion (HI) is an independent and impartial international solidarity organization, which intervenes in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflicts and disasters. Working alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, it acts and speaks out to meet their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights. More info:  www.hi.org At Handicap International-Humanity & Inclusion, we truly believe in the importance of inclusion and diversity within our organisation. This is why we are engaged to a disability policy to encourage the inclusion and integration of people with disabilities. Please indicate if you require any special accommodation, even at the first interview. JOB CONTEXT: Since the beginning of the war, HI has set up a two-country program  covering Ukraine and Moldova.  Aligning itself with the priorities of the Ukraine Flash Appeal and Regional Refugee Response Plan,  HI pillars of interventions  are : Health : HI aims to improve access to quality  physical rehabilitation and mental health and psychosocial services  (MHPSS) for conflict-affected vulnerable population. Protection:  Given the scale of humanitarian and protection needs, HI intervenes at various levels to ensure that vulnerable conflict-affected populations have access to multi-sectoral services tailored to their needs. In addition, HI aims to foster a  disability-inclusive humanitarian  response. Armed Violence Reduction:  Recent and ongoing attacks dangerously exacerbated Explosive Ordnance (EO) contamination in Ukraine. In light of this, HI is conducting a multi-pronged approach to EO Risk Education and Conflict Preparedness and Protection (CPP), adaptable to the evolution of the conflict. Basic needs : to respond to the most acute needs for displaced households hosted by the local population or living in collective settings, HI is providing hygiene and non-food item kits, with an approach various modalities of intervention including in-kind and/or cash-based transfers. Humanitarian-to-humanitarian logistics (ATLAS Logistique):  To facilitate the delivery of humanitarian assistance as close as possible to the most affected populations, HI proposes mutualized storage and transportation services to other humanitarian actors – with a specific focus on “last-mile transportation”. HI has 2 hubs, one in the East (based in Dnipro) and one in the West (based in Chernivtsi) and the coordination is in Kyiv. We have activities in other cities like Lviv, Vinnyitsia, Kharkiv, Poltava). YOUR MISSION: Under the authority of the Technical Unit Manager, and in collaboration with the Regional Director, Country Managers and Operations Managers, your main responsibilities are: 1 - Strategic development:  linking current internal strategic development efforts with fundraising strategy (understand potential for new interventions, identify areas of interest for future programming, and related funding opportunities). To develop a new fundraising strategy and action plan for the mission linked to the operational objectives set in the new 2023-2025 Stratop. Produce a summary of needs and gaps within HI Ukraine’s programmatic areas to identify potential for new interventions, needs assessments, and funding opportunities. Map relevant donors’ strategies and priorities, and development initiatives of other organizations (NGOs, UN agencies and government) 2 - Relationship management:  building external relationships/external engagement, including identification of fundraising and partnership opportunities Engage with donors to identify areas of mutual interest for further engagement and support relationships with strategic donors and partners. Identify and develop potential partnership opportunities for large-scale projects (e.g. consortiums, multi- country projects) Identify potential local partners and develop support the formulation of Local Partnership packages covering capacity assessment and enhancement and partnership management and contracting. In coordination with and Communications Officer, develop a communication strategy and action plans for HI’s Ukraine’s mission to better communicate HI’s work to existing and potential donors, country representations. 3 - Proposal development:  if funding opportunities on newly identified sector(s) of intervention arise, support Grant Team with proposal development (incl. capacity building of Grant Team) In coordination with HI’s technical and project teams, lead proposal and concept note writing in accordance with HI’s proposal writing process and tools and in compliance with donors’ guidelines and expectations, including logical frameworks, MEAL plan, context and needs analysis, planning, staffing and budgeting. Support and build the Grants Teams capacity with grants management including donor reporting, monitoring and compliance. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POSITION: The security situation in Ukraine remains relatively stable, although there are frequent days and nights of air alerts. However, markets, restaurants and cafes are open, and life continues as normal. There is a strict curfew, the hours depend on the region. YOUR PROFILE: You have a minimum of 5 years’ experience in project development and donor relationship management (including experience in consortium and local partnership development) You have experience of providing context, needs and donor analysis. You have experience working in one or more of HI’s programmatic areas: Health, Humanitarian Mine Action, Livelihoods, Inclusive governance and civil society, Inclusion mainstreaming. You have very strong skills in Financial and budgetary management, as well as in commercial negociation. You have strong analytical and writing skills and excellent communication and representation skills. CONDITIONS: At HI, the conditions offered are up to your commitment and adapted to the context of your mission.  https://hi.org/en/join-the-team 12 months international contract starting as soon as possible. The international contract provides social cover adapted to your situation: Unemployment insurance benefits for EU nationals Pension scheme Medical coverage with 50% of employee contribution Repatriation insurance paid by HI. Salary from 2757 € gross/month upon experience Perdiem: 559.65 € net/month - paid in the field. Hardship: 500 € net/month paid with your salary Paid leaves: 25 days per year. R&R: 5 days every 6 weeks => + possible transport/package support. Position: unaccompanied Payment for travel costs (air ticket & visa) and transport of your personal effects Housing : Collective / individual taken in charge by HI If you are resident in the country: local package
Sales planner
LoopMe, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
We are a part of LoopMe Purchase Loop team that provides support for client service and sales team, provides a detailed delivery plan for advertising campaign. Efficiency and high quality is a cornerstone of our customer satisfaction strategy. Based in Ukraine, our team helps to assure that campaigns will run smoothly for all our client’s portfolio across all markets. If you like data, feel excited when you spot patterns in it, and love using those insights to drive tangible impact in a fast-paced environment, let's talk! What You'll Do Take responsibility of creating advertising campaigns media plans, and recommend optimization strategies in terms of inventory availability, pricing and margin; Operate our world class automation tools to gain insights in a fast and efficient manner; Work closely with Sales, Client Services teams in Ukraine, London, New York to process internal presales requests for campaigns; Conduct ad-hoc analysis needed for decision making on all aspects of our Demand side of business (MS Excel, SQL, Tableau). We constantly support each other in brushing up our skills in this area; Curate audiences illustrating relevance/ unique value/ scaling opportunity, promoting LoopMe's own suite of audience creation tools; Co-create ad-hoc historical account/campaign performance review slides, supported by Client Services; Manage 3P services relationships once onboarded and handle campaign-level requests to ensure the correct application of their product and services; Participate in strategic campaign proposal regroups with Sales, Planning and Client Services, evangelizing (new) inventory/audiences, allowing these teams to seek incremental reach and revenue opportunities. What You'll Need Strong self-motivation to deliver results according to KPIs with no strict control over the process; You enjoy analytical challenges and love to prove your point using data. You have significant experience working with data in any tools - you enjoy learning new skills around new tools and techniques; Strong business acumen - you quickly grasp relevant KPIs and metrics, and constantly look for opportunities to improve performance; Customer centric mindset; Ideas, ideas, ideas! - You have a can-do attitude and make things happen in a fast-paced environment; Previous professional experience with a quantitative focus; Intermediate level of English, as you will be collaborating with English-speaking colleagues. Nice To Have A degree in the Finance, Economics, Statistics or other concentrations with quantitative focus; Advanced knowledge of basic Excel functions: VLOOKUP, pivot tables, SUMIF etc. About LoopMe: LoopMe was founded with the mission of closing the loop on brand advertising: We do the right thing; We innovate; We love what we do!
Millennium, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
Ми шукаємо новатора в трейд-маркетингу, який завдяки впровадженню нових маркетингових програм, спрямованих на кінцевого споживача, зможе збільшити обсяг продажу нашої продукції в торгових мережах Вимоги Вища освіта (переважно: маркетинг)Досвід роботи від 2-х років на посадах: трейд-маркетолог, менеджер з продажу та мерчендайзингу в каналі «мережі», категорійний менеджерУспішний досвід трейд-маркетингу або продажів в каналі «національні мережі»Володіння методами просування брендів в каналі «СУЧАСНА ТОРГІВЛЯ (МЕРЕЖІ)»Комунікабельність, лідерські якості, відповідальність, націленість на результат Обов'язки Аналіз конкурентного середовища (збір та обробка інформації з активностей, які проходять у конкурентів в торгових мережах)Аналіз кількісної та якісної представленості, частки на полицях у розрізах мереж. Порівняння з конкурентамиРозробка та впровадження стандартів представленості по мережахВпровадження системи контролю присутності товару на полицях, виконання договірних умов і планограммАналіз ефективності фірмового обладнання та додаткові місця, розробка та впровадження програм з використання потенціалу продажів у мережахАналіз часткою продажів в категорії, розробка та реалізація заходів щодо збільшення часток у категоріїРозробка, затвердження та реалізація комплексу трейд -маркетингу в рамках узгоджених маркетингових бюджетів по мережахРозробка та впровадження програми трейд-маркетингових активностей по мережах (цінові акції, промо і т.д.)Аналіз продажів по брендах і SKU, оптимізація портфеля товарів по мережах Умови роботи Офіційне працевлаштування, соц.пакетМожливість професійного та кар'єрного ростуГідний рівень оплати праціРобота в команді професіоналів
Content Coordinator
Bnberry, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
Bnberry is seeking a dynamic and innovative Content Coordinator and Campaign Management professional to join our marketing team. This role is pivotal in managing comprehensive research and coordination with partners to develop engaging and relevant content that resonates with our audience. The successful candidate will play a crucial role in overseeing marketing campaigns, curating digital content, managing online postings, and conducting copy editing to ensure our messaging is clear, effective, and aligned with our brand's voice. This position requires a deep understanding of marketing, advertising, social trends, and technology to drive Bnberry's vision of connecting hotels and resorts to short-term rental platforms. Lead the research and coordination efforts to identify and develop content that aligns with our target audience's interests and our company's objectives. Oversee the planning, execution, and monitoring of marketing campaigns across various digital platforms to ensure they meet the set goals. Curate engaging digital content, including articles, blog posts, social media updates, and videos, that enhances our brand's presence and engagement with our audience. Manage the scheduling and posting of online content across multiple channels, ensuring timely and consistent communication. Conduct thorough copy editing of all marketing materials to uphold quality and brand standards. Collaborate with cross-functional teams, including design, marketing, and external partners, to create cohesive and impactful campaigns. Analyze campaign performance and content engagement metrics to inform future strategies and optimize results. Stay abreast of the latest trends in marketing, advertising, social media, and technology to continuously innovate and improve our content strategy. Requirements Proven experience in content research, coordination, and campaign management, preferably in the technology or hospitality sector. Strong knowledge of marketing principles, advertising strategies, social media trends, and technological advancements. Excellent written and verbal communication skills, with a keen eye for detail and the ability to produce clear, compelling copy. Proficiency in digital marketing tools and platforms, content management systems, and analytics software. Ability to work collaboratively in a fast-paced, dynamic environment. Creative thinker with strong analytical skills and the ability to translate insights into actionable strategies. Benefits Competitive salary and performance-based bonuses. Professional development opportunities. A collaborative and inclusive work environment where creativity and innovation are encouraged. Access to the latest tools and technologies in marketing and advertising.
Senior Product Designer
Wix, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
Job Description Utilize the full design cycle, from research to crafting pixel-perfect UI for all scenarios and states, deliverable to development Design products across multiple platforms, including custom tablet, web, and mobile, ensuring seamless integration between hardware and software  Conduct product research based on data, competitor analysis, support tickets and more Map all possible scenarios and create product flows Analyze data and conduct usability sessions with real users, once a product is launched Collaborate with product managers, UX designers, illustrators, UX writers and software developers to define, design and deliver thoughtful solutions and products Maintain and expand your own design system, while also utilizing others Qualifications An experienced Product Designer with 3+ years of UX design experience Proficient in a range of design tools, but especially Figma Strategic thinker with a strong grasp of the product life cycle, from research to prototyping, design, and usability testing Great communicator with good organizational, and analytical skills and a passion for learning new things Familiar with collaborating and ideating with individuals of varying skill levels Comfortable working with different hardware types (like payment terminals, receipt printers, POS registers, etc.) which are part of the Point of Sale industry.  Additional Information Wix POS was developed as part of the Wix multichannel solutions. Using Wix's ecosystem, payment providers, and partner hardware integrations, we help our users run businesses and manage in-person and online sales, inventory, bookings, and more – all with one solution.
Publisher Account Manager/Internship
LoopMe, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
The Role: We are seeking a talented Publisher Account Manager to join our team. The Publisher Account Manager will be playing a pivotal role in establishing connections with our new partners by providing them with technical integration support, as well as keeping an eye on setups with live partners. Your role will be to ensure that our partners are satisfied with our services and that we are meeting their needs from the technical side. This includes ensuring timely payments, providing ongoing support, and working with internal teams to resolve issues as they arise. The ideal candidate should have excellent communication and negotiation skills, as well as a passion for the digital advertising industry and learning new things. Key Responsibilities: Serve as an integration support specialist for publishers, providing them with recommendations on setup & help to resolve their problems. Proactively identify and address any issues or concerns that publishers may have. Work closely with Client Service, Finance, and AM teams to ensure that the partnership is profitable and efficient for both sides. Continuously monitor and analyze publisher performance to identify opportunities for optimization. Ensure invoicing is happening on time and provide with custom reports per requests Requirements: Upper-Intermediate/Advanced English level Bachelor's degree in business, marketing, or a related field Excellent communication and negotiation skills Strong analytical and problem-solving skills Ability to work collaboratively with cross-functional teams Bonus Qualifications: Familiarity with digital advertising platforms, including programmatic advertising and ad networks Experience with ad serving and programmatic advertising would be a plus If you meet the above requirements and are passionate about the digital publishing industry, we encourage you to apply for this exciting opportunity to join our team as a Publisher Account Manager. Benefits: Competitive compensation package International work environment Flexible working schedule and the possibility to work remotely Annual performance bonus English classes Maternity/Paternity leave
Talent Acquisition Specialist (Contractor)- Dnipro
Bunge, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
Location : Dnipro City : Dnipro State : Dnipropetrovs'ka Oblast' (UA-12) Country : Ukraine (UA) Requisition Number : 34971 Are you ready for a new step in your career or an interesting project, and willing to make a difference in a global vital business? Join our extended team and help build an organization that is working on the latest trends in Agri and Food Solutions - you probably have heard about some of our local brands of oil, Floriol, Unisol, Vénusz and Oleina? We are at an exciting time in Bunge! We’re expanding our activities as a team and as an organization, therefor we are looking for new members in our EMEA Talent Acquisition Center of Expertise (CoE) across 3 countries: Hungary, Romania and Ukraine. In those roles you will start on a contract through one of our recruitment partners. Your primary role will be to attract and recruit all level colleagues in our plants and offices throughout the country. Being part of our international team across EMEA you might handle other roles across the region. So, if you a passionate, bold, and driven Talent Acquisition professional or Recruiter, read the vacancy below and learn more about it! What you will be doing as a Talent Acquisition Specialist: Full cycle recruitment processes of the assigned roles: From actively sourcing and approaching passive candidates on social media/job boards and other platforms; creating job advertisements/Social media outings; building talent pools; phone screenings and arranging interviews for candidates to making offers, while ensuring an outstanding Candidate Experience.Partner with business leaders, hiring managers, HR Business Partners and their teams and Centers of Expertise’s (CoE’s) across Bunge to understand hiring needs, work environments and job profiles, to identify effective sourcing strategies with the objective of attracting and selecting the right people for Bunge. Implementation of Employer Branding initiatives in your region. University hiring, building partnerships with key universities and develop activities. Play an active role in driving DEI, building networks, relations and in- and external partnerships. Third party management; vendors, agencies, technology/tools partners. What do we expect from our future colleague? A Bachelor or Master level education or working and thinking level. Experience as an inhouse or agency recruiter, ideally for Industrial sector (production). Proficiency in English and one of the following: Ukrainian, Hungarian and/or Romanian. Hands-on experience with full-cycle volume recruiting using various interview techniques and evaluation methods. Knowledge of social media, resume databases, and professional networks LinkedIn recruiter) and ATS experience (preferably SuccessFactors) Comfortable building positive relationships with all levels in the organization with a service minded but advising approach, proactive and hands-on, result driven and thinking in opportunities. What can you expect: You’ll be starting as an external consultant to support the transformation of the Talent Acquisition Team, with the potential to convert to a permanent employee in the future. A competitive salary and good benefits aligned to the package in the country. The right tools for the job, including a laptop and mobile phone. Hybrid work (up to 2 days from home). Work with an international and expertized team in a leading company in our industry, with a strong focus on Sustainability, Diversity and Community impact. We Are Bunge Bunge is a global agribusiness with one mission – we connect farmers to consumers to deliver crucial food, feed and fuel to the world. We have unmatched global scale and deeply rooted relationships which allow us to bring innovative ingredients and knowledge to some of the world’s biggest brands – many of which are likely in your home right now. We know that to achieve our mission and deliver the best results to our customers, each other and the world we need to work together – so we hire dedicated people who are passionate, bold and driven to work as One Bunge. This dedication is deeply embedded in our culture and reflected in the way we work. Every day our people exemplify these values, which represent Bunge at its core: Act as One Team by fostering inclusion, teamwork, and respect Drive for Excellence by being agile, innovative, and efficient Do What’s Right by acting safely, ethically, and sustainably If this sounds like you, join us! We value and invest in people who believe in our purpose and are excited to live it every day – people who are #ProudtoBeBunge Bunge is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, transgender status, national origin, citizenship, age, disability or military or veteran status, or any other legally protected status #LI-AA1
Las Vegas Aviators Mascot/Handler
The Howard Hughes Corporation, Aviators'ke, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
The Las Vegas Aviators have the proud distinction of being the longest enduring franchise in the history of professional sports in the state of Nevada. The Aviators are the triple-A affiliate of the Oakland Athletics. The Aviators home games are played at the Las Vegas Ballpark in the master planned community, Summerlin, Nevada, a community in Las Vegas.ABOUT THE ROLE:The Las Vegas Aviators Mascot/Handler Crew represents the Las Vegas Aviators during games and year-round at community events. A Mascot Crew member may either be the Mascot or the handler, team members should be ready and able to perform in either capacity. This work consists of facilitating guest experiences and, assisting the mascot while walking to navigate surroundings and attending to other logistical needs of the mascot. This work requires frequent physical body movement, standing for extended periods of time, walking for extended periods of time, and the ability to manage hot and humid environments. Contacts require skills in positive interactions with children and adults, the ability to remain energetic and engage and entertain audiences. The physical demands are high because most work is performed at outdoor events throughout the year, with occasional events in a climate-controlled environment.WHAT YOU WILL DO:Mascot:Represent the Las Vegas Aviators in a professional, enthusiastic and positive manner at all Las Vegas Aviators home games and community events.Participate and assist with in-game promotions including sponsor elements, giveaways, on-field promotions, halftime games, etc.Create a memorable experience for all fans and community members in attendance at home games and community events.Assist in creating skits, videos, and other creative content related to the Las Vegas Aviators mascot and the Las Vegas Aviators.Preserve the identity of the mascot without deviating from established character including: body language/mannerisms, attitude, fan interaction, and team representation.Maintain and care for all mascot costumes as well as props and equipment.Work cooperatively with all departments for various community and media appearances.Promote current marketing, sales, and promotional initiatives of the Club.Drive the Aviators’ brand, events and marketing concepts through the use of social media.Serve as liaison to provide the Las Vegas Aviators with feedback from members of the community at Aviators games and public events.Mascot Handler:Must be focused and responsible for guiding the mascot in a variety of physical conditions to ensure the safety of the mascot, and those around the mascot.Be able to think quickly and look for opportunities to guide performers to best engage people and create a fun environment.Assisting performer with costume, navigation, hydration, and any other duties that will be difficult for the performer while in costume.Inventory the costume before and after the performance to make sure all of the costume parts are accounted for.Keep the performer on schedule, and monitor breaks for the performer.ABOUT YOU:Minimum height requirement is 5'9".Minimum age to be in the Mascot costume is 18 years old.Minimum age to drive the Mascot van to appearances/events is 21 years old. A valid drivers license and clear driving record is also required to drive any Company vehicle.High energy and enthusiasm.Ability to work in a team environment.Preserve identity of the mascot.Able to work days, nights, weekends and holidays.This job description is not meant to be an “all-inclusive” list of the duties and responsibilities of this job. Other related duties and responsibilities may be assigned. The Las Vegas Aviators reserve the right to change or modify job duties as necessary based on business necessity.
Lead Product Designer
HealthJoy, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
We’re HealthJoy - where design, critical thinking and rapid learning merge to create something new. We are a rapidly growing healthcare technology company focused on our mission is to make healthcare more accessible and affordable through smarter decisions.We’re looking for a creative, collaborative designer with a passion for modern design techniques and an eye for detail to help us build our brand and create something beautiful.You’ll receive creative freedom and the opportunity to grow your career with one of Chicago’s fastest-growing tech companies.What we need: web design, infographics, app UI, emails, print, landing pages, and whatever else comes up. ResponsibilitiesImprove and iterate our design processBe able to understand complex concepts and turn them into something useful and valuableAbility to create experiences and flows that are simple, yet elegantParticipate in high-level strategic decisions with executive team to understand how product design will fit with our usersEvery day raise the bar of quality on every productWork with with Product Managers, developers, and executives to follow the user experience of a product from beginning until launch (and then some)Build, manage, mentor and inspire a high performance Design team.RequirementsPassion for HealthJoy's mission.3+ years of relevant experience in a design leadership role.Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English and the ability to articulate your designs to the team - both locally and overseasFamiliar with front-end programming with HTML and javascript (You should have created a website or application in the past)Be able to think about how it will be used and built, rather than just how it should lookPast product experienceAll serious inquiries should offer a link to their portfolioAdditional Information / PerksDress code: Must wear pantsTattoos & piercings welcomeConvenient downtown locationOffice happy hoursFully stocked kitchen with food and coffeePing pong, table soccer, and a fully equipped gym
Керівник відділу продажу
Berlin Market, Дніпро
Опис вакансіїНаша компанія «Berlin Market» запрошує на постійну роботу «Керівника відділу продажу».Ми — мережа магазинів спрямованих на надання доступної та якісної побутової техніки, та велосипедів з Німеччини«Berlin Market» — це:- 9500 + задоволених клієнтів;- 2 офлайн магазини + онлайн відділ з шістьма напрямками;- Власний сервіс центр;- Рівень довіри клієнта 9.3 із 10;Сайт: Berlin-market.comОбов’язки:- Розробка та реалізація стратегії розвитку онлайн напрямку- Управління та координація діяльності онлайн відділу продаж з метою досягнення поставлених цілей і показників- Аналіз ринку та конкурентів, виявлення трендів і можливостей для збільшення ефективності продаж в онлайн сегменті- Управління командою менеджерів як в онлайн, так і в офлайн магазинах, забезпечення їх ефективної роботи та професійного розвитку- Взаємодія з іншими відділами компанії для забезпечення інтеграції і спільної роботи всіх напрямків- Організація навчання та тренінгів для персоналу відділу продаж з метою підвищення кваліфікації та результативності роботиВимоги:- Досвід роботи в управлінні онлайн відділом продаж- Знання специфіки онлайн маркетингу- Досвід управління командою менеджерів як в онлайн, так і в офлайн сегментах- Аналітичні навички та вміння проводити комплексний аналіз ринку та конкурентів- Відмінні комунікативні та організаційні здібності- Стратегічне мислення та здатність розробляти та впроваджувати інноваційні рішення- Бажання розвиватися та зростати разом з компанієюПереваги:- Конкурентна заробітна плата та бонусна система- Зручний графік роботи (5/2 9:00—18:00)- Можливості для професійного та кар'єрного росту- Ми цінуємо співробітників які орієнтуються на результат- Дружний та професійний колектив- Якщо вас зацікавила ця посада, надішліть своє резюме, і ми з вами зв’яжемося! тел.0634738617 Максим
Compliance Manager - UKRAINE
Handicap International, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
Handicap International/Humanity & Inclusion (HI) is an independent and impartial international solidarity organization, which intervenes in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflicts and disasters. Working alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, it acts and speaks out to meet their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights. More info:  www.hi.org At Handicap International-Humanity & Inclusion, we truly believe in the importance of inclusion and diversity within our organisation. This is why we are engaged to a disability policy to encourage the inclusion and integration of people with disabilities. Please indicate if you require any special accommodation, even at the first interview. JOB CONTEXT: Since the beginning of the war, HI has set up a two-country program  covering Ukraine and Moldova.  Aligning itself with the priorities of the Ukraine Flash Appeal and Regional Refugee Response Plan,  HI pillars of interventions  are : Health : HI aims to improve access to quality  physical rehabilitation and mental health and psychosocial services  (MHPSS) for conflict-affected vulnerable population. Protection:  Given the scale of humanitarian and protection needs, HI intervenes at various levels to ensure that vulnerable conflict-affected populations have access to multi-sectoral services tailored to their needs. In addition, HI aims to foster a  disability-inclusive humanitarian  response. Armed Violence Reduction:  Recent and ongoing attacks dangerously exacerbated Explosive Ordnance (EO) contamination in Ukraine. In light of this, HI is conducting a multi-pronged approach to EO Risk Education and Conflict Preparedness and Protection (CPP), adaptable to the evolution of the conflict. Basic needs : to respond to the most acute needs for displaced households hosted by the local population or living in collective settings, HI is providing hygiene and non-food item kits, with an approach various modalities of intervention including in-kind and/or cash-based transfers. Humanitarian-to-humanitarian logistics (ATLAS Logistique):  To facilitate the delivery of humanitarian assistance as close as possible to the most affected populations, HI proposes mutualized storage and transportation services to other humanitarian actors – with a specific focus on “last-mile transportation”. HI has 2 hubs, one in the East (based in Dnipro) and one in the West (based in Chernivtsi) and the coordination is in Kyiv. We have activities in other cities like Lviv, Vinnyitsia, Kharkiv, Poltava). YOUR MISSION: Reporting to HI Ukraine Country Director and in collaboration with operational and support departments of the program as well as legal adviser firm with the support of the Emergency Division and the Risk & Audit Division, the Compliance Manager will support the Senior Management team and the Country Director in decision-making and risk-management related to compliance with: (1) national regulations and practices and contractual commitments ; (2) HI internal standards (3) anti-fraud corruption HI standards. S/he is a  central player in accountability, helping with the transformation by leading all the parties involved in the audits:  Finance, Logistics, Human Resources, the project team, partners and the external audit officer. Management : He/She will manages a Compliance national Officer – required resources to be fine-tuned. Responsibility 1: Contriburing to HI Ukraine program Compliance with National Regulations and Practices Manage and monitor the legal advisor firm service contract and stands with the DP as communication focal point with the legal advisor firm. Develop and regularly update a legal framework requirement mapping and analysis in terms of risks and internal implications with the support of the lawyer, as well as an agreement/accreditation, and related requirement mapping. Develop and regularly update Legal Compliance Decision tracking tool, as well as SoP and ARCI for the implementation of legal requirements. In consultation with legal support from the lawyer’s firm, ensure that the organization is compliant with a legal requirement, efficient and ethical. Ensure that agreements are valid and assist managers in drawing them up (for the administrative and legal aspects) Responsibility 2: Strengthening HI Ukraine Relations with Government stakeholders Work with CD, Program, Support, and Technical teams to build positive and constructive relationships with key partners from the government and any other parties as required. When needed and in close coordination with SMR, proactively meet with relevant government bodies representatives to obtain documents or resolves issues related to program implementation Upon delegation by Country Director, represent and promote the organizational strategic vision in coordination meetings with government authorities, donors, partners, and other stakeholders. Ensure HI vision, values, and mandate are promoted among partners, government authorities, and other stakeholders. Support and advise CD on development of administrative and programmatic contacts Co-Lead assessment and due diligence process for implementing partners Responsibility 3: Ensuring the promotion of and compliance with the requirements contained in HI's policies, guidelines, processes and contracts of HI Ukraine Carry out checks and controls in the field, with HI staff in charge of projects and support services, and even audits of partner associations in operations. In addition, s/he pays particular attention to the practices and procedures of third party organizations: administrations or suppliers Monitor archiving throughout the program is compliant with the HI Archiving procedure. Liaise with HI HQ contact points as necessary to facilitate HI Ukraine operations NB: managers are responsible for setting up effective internal control systems and implementing procedures on a daily basis. Responsibility 4: Internal focal point for the prevention and management of fraud cases Ensure detection of malfunctions, irregularities and fraud and the proper use of internal reporting mechanisms. On assignment from the Programme Directorate, he/she may be responsible for conducting or participating in internal administrative investigations supervised by the Programme Directorate or by HI Headquarters. Ensure that the obligations in terms of communication, information and reporting, including incident notifications to donors are properly met. Cooperates with the MEAL officers or the Safeguarding focal point Responsibility 5: Management Understand the strategy, make it explicit, translate it into operational objectives for his or her team, and lead the necessary changes. Give meaning to each management action. Organise the operational management of his or her team, structure the work around identified processes, steer performance and facilitate the resolution of problems. Contribute to the development of his or her staff, creating the conditions for their commitment, professionalism and attachment to HI. YOUR PROFILE: You have a master’s degree in Public administration, Law or Governance, or university degree auditing/finance/logistics or Certified Internal Auditor You have at least 2 years of experience working in compliance and risk management, risk analysis, compliance investigation, audit. You have 2 years’ experience as Compliance Manager / Deputy Country Director/Head of Administration/ Operations in any reputed organization with demonstrated ability to manage complex operations. You have sound strategic thinking and planning skills, including the ability to think creatively and be innovative, set priorities, manage work plans and evaluate progress. You have proven ability to manage a team, with good communication and interpersonal skills and an ability to motivate staff and build technical capacity. You have strong analytical and problem-solving skills, creativity, resourcefulness and flexibility. You have excellent verbal and written communication skills in English. CONDITIONS: The security situation in Ukraine remains relatively stable, although there are frequent days and nights of air alerts. However, markets, restaurants and cafes are open, and life continues as normal. There is a strict curfew, the hours depend on the region. At HI, the conditions offered are up to your commitment and adapted to the context of your mission.  https://hi.org/en/join-the-team 6 months International contract starting as soon as possible The international contract provides social cover adapted to your situation: Unemployment insurance benefits for EU nationals Pension scheme Medical coverage with 50% of employee contribution Repatriation insurance paid by HI Salary from 2869 € gross/month upon experience Perdiem: 557,13 € net/month - paid in the field Hardship: 500 € net/month paid with your salary Paid leaves: 25 days per year; R&R: 5 days every 6 weeks and possible transport/package support. Position:  unaccompanied Housing : Collective taken in charge by HI If you are resident in the country: local package How to apply Only online by joining a CV and cover letter via the following link: https://apply.workable.com/j/03E031BCC1 Applications will be processed on an ongoing basis, don’t wait for applying! Only successful candidates will be contacted.