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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Оператор в Чернігові"

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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Оператор в Чернігові"

12 225 ₴ Середня зарплата в місяць

Рівень середньої зарплатні за останні 12 місяців: "Оператор в Чернігові"

Валюта: UAH USD Рік: 2024
На гістограмі зображено зміну рівня середньої заробітної плати професії Оператор в Чернігові.

Рейтинг схожих вакансій по рівню заробітної плати в Чернігові

Серед схожих професій в Чернігові найбільш високооплачуваною вважається Диспетчер. За даними нашого сайту, рівень середньої зарплатні становить 12500 грн. На другому місці - Оператор технической поддержки з зарплатнею 12000 грн, а на третьому - Оператор диспетчерской службы з зарплатнею 10000 грн.

Рекомендовані вакансії

Оператор пк (надомно)
ФОП Петровська Н.В., Чернигов, Черниговская область
Пропонуємо роботу, яка не потребує особливих навичок. Підійде всім, хто має бажання підзаробити. Лише інформативна робота. Можна навчатися у процесі роботи. Вимоги: Наявність комп'ютера та вільного доступу до Інтернету. Знання офісних програм. Комунікабельність, навченість, цілеспрямованість. Умови: Графік роботи вибираєте собі самі. Діяльність вдома за ПК онлайн.Пишіть на Вайбер0633734224 з позначкою "ТрудКом"
Оператор рассылок онлайн на дому удаленно выплаты ежедневно лучшие условия Чернигов
RiNS оператор, Чернигов
Описание вакансии Оператор рассылок онлайн на дому удаленно выплаты ежедневно лучшие условия Чернигов: приглашаем на долговременное сотрудничество людей, у которых есть желание удаленно работать дома, уделяя всего несколько часов в день. Очень просто работать по алгоритму действий, который мы присылаем на отправку и зарабатывать достойную ЗП. На звонки не отвечаем!!! Только сообщения на viber/telegram по номеру указанному в контактах.Подходишь если: обязательно наличие смартфона и интернета!!!хочешь работать и зарабатывать от пятнадцати тысячсможешь делать всю работу вовремяумение слышать и обучаться у наставникаграмотная устная и письменная речьзнание телефона и программ (viber/telegram) на пользовательском уровне обязателен.Что необходимо хорошо делать: копировать и отправлять - сообщений в неделю. Думать как ответить собеседнику, при необходимости консультироваться с наставником и только потом отвечать. Работа не сложная. Прозрачные действия по алгоритму, который отправим если такая работа подходит.Как мы смотивируем: высокая ЗП - , , , грн. за 1 сделкупостоянная поддержка наставника и консультация при необходимостиникуда ехать не надовозраст не имеет значениеработа для подростков, мужчин, женщин, пенсионеровработа дома в свободное времяУсловия работы с нами: работа дома, выбираете себе сами кому и когда писать, удаленная работа. Остались вопросы? Тогда пишите нам на viber/telegram.
Оператор доставки
Чернігівторг, ТОВ, Чернігів
Вакансія: Оператор доставкиМісце роботи: ЧернігівОбов’язки:- Оформлення доставка товарів згідно з розкладом і маршрутом- Забезпечення вчасності та якості доставки- Виконання інших завдань, пов’язаних з доставкоюВимоги:- Бажано жінки- Бажання працювати- Відповідальність та пунктуальністьУмови:- Графік роботи згідно з робочим часом компанії- Офіційне працевлаштуванняТільки дзвонити за тел. 0671421582 Юлія, 0661574092 СвітланаРезюме не надсилати!!!
Шукаємо оператора-касира на оптовий склад
, Чернігів, Чернігівська область
На оптовий продуктовий магазин потрібен оператор-касир на виписку накладних.графік 5/2 і 6/1 з 8 до 17 год/15 год, висока зп, офіційне працевлаштування.Необхідно вміти користуватись офісною технікою та знати касову дисципліну.Детальна інформація по тел.: 06*********91
Підсобних робітник. Помічник оператора.
, Чернігів, Чернігівська область
В місто Бровари, Київської області на виробництво по переробці полімерної сировини потрібн працівники. Вахтовий режим роботи від 800 до 1500грн. в день Вимоги: - бажання заробляти, - пунктуальність, - відповідальність, - навчання.Умови роботи: - з 9.00 до 18.00, - 5/2 (можливий вахтовий режим роботи 14/14), - кар'єрний зріст до оператора 5-го розряду з європейською ЗП, - своєчасна виплата заробітної плати, - є гуртожток.Обов'язки: - допомога оператору.
Оператор фрезерного станка с ЧПУ
, Чернігів, Чернігівська область
Требуется сотрудник для работы на фрезерных станках HAAS. Желателен опыт работы и навыки написания управляющих программ. Так же возможно обучение при наличии базовых знаний о работе на ЧПУ оборудовании. Официальное трудоустройство. Заработная плата 25-40тыс грн., зависит от уровня знаний.
Shelter and Settlement Officer (Shelter Engineer)
Danish Refugee Council, Chernihiv, Chernihivs'ka oblast, ua
Danish Refugee Council, one of the world’s leading humanitarian NGOs.DRC has been operating in Ukraine since 2014, currently DRC employs over 650 staff in Ukraine and will continue significant scale-up in 2024 to implement emergency response in the Protection, Livelihoods, Shelter/NFIs and Humanitarian Disarmament and Peacebuilding (humanitarian mine action) sectors, using direct interventions, support to duty bearers and civil society organizations (CSOs), and partnerships with CSOs. DRC will continue and adapt its durable solutions portfolio to the evolving context.DRC is currently looking for a Shelter and Settlement Officer for its activities in Chernihiv. This position will be managed by the Shelter and Settlement Team Leader.Overall purpose of the role: Ensure the quality of the planning, implementation and follow up of all technical aspects of the Shelter activities being implemented by DRC.Develop and maintain good relations with the persons of concern, relevant stakeholders and other humanitarian actors, to support adequate implementation and coordination of DRC’s sector activities Shelter Sector responsibilities: Ensure the quality of all Shelter activities including the day-to-day supervision of partners, contractors and quality control.Ensure quality of assessments, procurement documents and scope of work related to shelter activitie Geographic scope: Base (Chernihiv) This role has the base focus and ensures compliance with DRC procedures and guidelines within the area. The Officer provides input and is in line with base strategies, which are translated into action plans and day-to-day tasks. The role provides support and/or technical guidance to base operations. Main responsibilities:Reporting: Follow all relevant project tools, plans, and budgets.Project implementation, reporting, and evaluation. Programming & Operations: Ensure efficient and effective program implementation while following the budget and work plan.Provide technical support and inputs on all shelter activities.Control the compliance of the volumes, terms and quality of construction and installation works, as well as the quality of materials and products used in construction, approved design and estimate documentation with building regulations and rules, standards, technical conditions, labor protection regulations, fire safety requirements.Carry out technical acceptance of completed construction works and draw up the necessary report documentation to confirm the completion of the works/project.Supervise the elimination of unfinished works and defects by construction contracting organizations within the established time frame. Coordination and representation: Collaborate with relevant internal and external technical experts on sector relevant issues.Represent DRC at meetings and other relevant technical coordination meetings.Ensure integration with other DRC sectors. Logistics/Finance: Support the monitoring of financial commitments and expenditures against budgets and provide timely feedback on budget follow-up.Plan and coordinate proactively logistics and movements of staff from and to different operational areas.Initiate procurements and ensure their execution. Required experience and competencies: 2 years of relevant experience, preferably with experience in the field of humanitarian response.Practical experience in sector area working for an INGO is prefer.Professional experience, as an engineer in charge of construction projects or similarProfessional proficiency in English desirableExcellent skill in MS Word, Excel, and PowerPointSkills in GIS software and AutoCAD are an asset.Ukrainian language skills required. Required education: Master's degree in Civil Engineering or another relevant field. All DRC roles require the post-holder to master DRC’s core competencies: Striving for excellence: Focusing on reaching results while ensuring efficient processes.Collaborating: Involving relevant parties and encouraging feedback. Taking the lead: Taking ownership and initiative while aiming for innovation.Communicating: Listening and speaking effectively and honestly. Demonstrating integrity: Upholding and promoting the highest standards of ethical and professional conduct in relation to DRC’s values and Code of Conduct, including safeguarding against sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment. We offer:Contract length: Open-ended contract upon successful completion of the three-month probation period. Level: HDesignation of Duty Station: ChernihivStart date: As soon as possible.
Оператор гідравлічного листозгинального верстату
, Чернігів, Чернігівська область
Підрозділ з виробництва вхідних металевих дверей запрошує на постійну роботу Оператора гідравлічного листозгинального верстату.Вимоги:Читання креслень.Знання принципів деформації та розтягування металів.Досвід роботиЩо ми пропонуємо?Робочі дні: з Понеділка по П’ятницю;Графік: 08:00 — 16:30;Місцезнаходження на закритій території "Хімволокно";Рівень зарплати, що визначається кількістю відпрацьованих змін та норми виробітки.. Звертаємо увагу, на підприємстві працює гене
Робота! Оператор прес гранулятора
, Чернігів, Чернігівська область
Компанія COLLAR запрошує на роботу Оператора прес гранулятора!ВИМОГИ ДО КАНДИДАТА:Досвід роботи не обов'язковий, але буде плюсом досвід роботи на виробництвах з гранулярникомВодійське посвідчення категорії ВС, але не обов'язково (бажано досвід водіння трактора чи погрузчика)Відповідальність, пунктуальність, витривалість, відсутність протипоказань до фізичних навантажень, уважність, активністьОБОВ’ЯЗКИ КАНДИДАТА:Виконання операцій з виготовлення гранул згідно технології, контроль роботи обладнання, та його ремонт при необхідностіУМОВИ РОБОТИ:Гнучкий графік роботи, пн-птГідна та своєчасна оплатаофіційне працевлаштуваннясоціальний пакеткорпоративна розвозка
DevOps Engineer (Remote)
RISK, Chernihiv, Chernihiv Oblast, ua
Job Description We are seeking a highly skilled professional for the position of DBA + DevOps Engineer, with a focus on database management. The ideal candidate will be responsible for supporting, optimizing, and managing our databases, as well as ensuring the integration and delivery of applications through DevOps practices. Qualifications Key Responsibilities: - Manage and monitor databases (PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, etc.). - Optimize database performance and perform regular maintenance. - Ensure database backup and recovery. - Work with large volumes of data , ensuring data integrity and security. - Install, configure, and maintain database management systems. - Support and develop CI/CD processes for applications. - Collaborate with development teams to ensure the efficient operation of applications and services. - Automate deployment and infrastructure management processes. - Develop and maintain tools for monitoring and managing infrastructure. Requirements: - At least 3 years of experience as a DBA. - Deep knowledge and experience with relational databases (PostgreSQL, MySQL). - Experience with non-relational databases (MongoDB, Redis). - Understanding of database backup, recovery, and resilience concepts. - Experience in configuring and optimizing database performance. - Understanding of basic network technologies and security. - Experience with containerization (Docker, Kubernetes). - Experience with automation using scripts (Bash, Python) and configuration tools (SaltStack, Terraform). - Knowledge of CI/CD tools (TeamCity, GitLab CI/CD, ArgoCD. ). - Excellent analytical skills and problem-solving abilities. - Good communication skills and ability to work in a team.   Additional Skills and Knowledge (Desirable): - Experience with monitoring systems (Prometheus, Grafana, ELK Stack). - Knowledge and experience with Infrastructure as Code (IaC). Additional Information We offer: Global Flexibility: Embrace the freedom to work from anywhere in the world, with remote work options that let you craft the perfect work-life balance. Vacation: 20 working days. Paid sick leave Learning Coverage  Team Building programs Mental Health Programs Sport coverage Medical insurance, dental coverage
Component Manager 1 – Ukraine Stiykist (M/W) (CPS or CDDU)
Expertise France, Chernihiv, Chernihiv Oblast, ua
Expertise France is the public agency of French international technical cooperation. The agency operates around four priorities: - democratic, economic and financial governance; - security and stability of countries in crisis/post-crisis situations; - sustainable development; - strengthening health systems, social protection and employment. In these areas, Expertise France carries out engineering and implementation missions for capacity building projects, mobilizes technical expertise and acts as an aggregator of projects involving public expertise and private know-how. With an activity volume of 233 million euros, more than 400 projects in portfolio in 80 countries, and 63,000 days of expertise, Expertise France focuses its action towards France’s solidarity policy, influence and economic diplomacy. Expertise France is recruiting a Component manager based in Chernihiv, for the implementation of its project “Stiykist” (resilience). Expertise France is the French agency for international cooperation, under the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Recovery. The agency develops and implements projects that sustainably strengthen public policies in low- and middle-income countries. Expertise France intervenes in key areas of sustainable development, such as climate, health and education, and contributes alongside its partners to the realization of the 2030 Agenda. This role is part of Expertise France’s Operations Directorate / Human Capital and Social Development Department / Social Protection, Decent Work and Vocational Training, Integration and Employment Divisions. The Manager of Component 1 will be positioned within the project team based in Chernihiv, Ukraine, and will collaborate with all project beneficiaries and partners to ensure successful implementation of the new project ‘Stiykist’ (Resilience). The project aims to support Ukraine in the field of social protection and TVET. The Component Manager will be in permanent contact with the Project Manager based in Kyiv, Ukraine, to support him/her in carrying out the missions. Under the supervision of the Project Manager, the Component manager will have to coordinate and ensure good implementation of activities for his/her areas of expertise: -        Advise the Project Manager on all aspects related to his/her area of expertise; -        Coordinate activities on Component 1 of the project at oblast and national level: identification of expertise, planning of activities, link with all stakeholders and oblast representatives; -        Ensure link with all stakeholders involved in component 1 of the project; -        Mobilize additional local and international expertise (short and medium-term) for activities implementation; -        Contribute to the development of yearly budgeted action plans for the component under his/her supervision; -        Feed the M&E system of the project with data and information related to component 1; -        Ensure the efficiency and quality of activities to meet the project’s objectives, in close collaboration with the project team; -        Ensure the liaison and regular consultation between project stakeholders in Chernihiv; -        Coordinate the interventions of implementation partners and ensure the high quality of partnerships in Chernihiv -        Ensure regular exchanges with people and communities affected by the project, for information sharing, co-creation and adaptation of activities; -        Coordinate with other ongoing interventions in Chernihiv in the sectors of technical and vocational education and training, and social protection and decent work -  Represent Expertise France and promote the project in Chernihiv   In a country at war, and in addition to the immediate and visible aspects of this situation which justifies urgent support for health, security, infrastructure, productive capacities, etc., the human capital is socially and economically weakened, depreciated and made vulnerable. The presence of Expertise France – as the operator for the French government in Ukraine – has recently been strengthened in the country. Expertise France (EF) is operating in Ukraine since 2006. The agency focuses its activities in Ukraine on two strategic areas: support for resilience and reconstruction; and support for European integration. In 2024, the EF portfolio includes 15 national projects and 3 regional projects in 6 sectors: (i) health and social protection, (ii) rule of law and justice, (iii) local governance and decentralisation, (iv) innovation and support for the private sector, (v) economic and financial governance, (vi) defense and security. With a view of the emergency actions taken following the Russian aggression, the French Ministry of Europe of Foreign Affairs has mobilized Expertise France to better position its response to the country’s short and medium term needs and thus leverage European funding (through a €14.5 million envelope). Expertise France’s local presence is structured around the “mAIDan Ukraine” facility, implemented in close coordination with the Special Envoy for the reconstruction of Ukraine, the French Embassy in Kyiv and the entire France team, with the aim of mobilizing French technical assistance in support of Ukraine to respond to the emergency and prepare for reconstruction and the EU accession process. It is in that context that the “Stiykist” project was born. The “Stiykist” project aims to contribute to social transformation and resilience in Ukraine by strengthening the capacities of national, regional and local institutions in the field of vocational training and social services, with a particular focus on the social inclusion of the most vulnerable. The project is structured around two specific objectives: 11.   In the short term, provide emergency support to local institutions and actors in the Chernihiv oblast. 22.  In the medium term, support Ukraine’s transformational agenda in the fields of vocational training, disability, child protection and social services.         The project will be implemented over a period of two years, with a budget of +2 million euros.  QUALIFICATIONS Expertise France is looking for a candidate with a higher education degree in project management / international relations / public policies / social protection / employment and professional integration policies / professional training / development policies or any other diploma related to the position. SKILLS -          Good knowledge of issues related to technical and vocational education and training and/or social protection and decent work, preferably in Ukraine; -          Knowledge of the Ukrainian institutions, actors and local CSOs; -          Knowledge of the Chernihiv oblast would be a great asset; -          Proven ability to work with different stakeholders; -          Sense of initiative and of responsibility; -          Diplomacy, interpersonal and communication skills; -          Empathy and listening skills, with a keen interest in teamwork and networking; -          Autonomy, adaptability and responsiveness; -          Analytical and organizational skills; -          Proficient in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.); -          Fluency in both Ukrainian and in English; -          Knowledge of French would be a plus PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE  -          Successful professional experience of at least 5 years in project management, preferably in international cooperation and/or technical assistance; -          Successful experience implementing projects in crisis-stricken countries will be appreciated; -          Experience working with high-level international officials (ministers, institutional officials, etc.); -          Experience in the field of social protection, decent work, education, technical and vocational education and training.   Contract duration: 12 months (renewable for up to 1 additional year) Start date: October 2024 Documents to submit: CV and cover letter (2 pages maximum) Application deadline: 23 august 2024 11:59 p.m.
Component Manager 1 – Ukraine Stiykist (M/W) (CPS or CDDU)
Aktor Interactive Group, Chernihiv, Chernihiv Oblast, ua
Expertise France is recruiting a Component manager based in Chernihiv, for the implementation of its project “Stiykist” (resilience). Expertise France is the French agency for international cooperation, under the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Recovery. The agency develops and implements projects that sustainably strengthen public policies in low- and middle-income countries. Expertise France intervenes in key areas of sustainable development, such as climate, health and education, and contributes alongside its partners to the realization of the 2030 Agenda. This role is part of Expertise France’s Operations Directorate / Human Capital and Social Development Department / Social Protection, Decent Work and Vocational Training, Integration and Employment Divisions. The Manager of Component 1 will be positioned within the project team based in Chernihiv, Ukraine, and will collaborate with all project beneficiaries and partners to ensure successful implementation of the new project ‘Stiykist’ (Resilience). The project aims to support Ukraine in the field of social protection and TVET. The Component Manager will be in permanent contact with the Project Manager based in Kyiv, Ukraine, to support him/her in carrying out the missions. Under the supervision of the Project Manager, the Component manager will have to coordinate and ensure good implementation of activities for his/her areas of expertise: -        Advise the Project Manager on all aspects related to his/her area of expertise; -        Coordinate activities on Component 1 of the project at oblast and national level: identification of expertise, planning of activities, link with all stakeholders and oblast representatives; -        Ensure link with all stakeholders involved in component 1 of the project; -        Mobilize additional local and international expertise (short and medium-term) for activities implementation; -        Contribute to the development of yearly budgeted action plans for the component under his/her supervision; -        Feed the M&E system of the project with data and information related to component 1; -        Ensure the efficiency and quality of activities to meet the project’s objectives, in close collaboration with the project team; -        Ensure the liaison and regular consultation between project stakeholders in Chernihiv; -        Coordinate the interventions of implementation partners and ensure the high quality of partnerships in Chernihiv -        Ensure regular exchanges with people and communities affected by the project, for information sharing, co-creation and adaptation of activities; -        Coordinate with other ongoing interventions in Chernihiv in the sectors of technical and vocational education and training, and social protection and decent work -  Represent Expertise France and promote the project in Chernihiv   In a country at war, and in addition to the immediate and visible aspects of this situation which justifies urgent support for health, security, infrastructure, productive capacities, etc., the human capital is socially and economically weakened, depreciated and made vulnerable. The presence of Expertise France – as the operator for the French government in Ukraine – has recently been strengthened in the country. Expertise France (EF) is operating in Ukraine since 2006. The agency focuses its activities in Ukraine on two strategic areas: support for resilience and reconstruction; and support for European integration. In 2024, the EF portfolio includes 15 national projects and 3 regional projects in 6 sectors: (i) health and social protection, (ii) rule of law and justice, (iii) local governance and decentralisation, (iv) innovation and support for the private sector, (v) economic and financial governance, (vi) defense and security. With a view of the emergency actions taken following the Russian aggression, the French Ministry of Europe of Foreign Affairs has mobilized Expertise France to better position its response to the country’s short and medium term needs and thus leverage European funding (through a €14.5 million envelope). Expertise France’s local presence is structured around the “mAIDan Ukraine” facility, implemented in close coordination with the Special Envoy for the reconstruction of Ukraine, the French Embassy in Kyiv and the entire France team, with the aim of mobilizing French technical assistance in support of Ukraine to respond to the emergency and prepare for reconstruction and the EU accession process. It is in that context that the “Stiykist” project was born. The “Stiykist” project aims to contribute to social transformation and resilience in Ukraine by strengthening the capacities of national, regional and local institutions in the field of vocational training and social services, with a particular focus on the social inclusion of the most vulnerable. The project is structured around two specific objectives: 11.   In the short term, provide emergency support to local institutions and actors in the Chernihiv oblast. 22.  In the medium term, support Ukraine’s transformational agenda in the fields of vocational training, disability, child protection and social services.         The project will be implemented over a period of two years, with a budget of +2 million euros.  QUALIFICATIONS Expertise France is looking for a candidate with a higher education degree in project management / international relations / public policies / social protection / employment and professional integration policies / professional training / development policies or any other diploma related to the position. SKILLS -          Good knowledge of issues related to technical and vocational education and training and/or social protection and decent work, preferably in Ukraine; -          Knowledge of the Ukrainian institutions, actors and local CSOs; -          Knowledge of the Chernihiv oblast would be a great asset; -          Proven ability to work with different stakeholders; -          Sense of initiative and of responsibility; -          Diplomacy, interpersonal and communication skills; -          Empathy and listening skills, with a keen interest in teamwork and networking; -          Autonomy, adaptability and responsiveness; -          Analytical and organizational skills; -          Proficient in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.); -          Fluency in both Ukrainian and in English; -          Knowledge of French would be a plus PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE  -          Successful professional experience of at least 5 years in project management, preferably in international cooperation and/or technical assistance; -          Successful experience implementing projects in crisis-stricken countries will be appreciated; -          Experience working with high-level international officials (ministers, institutional officials, etc.); -          Experience in the field of social protection, decent work, education, technical and vocational education and training.   Contract duration: 12 months (renewable for up to 1 additional year) Start date: October 2024 Documents to submit: CV and cover letter (2 pages maximum) Application deadline: 23 august 2024 11:59 p.m.