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Рекомендовані вакансії

Працівник складу побутової техніки LG
, Вроцлав, Польша
Безкоштовна вакансія!Вакансія: Робітник складу побутової техніки LG.Опис вакансії: робота на підприємстві Pantos Logistics, яке займається транспортуванням, зберіганням та розподілом продукції LG.Обов'язки:Підготовка замовлення;Упаковка замовлень;Робота з портативним сканером;Інвентаризаційні роботи;Контроль порядку на складі;Управління складськими запасами;Підготовка та контроль за належним зберіганням товарів.Вимоги:— мануальні навички;— можливо без досвіду роботи та знання мови;— вміння працювати в колективі, організованість, дисципліна.Ставка: 22,36 зл. нетто за годину, для студентів - 27,70 зл. нетто за годину.Якщо кандидат молодший 26 років і не є учнем чи студентом, компанія допоможе стати студентом і отримувати вищу ставку.Графік: два типи:8-годинний - 5-6 днів на тиждень (додаткові суботи), трьохбригадний графік (тиждень 7:00 - 15:00, тиждень 15:00-23:00, тиждень 23:00-7:00 і так далі). 12-годинний - 4/2 - 2 день, 2 ніч, 2 вихідних. Перерви 15 хв, 20 хв, 15 хв. Кількість годин в місяць - 220.Додаткова інформація: оформлення: Umowa zlecenia. Мед. комісія за рахунок роботодавця. Спецодяг за рахунок роботодавця. На підприємстві є їдальня. Доплата до обідів: суп за 1 зл., друге блюдо за 3 зл.Доїзд: безкоштовний, надається фірмовим автобусом.Житло: 350 зл. з зарплати. Є доплата за своє житло 250 зл. на місяць.Місце роботи: м. Вроцлав (Nowa Wieś Wrocławska, ul. Relaksowa 44).
Работник склада бытовой техники LG
, Вроцлав, Польша
Бесплатное и официальное трудоустройство!Вакансия: Работник склада бытовой техники LG.Описание вакансии: работа на предприятии Pantos Logistics, которое занимается транспортировкой, хранением, распространением продукции LG.Обязанности:-подготовка заказа;-упаковка заказов;-работа с портативным сканером;-инвентаризационные работы;-контроль порядка на складе;-управление складскими запасами;-подготовка и контроль, за надлежащим хранением товаров.Требования:— мануальные способности;— можно без опыта работы и знания языка;— умение работать в коллективе, организованность, дисциплина.Ставка: 22.36 зл. нетто в час, для студентов - 27.70 зл. нетто в час.Если кандидат младше 26-ти лет и не является учеником или студентом, компания поможет стать студентом и получать выше ставку.График: два типа8 часовой - 5-6 дней в неделю (дополнительные субботы), трёх бригадный график (неделя 7:00 - 15:00, неделя 15:00-23:00, неделя 23:00-7:00 и так по кругу).12 часовой - 4/2 - 2 день, 2 ночь, 2 выходных.Перерывы 15 мин, 20 мин, 15 мин. Количество часов в месяц - 220.Дополнительная информация: оформление: Umowa zlecenia. Мед. комиссия за счёт работодателя. Спецодежда за счет работодателя. На предприятии есть столовая. Доплата к обедам: суп за 1 зл., второе блюдо за 3 зл.Доезд: бесплатный, предоставляется фирменным автобусом.Жилье: 350 зл. с з/п. Есть доплата за свое жилье 250 зл. в месяц.Место работы: г. Вроцлав (55-080, Nowa Wieś Wrocławska, ul. Relaksowa 44).
Работник на производство бытовой техники Whirlpool
, Радомско, Польша
Бесплатное и официальное трудоустройство!Вакансия: Работник на производство бытовой техники WHIRLPOOL.Описание вакансии: работа на производстве посудомоечных и стиральных машин популярной торговой марки WHIRLPOOL.Обязанности: монтаж компонентов согласно инструкции с помощью шуруповерта и других инструментов (корзинки, провода, таймеры, кнопки и уплотнители). Визуальный контроль качества и поддержание чистоты и порядка на рабочем месте. Работа в быстром темпе, 1 цикл - от 40 секунд до 1 минуты. Детальное описание процесса: необходимо нажать кнопку «стоп», для остановки линии на которой находится посудомоечная/стиральная машина. Согласно инструкции взять необходимые детали на полках и из ящиков, находящихся на рабочем месте. Все детали, кабеля, шурупы, колбы, находятся на расстоянии вытянутой руки. Выполнить монтаж компонентов в последовательности, как указано в инструкции. Проверить качество выполненной операции. Нажать кнопку, чтобы линия ехала дальше.Требования:— рабочая виза или биометрический паспорт;— без опыта работы;— без знания польского языка;— умение работать в коллективе, организованность, дисциплина.Ставка: 23 зл. в час нетто, для студентов - 28.49 зл. в час нетто.Зарплата до 15 числа каждого месяца.Если кандидат младше 26-ти лет и не является учеником или студентом, компания поможет стать студентом и получать выше ставку.График: 5 дней в неделю, по 8 часов, в 3 смены (22:00-06:00 / 06:00-14:00 / 14:00-22:00). В месяц от 168 часов. Смены выставляются по неделям, неделя третья смена, неделя вторая, неделя первая смена - и так по кругу. Есть возможность брать дополнительные часы.Дополнительная информация: оформление: Umowa zlecenia.В цеху посудомоечных машин (Fabryka Zmywarek) за ответственную и быструю работу можно получить премию на месяц 300 зл.На всех рабочих местах быстрый темп работы, при этом работа должна выполняться, качественно следуя инструкции.Шум в цеху не превышает норм, но также можно использовать беруши. В цеху тепло и очень низкий процент влажности.На некоторых рабочих местах используется производственная химия и клей, стиральный порошок и капсулы для посудомоечных машин при проверке качества готового изделия. Аллергикам нужно обратить на это внимание.На предприятии в цехах есть комнаты, где можно приобрести чай, кофе, так же есть автоматы с бутербродами (до 12 зл.). Так же есть столовая (работает с 08:00 до 16:00) где можно купить обед с 11:00 до 15:00. Цена за такой обед 20 зл. не возвращается. Обед можно приносить свой и разогревать в микроволновых печах.Рабочая одежда предоставляется бесплатно, а именно - футболка, штаны и комфортные рабочие ботинки.Как добраться до работы: предоставляется рабочий автобус. Остановка Zgoda 14, 97-500 Radomsko . Доезд до работы: 200 зл.Жилье: 350 зл. в месяц с з/п. Доплата за свое жилье – 250 зл. нетто, на карту которой можно расплатиться в продуктовых магазинах.Место работы:  г. Радомско (ul. Geodetów 2 , 97-500 Radomsko) - 40 км. от Ченстохова.
Telecom and Media Sales Development Representative
INTELLIAS, Ukraine (remote), Poland (remote), Malta (Remote)
Are you a leader with an entrepreneurial mindset? Apply your skills and expertise at Intellias – a top IT employer and leading service provider. Join in and grow within the worldwide IT community. Project Overview: Intellias is a global technology company with over 3200 specialists on board. We combine engineering mastery and technology expertise to solve challenges of any nature, scale, and complexity. Our development centers are located in Europe, Americas, Middle East, and Asia. More than 2 billion people around the world use software solutions developed by Intellias engineers. To support our rapid growth, we seek to hire a Sales Development Representative to support one of our strategic segments — Telecom and Media. This position is highly exciting and compatible if you: Are keen on B2B software and services sales, hunting for new accounts, and engaging prospects that have expressed an interest through inbound channels, understanding their key problems to help you drive the lead qualification process and establish sales qualified appointments; Have a highly polished personal brand (especially on LinkedIn), an expansive professional network, and have complimented your sales behavior and technique with digital and social selling skills to drive engagement among modern buyers; Are committed to fostering team achievement, achieving significant results while remaining humble, lead yourself with a growth mindset and purpose, and have an insatiable desire to learn. Responsibilities: Engage buyers and customers in a Consultative Selling sales approach;Manage multiple accounts simultaneously during early stages of the funnel;Maintain CRM records of all sales leads and/or customer accounts while continually assessing and communicating goal attainment statuses;Be a brand advocate during all customer and prospect interactions while identifying new opportunities that drive value;Monitor the company's industry competitors, new products, and market conditions to identify new business opportunities.Requirements: Strong understanding of market dynamics particularly in the Telecom and Media or Entertainment business domains;Demonstrable understanding of the IT Outsourcing industry, its business models, sales cycle and markets, and modern software development practices and processes, both industry-specific and generic (e.g. Agile, DevOps);Strong understanding and experience with modern B2B sales processes and techniques;Experience focusing on inbound and outbound lead qualification, identifying and researching potential clients, connecting with and educating prospects and qualifying leads that progress to sales qualified appointments;Strong presentation skills to be able to speak comfortably and effectively in front of large audiences at virtual or onsite events;Technical background or orientation is a plus.What it’s like to work at Intellias: Being at the forefront of global technology, we always place individuals ahead of processes. We're committed to nurturing an environment that unleashes the full potential of tech leaders like you. Our people-centered culture and benefits make this an ideal journey for those passionate about executive excellence, sharing knowledge, and contributing to the global tech impact.#LI-AF1
Project Manager
INTELLIAS, Spain (remote)
Explore the future of FinTech! With superb engineering, we help the finance industry to change just in one click! Join the global Intellias team to develop top-of-the-line solutions for the world’s leading FinTech companies.Project Overview: Our client, a globally recognized banking institution consistently ranked among the top 20 largest banks in the world, is seeking a highly skilled Scrum Master with a technical and project management background to join our international product development team. The product is a global distributed financial data platform. Intellias FSI team is seeking highly skilled Project Manager with technical background and Scrum Master experience to join our FSI team and assist our enterprise clients with developing and improving products and satellite systems.As a Project Manager, you will work with mature international development teams on developing the products, improving development processes to decrease time to market for new features in the enterprise environment by applying Agile frameworks accordingly. Responsibilities: Project Governance. Coordinating all aspects of a Project and laying a cornerstone for successful service delivery. It includes activities connected with changing scope, schedule, budget, processes, and other aspects of project execution in a controlled manner. Scope Management. Includes Scope Definition, Verification, and Change Control. This has to do with detailing the requirements and also includes the activities that will eventually comprise the project plan, verifying those details through using measurement techniques, and controlling the changes to these processes. Schedule Management. Estimating the duration of the project plan activities, devising a project schedule, defining dependencies between activities as well as monitoring and controlling deviations from the schedule. Team Management. Ensuring the teams has all the necessary knowledge and skills required for delivery. Developing a group of people into a team through using different leadership approaches, coaching/mentoring/consulting. Onboarding newcomers, sharing the Project vision/goals/context, building and organizing a group. Communications Management. Planning communications and managing the communications when the project is executed to make sure it runs as planned. Also involves controlling communications by reviewing their effectiveness regularly and adjusting as needed. Handling escalations and ensuring information is distributed and shared with appropriate stakeholders. Risk Management. Identifying and planning for potential risks that may impact the Project through developing and maintaining the Project risk register. Change Management. Ensuring that changes on the project happen in a controlled way, protecting it from unnecessary/unwanted changes. Talent Management: Onboarding Talents. Making sure that externally and internally hired employees are onboarded into the project in the most effective and efficient way. Developing Talents. Ensuring all the team members have their talents developed in the most effective and efficient way, is mutually beneficial for both the employee and the company. Motivating & Retaining Talents. Working closely with employee satisfaction and retention indicators, as well as handling employee performance issues. Weekly Engagement Status Reporting. Providing input for systematic monitoring and controlling the health of projects within Intellias Clients portfolio. Requirements: 4+ years of project management experience in IT domain with Agile practices (Kanban, Scrum).Experience in managing projects of 20+ people.Experience in staffing, project scheduling, risk and change management, effort estimating, software engineering practices, and improving team velocity.Strong understanding of SDLC and methodologies.Ability to establish solid working relationships with clients.Excellent communication, presentation, and planning skills are necessary. Exceptional organizational, leadership, and stakeholder management skills.Self-motivated, multitasking, result-oriented a quick thinker-doer. Advanced level of writing and verbal English. Will be a plus:Technical development background for Enterprise Finance companies.PSM certificates.#LI-YD1
SAP S4 Hana SD Consultant - remote UE
L.M. Group Poland, Lublin, lubelskie, Polska
SAP S4 Hana SD Consultant - remote UE We are an international recruitment agency founded in 1987 present in Poland since 2014. We specialize in recruiting for permanent and temporary positions. Our headquarters are located in Poznań, and we also have branches in Warsaw, Gdańsk, and Wrocław.Currently, we are looking for a SAP 4 Hana SD Consultant with English language skills for one of our globally-reaching clients. SAP S4 Hana SD Consultant - remote UE Reference number: JAOK Workplace: Lublin Desired Skills:Should have 7-10 years of experience in SAP S4 Hana SD with roll-out having localisation exp in countries like Greece, Poland, Romina, Serbia and Croatia.Worked on distinct kinds of SAP projects like rollout, up gradation, Implementation for manufacturing industry.Good to have wind turbine manufact experience.Basic sales cycle which involves flow of data through various Sales, delivery, billing documents, Pricing, and Master data maintenance.Excellent domain/subject matter expertise in Order to Cash (OTC) business processesGood knowledge of cross module integration with FI-CO, MM, QM, WM and PP/PS etc.,Copy controls and Output determination of various Sap script forms and Smart forms. Assignment of output types to various Sales, Delivery and Billing documents.Special business processes like Third Party and Consignment sale ResponsibilitiesCommunicate with business partners and gather business requirements.Understanding the business requirement/Incidents etc.Validate any changes in customize.Provide training to end-user.Sort out day to day queries of end users.Enhancement of the SAP for end user based on requirementNew CR and requirement analysisTransform business requirement into functional specifications. Our client offers:A solid, flexible benefits package that can be tailored to individual needs, including a Multisport card, vouchers for shops, and much more - MyBenefit cafeteria.Premium medical services insurance for employees and their family members - Luxmed.Life and disability insurance for employees and their family members - Generali.Profitable Voluntary Pension Fund.Benefits from the social fund: holiday bonuses, daycare subsidies, etc.Integration and cultural events for employees.Awards and recognition program for outstanding employees.Referral bonuses for recommending employees.Relocation assistance -Accommodation, travel, and other expenses covered.
Работник линии сборки бытовой техники Rosti
, Белосток, Польша
Бесплатное и официальное трудоустройство!Вакансия: Работник линии сборки бытовой техники ROSTI.Описание вакансии: Rosti Poland Sp. z o. o. является одним из подразделений Группы Rosti, существующей с 1944 года, принадлежащей шведскому концерну Nordstjernan. Группа Rosti на сегодняшний день имеет 3900 сотрудников на предприятиях по всему миру: в Швеции, Германии, Шотландии, Румынии, Китае, Малайзии и Польше. Как Группа, мы специализируемся на предоставлении услуг по производству, связанных с обработкой пластмасс методом литья под давлением, окрашиванием и украшением, а также сборкой готовых изделий и модулей для автомобильной промышленности, упаковок, ПМП, сектора бытовых приборов, электротехники, медицины и профессиональных бизнес - устройств.Обязанности:-работа на линии сборки;-возможно выполнение работы по контролю качества;-сборка мелких пластиковых деталей;50% времени стоя, 50% времени сидя.-WTRYSK (контроль качества выпускаемых машинами деталей, обслуживание литейных машин, работа сидя и стоя).Требования:— биометрический паспорт или рабочая виза;— можно без опыта работы;— коммуникативный польский язык;— умение работать в коллективе, организованность, дисциплина.Ставка: 27.70 зл. в час брутто = приблизительно 21.50 зл. в час нетто, 27.70 зл. в час нетто до 26 лет со статусом студента. Премии до 6%.График: для сборщиков: без ночных смен, 4-сменный график (2 дня первая смена, 2 выходных, 2 дня вторая смена).Смены: 06:00 - 14:00, 14:00 – 22:00, по 8 часов (при желании можно взять плюс 4 часа). В среднем выходит 200 часов.При увеличении объема заказов может быть введена ночная смена.Для WTRYSK: 7 дней в неделю: 4-сменный график (2 дня утро, 2 дня день, 2 ночи, 2 выходных и т. д.). Смены: 06:00-14:00, 14:00-22:00, 22:00-06:00, 2 перерыва по 15 минут.Дополнительная информация: оформление: Umowa zlecenia.Возможность получить карту (выдают после отработки 1 месяца).Жилье: 300 зл. в месяц с заработной платы, в 2 км. от работы – 30 минут пешком, с нашего жилья сотрудники ходят пешком, или с собственного жилья доехать можно общественным транспортом (120-140 зл. стоит проездной городского транспорта). Доплата за собственное жилье 300 зл. брутто (при отработанных 190 часах, приблизительно, плюс 1.85 зл. к ставке).Место работы: г. Белосток - Bialystok. Оформление в офисе в Белостоке.
монтер побутової техніки робота в Олаві
InterKadra Sp. z o.o., Wrocław, dolnoslaskie, Polska
Ваші обов'язки:обслуговування машин і приладівручна робота при складанні AGD технікиперевірка якості готових виробів під час їх виробництвакомплектація готових виробівдбання про своєчасну, кількісну та якісну реалізацію продукціїОчікування:готовність працювати в 2 або 3 зміни (06:00-14:00; 14:00-22:00; 22:00-06:00)уміння самоорганізаціївисокого рівня мануальних здібностейНе потрібно мати досвіду роботи, всього навчимо!Пропонуємо: Місце виконання роботи - Oława, запевняємо житлотип умови - umowa o pracę (ставка + премія)надгодини оплачуються +50%нічні зміни оплачуються +20%подвійна ставка за роботу у вихідні та святащомісячна премія до +15%оплачувані відпустки та лікарняніїдальня на території заводу, обід за 8злнадаємо всі документи на карту побитудоїзд із міст Brzeg, Grodków, Strzelin
монтер побутової техніки робота в Олаві
InterKadra Sp. z o.o., Oława, dolnoslaskie, Polska
Ваші обов'язки:обслуговування машин і приладівручна робота при складанні AGD технікиперевірка якості готових виробів під час їх виробництвакомплектація готових виробівдбання про своєчасну, кількісну та якісну реалізацію продукціїОчікування:готовність працювати в 2 або 3 зміни (06:00-14:00; 14:00-22:00; 22:00-06:00)уміння самоорганізаціївисокого рівня мануальних здібностейНе потрібно мати досвіду роботи, всього навчимо!Пропонуємо: Місце виконання роботи - Oława, запевняємо житлотип умови - umowa o pracę (ставка + премія)надгодини оплачуються +50%нічні зміни оплачуються +20%подвійна ставка за роботу у вихідні та святащомісячна премія до +15%оплачувані відпустки та лікарняніїдальня на території заводу, обід за 8злнадаємо всі документи на карту побитудоїзд із міст Brzeg, Grodków, Strzelin
SAP S4 Hana SD Consultant - remote UE
L.M. Group Poland, Wrocław, dolnoslaskie, Polska
SAP S4 Hana SD Consultant - remote UE We are an international recruitment agency founded in 1987 present in Poland since 2014. We specialize in recruiting for permanent and temporary positions. Our headquarters are located in Poznań, and we also have branches in Warsaw, Gdańsk, and Wrocław.Currently, we are looking for a SAP 4 Hana SD Consultant with English language skills for one of our globally-reaching clients. SAP S4 Hana SD Consultant - remote UE Reference number: JAOK Workplace: Wrocław Desired Skills:Should have 5+ years of experience in SAP S4 Hana SD with roll-out having localisation exp in countries like Greece, Poland, Romina, Serbia and Croatia.Worked on distinct kinds of SAP projects like rollout, up gradation, Implementation for manufacturing industry.Good to have wind turbine manufact experience.Basic sales cycle which involves flow of data through various Sales, delivery, billing documents, Pricing, and Master data maintenance.Good knowledge of cross module integration with FI-CO, MM, QM, WM and PP/PS etc., ResponsibilitiesCommunicate with business partners and gather business requirements.Understanding the business requirement/Incidents etc.Validate any changes in customize.Provide training to end-user.Sort out day to day queries of end users.Enhancement of the SAP for end user based on requirementNew CR and requirement analysisTransform business requirement into functional specifications. Our client offers:A solid, flexible benefits package that can be tailored to individual needs, including a Multisport card, vouchers for shops, and much more - MyBenefit cafeteria.Premium medical services insurance for employees and their family members - Luxmed.Life and disability insurance for employees and their family members - Generali.Profitable Voluntary Pension Fund.Benefits from the social fund: holiday bonuses, daycare subsidies, etc.Integration and cultural events for employees.Awards and recognition program for outstanding employees.Referral bonuses for recommending employees.Relocation assistance -Accommodation, travel, and other expenses covered.
SAP S4 Hana SD Consultant - remote UE
L.M. Group Poland, Warszawa, mazowieckie, Polska
SAP S4 Hana SD Consultant - remote UE We are an international recruitment agency founded in 1987 present in Poland since 2014. We specialize in recruiting for permanent and temporary positions. Our headquarters are located in Poznań, and we also have branches in Warsaw, Gdańsk, and Wrocław.Currently, we are looking for a SAP 4 Hana SD Consultant with English language skills for one of our globally-reaching clients. SAP S4 Hana SD Consultant - remote UE Reference number: JAOK Workplace: Warszawa Desired Skills:Should have 5+ years of experience in SAP S4 Hana SD with roll-out having localisation exp in countries like Greece, Poland, Romina, Serbia and Croatia.Worked on distinct kinds of SAP projects like rollout, up gradation, Implementation for manufacturing industry.Good to have wind turbine manufact experience.Basic sales cycle which involves flow of data through various Sales, delivery, billing documents, Pricing, and Master data maintenance.Good knowledge of cross module integration with FI-CO, MM, QM, WM and PP/PS etc.,Copy controls and Output determination of various Sap script forms and Smart forms. Assignment of output types to various Sales, Delivery and Billing documents.Special business processes like Third Party and Consignment sale ResponsibilitiesCommunicate with business partners and gather business requirements.Understanding the business requirement/Incidents etc.Validate any changes in customize.Provide training to end-user.Sort out day to day queries of end users.Enhancement of the SAP for end user based on requirementNew CR and requirement analysisTransform business requirement into functional specifications. Our client offers:A solid, flexible benefits package that can be tailored to individual needs, including a Multisport card, vouchers for shops, and much more - MyBenefit cafeteria.Premium medical services insurance for employees and their family members - Luxmed.Life and disability insurance for employees and their family members - Generali.Profitable Voluntary Pension Fund.Benefits from the social fund: holiday bonuses, daycare subsidies, etc.Integration and cultural events for employees.Awards and recognition program for outstanding employees.Referral bonuses for recommending employees.Relocation assistance -Accommodation, travel, and other expenses covered.
SAP S4 Hana SD Consultant - remote UE
L.M. Group Poland, Kraków, malopolskie, Polska
SAP S4 Hana SD Consultant - remote UE We are an international recruitment agency founded in 1987 present in Poland since 2014. We specialize in recruiting for permanent and temporary positions. Our headquarters are located in Poznań, and we also have branches in Warsaw, Gdańsk, and Wrocław.Currently, we are looking for a SAP 4 Hana SD Consultant with English language skills for one of our globally-reaching clients. SAP S4 Hana SD Consultant - remote UE Reference number: JAOK Workplace: Kraków Desired Skills:Should have 5+ years of experience in SAP S4 Hana SD with roll-out having localisation exp in countries like Greece, Poland, Romina, Serbia and Croatia.Worked on distinct kinds of SAP projects like rollout, up gradation, Implementation for manufacturing industry.Good to have wind turbine manufact experience.Basic sales cycle which involves flow of data through various Sales, delivery, billing documents, Pricing, and Master data maintenance.Good knowledge of cross module integration with FI-CO, MM, QM, WM and PP/PS etc., ResponsibilitiesCommunicate with business partners and gather business requirements.Understanding the business requirement/Incidents etc.Validate any changes in customize.Provide training to end-user.Sort out day to day queries of end users.Enhancement of the SAP for end user based on requirementNew CR and requirement analysisTransform business requirement into functional specifications. Our client offers:A solid, flexible benefits package that can be tailored to individual needs, including a Multisport card, vouchers for shops, and much more - MyBenefit cafeteria.Premium medical services insurance for employees and their family members - Luxmed.Life and disability insurance for employees and their family members - Generali.Profitable Voluntary Pension Fund.Benefits from the social fund: holiday bonuses, daycare subsidies, etc.Integration and cultural events for employees.Awards and recognition program for outstanding employees.Referral bonuses for recommending employees.Relocation assistance -Accommodation, travel, and other expenses covered.
Працівник на упаковку побутової техніки LG
Загранработа, Польща
УМОВИ:Робота 5 днів в тиждень по 12 годинЖитло надається роботодавцем за 300 злотих / місяць (вираховується з ЗП)Проживання в квартирі або хостелі з усіма умовами по 4-6 чоловік в кімнатіДоїзд до місця роботи – за рахунок працівника.Проїзний квиток коштує до 150 злотих / місяць.За медогляд, робочий одяг і оформлення вираховують 200 злотих з першої ЗП.ВИМОГИ:чоловіки до 50 роківдосвід не потрібенза біопаспортомвідсутність шкідливих звичокгарна фізична формаОбов’язкиУпаковка готових товарів (габаритної і малогабаритної побутової техніки);Наклеювання етикеток;Контроль якості продукції;Переміщення упакованого товару.
_PMO_ - rekrutacja online
HRK S.A., Warszawa, mazowieckie, Polska
For our client we are looking for a Programme PMO specialist.  We have been tasked with a fundamental upgrade of the very platform that our Finance domain is built upon, including implementation of key systems, improvements to data and implementation of a global reporting solution. To support this ambition, we seek a Programme PMO specialist. Our ideal candidate is a high performing project professional who has project experience, preferably as a consultant, within the Finance field. You are structured, disciplined, comfortable with a high pace and transparent in your communication. You enjoy quiet days of analysis and consolidation as well as high-paced days of workshops to discuss key design decisions and various ad hoc activities. A core value is the ability to take different viewpoints into account when we design our solutions and drive change. We work closely together across group functions and towards our colleagues in the respective countries. As a result, we value flexibility and the ability to find common ground as equally important as your technical proficiency within project management. This approach however also requires a highly structured and professional approach to project governance, of which PMO is a highly important component.PMOMiejsce pracy: Warszawa Your key responsibilities will be to: • Support programme management and interact with very senior stakeholders in Finance, IT, executive management in both Group and countries • Ensure that the project applies ISS PMO best standards, governance, and principles in an efficient manner • Facilitate founded decision-making, consistent follow-up, and decision/action documentation • Enhance transparency and one source of project truth to the overall program progress • Support effective project communication and organizational readiness across platforms and stakeholders • Drive the planning and tracking of cost, time and resources supporting the business case and projected benefits • Building an effective governance and reporting structure across the project   Functional competencies requirements: • Managing risks, issues, and escalation proactively with relevant stakeholders • Gather feedback from internal stakeholders, suppliers, or employees • Experience in establishing effective communications structures • Ability to motivate and engage both receiving and supporting organisation • Ability to create reporting based on different expectations coming from different stakeholders • Diligence in creation of one project truth based on gathered data • Rational problem solving Personal & Professional Qualifications: • Bachelor’s or master’s degree in finance, accounting or adjacent discipline • Project Management and ITIL certifications a plus • 3+ years of project experience from consulting • General understanding of Finance and Accounting processes • Excellent understanding of project management • Experience of being part of Finance transformation program • Ability to work individually as well as in a team environment, collaborate and build relationships • Ability to motivate and resolve problems within a complex stakeholder environment • Strong ability to execute with attention to details • Adaptable, enthusiastic and a continuous learner • Excellent communication skills, both written and spoken (English), feels comfortable with presenting to key project stakeholders and leadership team   We offer:  • B2B Contract  • Remote work 6h per day  
Offering Manager - Data Practice
Customertimes, Poland, Latvia, Remote
Job DescriptionWe are seeking a dynamic IT Consulting Offering Manager. This role involves developing and managing our data-centric consulting offerings, including data analytics, data management, and business intelligence solutions. The successful candidate will be responsible for driving the growth of our data offerings, enhancing our market position, ensuring the delivery of high-quality consulting offerings to our clients, and developing compelling content and presentations.Qualifications Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Data Science, Information Technology, or related field. Master’s degree preferred. 5+ years of experience in a leadership role within IT consulting or data services. Strong understanding of data technologies and trends, including big data, AI, machine learning, and cloud data solutions. Proven track record of developing successful IT service offerings and managing large-scale projects. Excellent communication and presentation skills, with a proven ability to create engaging and effective materials. (English) Strategic thinker with strong analytical and problem-solving skills.Responsibilities Offering Development: Design and develop innovative data solutions that meet market needs. Collaborate with technical teams to ensure the offerings are feasible and align with our technology stack. Strategy Execution: Implement strategic plans to enhance the data practice area. Identify trends and opportunities in the industry to expand the business. Client Engagement: Work closely with sales and marketing teams to engage potential clients. Present offerings to C-level executives and key decision makers. Content and Presentation Creation: Develop high-quality content and presentations that effectively communicate the value and capabilities of our offerings. Ensure materials are tailored to different audiences, including technical details for specialists and high-level overviews for executives. Project Oversight: Oversee finished project delivery to ensure alignment with client objectives and company standards. Ensure that projects are completed with appropriate use case output Market Intelligence: Stay abreast of industry developments and technological advancements in data management and analytics. Adjust offerings in response to market shifts.Working Conditions Competitive salary and benefits package. Opportunities for professional growth and advancement. A collaborative and innovative work environment. Remote work opportunities and flexible hours