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Sales planner
LoopMe, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
We are a part of LoopMe Purchase Loop team that provides support for client service and sales team, provides a detailed delivery plan for advertising campaign. Efficiency and high quality is a cornerstone of our customer satisfaction strategy. Based in Ukraine, our team helps to assure that campaigns will run smoothly for all our client’s portfolio across all markets. If you like data, feel excited when you spot patterns in it, and love using those insights to drive tangible impact in a fast-paced environment, let's talk! What You'll Do Take responsibility of creating advertising campaigns media plans, and recommend optimization strategies in terms of inventory availability, pricing and margin; Operate our world class automation tools to gain insights in a fast and efficient manner; Work closely with Sales, Client Services teams in Ukraine, London, New York to process internal presales requests for campaigns; Conduct ad-hoc analysis needed for decision making on all aspects of our Demand side of business (MS Excel, SQL, Tableau). We constantly support each other in brushing up our skills in this area; Curate audiences illustrating relevance/ unique value/ scaling opportunity, promoting LoopMe's own suite of audience creation tools; Co-create ad-hoc historical account/campaign performance review slides, supported by Client Services; Manage 3P services relationships once onboarded and handle campaign-level requests to ensure the correct application of their product and services; Participate in strategic campaign proposal regroups with Sales, Planning and Client Services, evangelizing (new) inventory/audiences, allowing these teams to seek incremental reach and revenue opportunities. What You'll Need Strong self-motivation to deliver results according to KPIs with no strict control over the process; You enjoy analytical challenges and love to prove your point using data. You have significant experience working with data in any tools - you enjoy learning new skills around new tools and techniques; Strong business acumen - you quickly grasp relevant KPIs and metrics, and constantly look for opportunities to improve performance; Customer centric mindset; Ideas, ideas, ideas! - You have a can-do attitude and make things happen in a fast-paced environment; Previous professional experience with a quantitative focus; Intermediate level of English, as you will be collaborating with English-speaking colleagues. Nice To Have A degree in the Finance, Economics, Statistics or other concentrations with quantitative focus; Advanced knowledge of basic Excel functions: VLOOKUP, pivot tables, SUMIF etc. About LoopMe: LoopMe was founded with the mission of closing the loop on brand advertising: We do the right thing; We innovate; We love what we do!
Трейд-маркетинг менеджер
Виробнича Компанія Простір, ТОВ, Дніпро
Виробнича Компанія «Простір» запрошує трейд — маркетолога!Приймаємо на роботу спеціалістів з інвалідністюЯкі в тебе будуть завдання:- Робити моніторинг галузі та конкурентного середовища;- Участь в розробці плану трейд активностей на рік / квартал / місяць;- Розробка та запуск нових маркетингових активностей;- Коригування та управління стратегічними і тактичними активностями, спрямованими на збільшення збуту;- Планування акцій, коригування поточних акцій і оцінка їх економічного ефекту;- Супровід трейд активностей на кожному етапі;- Формування рекомендацій щодо впровадження в асортимент нових позицій;- Вивчення ринку, конкурентів та потреб споживачів;Що треба мати для роботи:- Володіти основними інструментами трейд-маркетингових активностей;- Вміння продуктивно організовувати свою роботу і працювати в команді;- Презентувати і чітко доносити свою думку;- Аналітичний склад розуму;- Ми пропонуємо:- цікаву роботу в стабільній компанії, що розвивається,- гідна оплата праці;- офіційне працевлаштування, оплачувана відпустка і лікарняні; Це все про вас — то будемо раді бачити частиною нашої команди!Транспорт до нас: 19 трамвай (пл.Старомостова — Лівобережний 3) та маршрутка № 9 (пл.Старомостова — Парус)Якщо є питання — телефонуйте!+380673966189 (Viber, Telegramm) — Алеся
Бренд-менеджер, категорійний
Полімерсервіс, Дніпро
Ми торгово-виробнича компанія, займаємося міжкімнатними дверима та фурнітурою, а також аксесуарами для ванної кімнати. Зараз у нас відкрито вакансіюбренд-менеджера, продакта, категорійногоТериторіально: вулиця Короленко, 46Вимоги:- вища освіта маркетинг/економіка;- успішний досвід роботи на посаді бренд-менеджера, продакта, категорійного менеджера;- знання методів проведення маркетингових досліджень, аналізу ринку, просування продукту;- впевнений користувач Microsoft OfficeОбов' язки:- управління продуктовим портфелем та його позиціонуванням;- аналіз ринкових трендів та конкурентів, формування пропозицій по новим товарам, сервісам, упаковці та дизайну продукції бренду;- ринкове ціноутворення та ціноутворення по каналам збуту;- підготовка маркетингових інструментів для комерційного відділу;- планування та організація маркетингових акції та івентів, направлених на стимулювання продажів та підвищення лояльностУмови:- висока заробітна плата;- дружній колекти;- перспективи розвитку;- графік роботи з понеділка по п' ятницю (09.00−18.00)Дзвоніть, пишіть, надсилайте резюме у вайбер або телеграм за номером 0962075416
Giulia, Дніпро
GIULIA ЦЕ:Fashion Brand № 1 з продажу колгот для сучасних, яскравих та впевнених у собі жінок, що разом з GIULIA виглядають ще більш вишуканоБренд, що пропонує великий асортимент колгот, білизни та домашнього текстилюПОНАД 78 магазинів в Україні на сьогодніВласне масштабне виробництво з 2000 року, що активно працює на експорт, з торговими мережами Європи, США та Південної АмерикиВакансія відкрита в зв’язку з ребрендінгом інтернет-магазину та зміни його формату роботиОсновне завдання — Розвиток інтернет-магазинів з ціллю забезпечення росту трафіку та впізнаності серед ЦАОбов’язки:Розробка стратегії збільшення продажу в інтернет-магазиніПланування, проведення та оцінка ефективності рекламних компаній (крос-маркетинг в тому числі, пошук партнерів для спільних акцій)Моніторинг відвідуваності сайту, розробка пропозицій для збільшення трафіку, конверсії та інших показників роботи інтернет-магазинуE-mail маркетинг, робота з SRMРозробка пропозицій для покращення юзабілізації сайту та його функціоналуВідстеження дій конкурентів в мережі Інтернет і розробка маркетингових рішень для підвищення конкурентоспроможності інтернет-магазинуРобота з дизайнером: розробка рекламних та іміджевих банерів для інтернет-магазину, соц.сетей та інших рекламних носіїв, які спрямовані на рекламу інтернет-магазинуУправління SMM менеджером, дизайнером, контент-менеджеромВимоги:Досвід роботи в он-лайн продажах та розвитку он-лайн напрямку від 3 роківЗнання Гугл аналітика, експерт в Excel (зведені таблиці і тд.), Power Point, PhotoshopІніціативність, аналітичний склад розумувміння брати на себе відповідальність, уважність до деталейЯкщо Ти відчуваєш у собі потенціал рухатись до визначених цілей Компанії, — долучайся до GIULIA team вже зараз!
Freigh Broker USA Market
A&A Logistics USA, Дніпро
PLEASE DO NOT APPLY IF YOU DO NOT HAVE EXPERIENCE AND BOOK OF BUSINESS!We are asset based  3PL USA logistics company which is a rapidly growing. We are looking to expand with experienced candidates that can be a part of a team atmosphere. This is not an entry level position and requires knowledge of the industry as well as a customer base to make an immediate impact. All other questions will be answered in the interview process.Responsibilities:Negotiate freight rates with customers and carriersHandle day to day customer service responsibilitiesEstablish customer business and oversee account management processes.Upsell and retain customersBuild relationships with owner-operators to further service business as needed.Negotiate rates.Source carriers.Generate sales leads.Track load status.REQUIREMENTSFreight Broker Experience 1 year  is a must.Book of customers.Excellent negotiation and communication skills.Computer Skills.Understanding of DAT, other load boards, or additional pricing technologiesBasic understanding of how lanes fluctuate based upon seasonality and external events We offer:Remote work environmentPercentage-based salary.We provide you with all the needed software for work.PLEASE DO NOT APPLY IF YOU DO NOT HAVE EXPERIENCE AND BOOK OF BUSINESS!Please email or text telegram Показати контакти +380960081934 /+ Показати контакти 380954922487
Middle SEO-спеціаліст (EN)
Needmylink, Дніпро
NeedmyLink — SEO-агенція, націлена на зростання. Щодня ми допомагаємо сотням клієнтів в Україні та по всьому світу просувати свої сайти за допомогою SEO та лінкбілдингу. Якщо для вас одним з головних факторів при виборі роботи є розвиток, то будьте впевнені, що ми знаємо, як це робити, адже ми зростаємо на 50−100% щорічно.Нам потрібен Middle SEO спеціаліст для просування наших власних і клієнтських проектів (на віддалену роботу)Вимоги:2+ роки досвіду роботи в якості SEO спеціаліста;Досвід ефективного управління кількома веб-сайтами;Високий рівень розуміння On-Page та Off-Page оптимізації сайту;Розуміння White Hat та Black Hat методів SEO просування;Успішні SEO-кейси просування клієнтських проектів;Професійне володіння SEO інструментами та вміння працювати з великими обсягами інформації;Буде плюсом:Досвід роботи з betting та gambling продуктами;Сильні навички роботи в команді та комунікації;Робота в SEO-агентстві;Обов’язки:Проведення технічного SEO-аудиту сайту, надання технічних рекомендацій та інструкцій для розробника сайту;Аналіз конкурентів та дослідження ринку;Управління сайтом (повний цикл SEO робіт — стратегія, бюджет, семантика, контент, внутрішня оптимізація, перелінковка, план побудови посилань);Пошук нових шляхів залучення трафіку, пропозиції щодо покращення конверсії існуючого;Наші переваги для вас:гібридний формат, робота віддалено та частково відвідування офісу в Києві/Дніпрі. Офіс забезпечений безперебійним інтернетом та світлом. У разі частих та тривалих вимкнень світла відвідування офісу обов'язкове.молодий та дружній колектив, регулярні тімбілдингигнучкий графік роботи, без прив’язки до часу, без тайм-трекерівлояльне керівництво у всіх питанняхдодаткові бонуси, премії, KPIможливість стати частиною ТОП-менеджменту компаніїЗацікавила вакансія? — Пиши в телеграм: @marsourceNeedmyLink — це компанія, що швидко розвивається, яка надає послуги з побудови посилань та SEO-просування веб-сайтів в Америці та Європі.Звучить цікаво? А тепер ідіть погугліть, що це таке)Ми ставимо перед собою високі цілі, головна з яких — постійний розвиток, розширення штату і якнайшвидше стати лідером галузі. Тому хороші співробітники завжди отримають професійний та кар'єрний ріст!У нас повністю віддалений формат, що дозволяє працювати будь-де. Вільний графік, що дозволяє працювати тоді, коли зручно. Молода і дружна команда завжди на зв’язку і готова допомогти один одному в будь-якому питанні.Сайт компанії:needmylink.com/
Area Manager East Ukraine Dnipro
Norwegian Refugee Council, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
Duty station: Dnipro, Ukraine. Background/Context All NRC employees are expected to work in accordance with the organisation’s core values: dedication, innovation, inclusivity and accountability. These attitudes and believes shall guide our actions and relationships. NRC in Ukraine is delivering 5 programmes and digital cash assistance through four areas offices (Lviv, Kyiv, Dnipro, Odesa), five field offices (Ternopil, Chernihiv, Kharkiv, Mykolaiv, Shotska) and country office in Kyiv. Area Office East (AOE) is established in April 2022 as part of NRC’s scale up of programme operations. AOE, is one of four area offices, located in Dnipro with field office in Kharkiv, and small ICLA office in Zaporozhia city. AOE is geographically covering regions of Dnipro, Zaporozhia, Poltava, Donetsk, Luhansk, Kharkiv, Krivohrad. AOE has in total 95 staff delivering Shelter, Information counselling and legal assistance (ICLA), Protection, Education, Livelihoods and food security programmes. Generic Responsibilities The following is a brief description of the role: Line management for senior project staff and support functions (and Field Office Coordinators) in the area Member of the Country Management Group (CMG) Compliance with and adherence to NRC policies, guidance and procedures Provide area specific input on CC strategies, Country Strategy and Plan of Action Organize grants opening and closure meetings at area level Implementation of projects (including master support budget and coordinating input for donor proposals and reports) in the area, in compliance with contractual commitments (. quality, synergies, timeliness, use of resources) and aligned to regional and global strategies Assess needs, develop emergency response and implement response plans for in kind assistance and cash-based interventions and market based programmes Specific Responsibilities Implement strategy and recommendations to adjust AON to the context and needs Implement NRC Ukraine localization approach Maintain readiness of AON for emergency response Recruit staff and set-up administrative and other processes in the area office to ensure efficient and cost-effective operations Ensure the establishment of good relationship with key international and national stakeholders in the area, including local and regional authorities Roll out needs assessments in the area Make sure to implement CO SOPs and where needed establish specific area SOPs. Professional Competencies Minimum 3 years of experience from working on Area management or general managerial positions in a humanitarian/recovery context Previous experience from working in complex and volatile contexts Documented results related to the position’s responsibilities Experience in implementing in-kind assistance and managing cash-based interventions and market based programmes Knowledge about own leadership skills/profile Fluency in English, both written and verbal Basic knowledge of the context in Ukraine Experience with start-up What We Offer Duration and Type of contract: 24 months employment contract with possibility of extension. Salary/benefits: According to NRC salary scale, terms and conditions. Duty station: Dnipro, Ukraine. Important information about the application process: Internal candidates only: please click on the suitcase icon labelled “I am an employee” to be redirected to NRC’s internal careers site. When creating your profile, include your full name as given on your passport. Complete all the system-required fields for experience, employment history and education. Submit your application and CV in English, taking care to attach your latest CV. Applications that do not meet the minimum standards in terms of experience or qualifications will generally not be considered. Unsolicited applications not related to this specific job advertisement will not be considered. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. We receive many applicants for each vacant position. Why NRC?The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) is an independent humanitarian organization helping people forced to flee. Our 15,000 staff work in crises across 40 countries, providing life-saving and long-term assistance to millions of people every year. to see NRC in action. NRC has been present in Ukraine since 2014. Since the escalation of the war in 2022, we have been continuously scaling up our response across the country and working with national partners. Eight years of conflict in the east of Ukraine escalated into a full-scale war on 24 February 2022, causing death, destruction and displacement for millions of people across the country. 17.6 million people were estimated to be in need of humanitarian assistance in 2023, including 6.3 million internally displaced people and 11.3 million people who returned or remained home. Almost 16 million people received humanitarian assistance in 2022. Throughout the winter months, the Russian Federation attacked critical energy infrastructure, leaving thousands with no heating, water or gas. Many residential buildings were also damaged and destroyed, killing and injuring civilians and forcing millions more to leave their homes. While indiscriminate attacks continued in different regions of Ukraine, the south was struck by the Kakhovka Dam breach on 6 June 2023, causing flooding and the displacement of thousands of people in the area, and leaving many regions without access to clean drinking water. Those who decided to remain are struggling to access food, water, health care, education and other essential services. The most vulnerable people are still in need of safe housing, protection services and livelihoods support among other needs. Displaced people in rural areas are also struggling to access services. Many of those in need of assistance live in the areas beyond the control of Ukrainian government, where the response is limited due to access constraints. and . Internal candidates are encouraged to apply, and we are also open to external applicants who can show a commitment to NRC and being part of a challenging, but important mission to make a difference. NRC might review applications before the advertised deadline, therefore interested candidates are encouraged to apply early.
Publisher Account Manager/Internship
LoopMe, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
The Role: We are seeking a talented Publisher Account Manager to join our team. The Publisher Account Manager will be playing a pivotal role in establishing connections with our new partners by providing them with technical integration support, as well as keeping an eye on setups with live partners. Your role will be to ensure that our partners are satisfied with our services and that we are meeting their needs from the technical side. This includes ensuring timely payments, providing ongoing support, and working with internal teams to resolve issues as they arise. The ideal candidate should have excellent communication and negotiation skills, as well as a passion for the digital advertising industry and learning new things. Key Responsibilities: Serve as an integration support specialist for publishers, providing them with recommendations on setup & help to resolve their problems. Proactively identify and address any issues or concerns that publishers may have. Work closely with Client Service, Finance, and AM teams to ensure that the partnership is profitable and efficient for both sides. Continuously monitor and analyze publisher performance to identify opportunities for optimization. Ensure invoicing is happening on time and provide with custom reports per requests Requirements: Upper-Intermediate/Advanced English level Bachelor's degree in business, marketing, or a related field Excellent communication and negotiation skills Strong analytical and problem-solving skills Ability to work collaboratively with cross-functional teams Bonus Qualifications: Familiarity with digital advertising platforms, including programmatic advertising and ad networks Experience with ad serving and programmatic advertising would be a plus If you meet the above requirements and are passionate about the digital publishing industry, we encourage you to apply for this exciting opportunity to join our team as a Publisher Account Manager. Benefits: Competitive compensation package International work environment Flexible working schedule and the possibility to work remotely Annual performance bonus English classes Maternity/Paternity leave
App Operations Manager (remote - m/f/d)
Arise, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
Seek a new challenge in an autonomous position with the power to achieve quick results. Arise is a popular weight loss app that's active worldwide, with 6M+ downloads and a 4.7 average rating on the App Store. Join our team and be a part of our mission: changing lives by empowering our users to become healthier and happier. We are searching for a candidate who can help Arise reach its full potential and become a leader in the Health & Fitness category. Read on if autonomous work in a young, international team is your calling and you love working remotely on a flexible schedule!  Tasks Working closely with the CEO and taking responsibility for all company operations Continuous improvement upon existing operations & processes Organizing day-to-day business and ensuring a smooth workflow Supporting various projects, e.g. in the development of new features or in the area of marketing Hiring and liaising with freelancers Supervising Arise's Support team Regular quality assurance in various app areas & brainstorming for improvements Supporting the management in the legal area, e.g. data protection We're looking for someone with: At least 2 years of professional experience in a similar business environment (app experience is an advantage) Bachelor's Degree in a business or management-related field preferred Great command of English, German or Russian is considered a plus We're a great match if you: Love the idea of turning a company's operational processes into a well-oiled machine Value the quick results that come from autonomous work Work in a structured manner, always maintain an overview and can prioritize important tasks if required Are flexible, committed, independent and determined Don't like wasting time on needless bureaucracy and meetings that could have been emails Benefits A job that's challenging but stress-free, with a lot of creative freedom Flat hierarchies, short decision-making processes and close collaboration with CEO A friendly, international, and highly committed team that operates with mutual trust and efficient decision-making processes The opportunity to contribute to an established, financially stable start-up with a 5-year Health & Fitness legacy Flexible part-time work schedule and fully remote position Paid annual leave Get in touch! Convince us that you're a match for the position and that we can't miss out on you by applying with: Your CV An informal cover letter detailing why you are a great fit for the position. Or, get short-listed for an interview with us by succeeding in our  10-Minute Question Challenge.   Are you looking for a challenge and ready to achieve something great with us? Then we cant wait to hear from you! Bernhard and Team
Talent Acquisition Specialist (Contractor 6 months)- Dnipro
Bunge, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
Location : Dnipro City : Dnipro State : Dnipropetrovs'ka Oblast' (UA-12) Country : Ukraine (UA) Requisition Number : 34971 Are you ready for a new step in your career or an interesting project, and willing to make a difference in a global vital business? Join our extended team and help build an organization that is working on the latest trends in Agri and Food Solutions - you probably have heard about some of our local brands of oil, Floriol, Unisol, Vénusz and Oleina? We are at an exciting time in Bunge! We’re expanding our activities as a team and as an organization, therefor we are looking for new members in our EMEA Talent Acquisition Center of Expertise (CoE) across 3 countries: Hungary, Romania and Ukraine. In those roles you will start on a contract through one of our recruitment partners. Your primary role will be to attract and recruit all level colleagues in our plants and offices throughout the country. Being part of our international team across EMEA you might handle other roles across the region. So, if you a passionate, bold, and driven Talent Acquisition professional or Recruiter, read the vacancy below and learn more about it! What you will be doing as a Talent Acquisition Specialist: Full cycle recruitment processes of the assigned roles: From actively sourcing and approaching passive candidates on social media/job boards and other platforms; creating job advertisements/Social media outings; building talent pools; phone screenings and arranging interviews for candidates to making offers, while ensuring an outstanding Candidate Experience.Partner with business leaders, hiring managers, HR Business Partners and their teams and Centers of Expertise’s (CoE’s) across Bunge to understand hiring needs, work environments and job profiles, to identify effective sourcing strategies with the objective of attracting and selecting the right people for Bunge. Implementation of Employer Branding initiatives in your region. University hiring, building partnerships with key universities and develop activities. Play an active role in driving DEI, building networks, relations and in- and external partnerships. Third party management; vendors, agencies, technology/tools partners. What do we expect from our future colleague? A Bachelor or Master level education or working and thinking level. Experience as an inhouse or agency recruiter, ideally for Industrial sector (production). Proficiency in English and one of the following: Ukrainian, Hungarian and/or Romanian. Hands-on experience with full-cycle volume recruiting using various interview techniques and evaluation methods. Knowledge of social media, resume databases, and professional networks LinkedIn recruiter) and ATS experience (preferably SuccessFactors) Comfortable building positive relationships with all levels in the organization with a service minded but advising approach, proactive and hands-on, result driven and thinking in opportunities. What can you expect: You’ll be starting as an external consultant to support the transformation of the Talent Acquisition Team, with the potential to convert to a permanent employee in the future. A competitive salary and good benefits aligned to the package in the country. The right tools for the job, including a laptop and mobile phone. Hybrid work (up to 2 days from home). Work with an international and expertized team in a leading company in our industry, with a strong focus on Sustainability, Diversity and Community impact. We Are Bunge Bunge is a global agribusiness with one mission – we connect farmers to consumers to deliver crucial food, feed and fuel to the world. We have unmatched global scale and deeply rooted relationships which allow us to bring innovative ingredients and knowledge to some of the world’s biggest brands – many of which are likely in your home right now. We know that to achieve our mission and deliver the best results to our customers, each other and the world we need to work together – so we hire dedicated people who are passionate, bold and driven to work as One Bunge. This dedication is deeply embedded in our culture and reflected in the way we work. Every day our people exemplify these values, which represent Bunge at its core: Act as One Team by fostering inclusion, teamwork, and respect Drive for Excellence by being agile, innovative, and efficient Do What’s Right by acting safely, ethically, and sustainably If this sounds like you, join us! We value and invest in people who believe in our purpose and are excited to live it every day – people who are #ProudtoBeBunge Bunge is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, transgender status, national origin, citizenship, age, disability or military or veteran status, or any other legally protected status #LI-AA1