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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Администратор кинотеатра в Україні"

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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Администратор кинотеатра в Україні"

20 000 ₴ Середня зарплата в місяць

Рівень середньої зарплатні за останні 12 місяців: "Администратор кинотеатра в Україні"

Валюта: UAH USD Рік: 2024
На гістограмі зображено зміну рівня середньої заробітної плати професії Администратор кинотеатра в Україні.

Розподіл вакансії "Администратор кинотеатра" по областям Україні

Як видно з діаграми, в Україні найбільшу кількість вакансій професії Администратор кинотеатра відкрито в Донецькій області. На другому місці - Полтавська область, а на третьому - Житомирська область.

Рейтинг областей Україні за рівнем зарплатні для професії "Администратор кинотеатра"

Як видно з діаграми, в Україні найбільшу кількість вакансій професії Администратор кинотеатра відкрито в Донецькій області. На другому місці - Полтавська область, а на третьому - Житомирська область.

Рейтинг схожих вакансій по рівню заробітної плати в Україні

Серед схожих професій в Україні найбільш високооплачуваною вважається Администратор на телефон. За даними нашого сайту, рівень середньої зарплатні становить 25000 грн. На другому місці - Специалист по работе с клиентами з зарплатнею 23361 грн, а на третьому - Администратор рецепции з зарплатнею 19000 грн.

Рекомендовані вакансії

Machine Learning Engineer - rekrutacja online
HRK S.A., Warszawa, mazowieckie, Polska
Machine Learning EngineerMiejsce pracy: Warszawa What you'll do: MLOps ecosystem development for ML models training and deployment automation Collaborate with a multidisciplinary team of ML engineers, data engineers, MLOps engineers, and ML researchers to deploy improvements  Production-running models management, monitoring and tweaking Supporting product teams in ML-based microservices development Create and improve state of the art Machine Learning pipelines and models Our tech stack includes: Python, Kubernetes, Docker, PySpark, Clickhouse, Argo, Kafka We are looking for people who: Have a practical (+/- 4 years) experience in ML-based solutions development Are strong written and verbal communicator and can tailor your communication for non-technical audiences Have a practical experience in Python microservices and libraries development as well as maintenance Are familiar with any cloud platform What we offer: Private Medical Care for you and your loved ones Life Assurance Cafeteria MyBenefit – sport card or vouchers/cinema tickets etc.
Адміністратор кінотеатру
Романюк Ю.В., ФОП, Чернівці
Вимоги: 20+, відповідальність, комунікабельність, стаоранністьУмови роботи: Зі свого боку гартуємо вчасну виплату зп (2 рази на місцяць), роботу у дружньому молодому коликтиві, щомісячні премії та гнучкий графік роботи. Також надаємо розвозку додому та обід за рахунок закладуЗа детальнішою інформацією, та записом на співбесіду звертайтесь за номером +380506954082
Junior Security Consultant
Reply Polska Sp. z o. o., Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Responsibilities As an IT Security and Compliance Consultant,  you advise our customers on all matters of information security  and security management. You assist in the  planning and implementation of cybersecurity projects  as well as their technical realisation. After identifying and analysing security risks at our customers,  you support the development of suitable security concepts  for risk minimization, including their risk assessment and control. You independently  conduct risk analyses  according to national and international standards. You  keep an eye on compliance with security and documentation requirements  and ensure the fulfilment of security and data protection requirements in projects. Benefits Motivizer Benefits Platform  to choose and manage all your benefits in one place. You receive a budget (550 PLN monthly). You can choose  medical care package, meal tickets, sports cards  (we have Multisport and on preferential terms, we have membership cards to one of the most popular Gyms),  cinema tickets, shop vouchers, discounts and many more.   Language Courses  – you'll have access to a multi-language learning platform enabling you to practice you language skills and learn new ones!  Regular and systematic further  training opportunities - both internally  and from  external providers.  We support your ongoing learning and development.  Cooperation within  an internal community  is our everyday reality. We have  networking events, coding challenges, and company parties  for different occasions.  Qualifications Successfully completed university studies in (business) informatics, (business) mathematics, business administration, or a comparable qualification. First experiences/interest in audits, IT security desk, compliance, and risk management topics (e.g. GDPR, ISO 27001, Tisax, AI EU regulations) You are passionate about project planning and execution, as well as the creation of security concepts. You are communicative, motivated, and a team player. You stand out for your structured, solution-oriented, and holistic approach to work. You are proficient in English and Polish, both written and spoken. German language skills are advantageous. About Riverland Reply Riverland Reply is the Reply group company specialized in consulting end-to-end customer-oriented solutions and strategies. The company combines in-depth knowledge of digital Customer Experience with the full potential of cloud native technologies. This expertise allows Riverland Reply to remove the barriers between a product-based technology and a full custom implementation. Knowing that Customer Experience (CX) in the digital area must be highly flexible to be adapted to different industries and markets. Riverland Reply advises his clients in how to approach the main CX, identity and access management challenges. The strong partnership and close collaboration with their partners Oracle and ForgeRock make Riverland Reply the experts of related CX products, identity and access management solutions.
Network Administrator
BEST S.A., Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Cześć! Jesteśmy #BESTteam, czyli Pracownicy Grupy Kapitałowej BEST. Jest nas ponad 700 i dalej rośniemy! Mamy dwie siedziby – w Elblągu i Gdyni, ale pracujemy także zdalnie. Rozwiązujemy problem braku terminowości rozliczeń oraz przywracamy równowagę na rynku usług finansowych. Nasza praca nie zawsze jest łatwa, ale wiemy, że to, co robimy, ma ogromne znaczenie. Dołącz do nas jako Network Administrator Twój zakres obowiązków administrowanie przyjętymi do eksploatacji systemami czynne uczestnictwo we wdrożeniach i nowych projektach informatycznych bieżące rozwiązywanie zgłoszeń i problemów w zarządzanych obszarach realizacja dostępów użytkowników do zasobów teleinformatycznych monitorowanie systemów, zapobieganie i likwidowanie skutków awarii automatyzacja zadań, centralizacja konfiguracji, standaryzacja dostarczanych środowisk współpraca i nadzór nad dostawcami zewnętrznymi w zakresie administrowanych systemów prowadzenie dokumentacji i procedur obsługi systemów pod opieką utrzymanie systemów w zgodności z regulacjami wewnętrznymi i zaleceniami działu bezpieczeństwa udział w procesie zakupów teleinformatycznych, w szczególności dotyczących zakupów licencji Nasze wymagania doświadczenie w pracy na stanowisku związanym z administrowaniem infrastrukturą sieciową znajomość rozwiązań typu NAC, WAF doświadczenie w zarządzaniu urządzeniami Cisco , HP, PaloAlto/Checkpoint, Ruckus znajomość technologii wirtualizacji/konteneryzacji w aspekcie sieci np. NSX gotowość do pracy hybrydowej - 3 wybrane dni w tygodniu w biurze w Gdyni Mile widziane znajomość narzędzi do automatyzacji oraz znajomość usług chmurowych (Azure , AWS) To oferujemy elastyczne godziny - rozpoczynasz pracę między 7:00 a 10:00 narzędzia i przestrzeń do rozwoju zawodowego możliwość pracy zdalnej - dwa wybrane dni w tygodniu pracujesz z domu prywatną opiekę medyczną grupowe ubezpieczenie na życie BEST Moves – program promujący aktywność sportową Pracowników platformę do nauki języków obcych system kafeteryjny – wybierasz swoje własne benefity, m.in. kartę Multisport, bilety do kina, bony do sklepów grywalizację firmową – zebrane punkty wymieniasz na nagrody lub dodatkowe dni wolne dodatkowe benefity dla osób z orzeczeniem o niepełnosprawności kulturę opartą na feedbacku, w której liczy się Twój głos BEST atmosferę
Młodszy Administrator Systemu
Grant Thornton, Odesa, Odesa Oblast, ua
Rozwój jak w najlepszych firmach, atmosfera jak nigdzie! Jesteś zainteresowany szybkim rozwojem? To nasza specjalność. Od pierwszego dnia pracy będziesz pracował z najlepszymi ekspertami, którzy Twój rozwój traktują jako zadanie ważne tak samo, jak zachwycanie klientów. Przywiązujesz duże znaczenie do atmosfery pracy? To nasz znak rozpoznawczy. Do zespołu dobieramy osoby, które doceniają życzliwość, koleżeńskość, a szacunek i współpraca to dla nich podstawowe wartości. Szybko odnajdziesz tutaj swoje miejsce! Chętnie opowiemy więcej, a co ważniejsze chętnie dowiemy się więcej o Tobie, bo w GT nie jesteś wyłącznie Księgową, Kadrową, Doradcą czy Audytorem, dla nas jesteś przede wszystkim Kasią, Anią, Grzegorzem. Do Twoich zadań będzie należała administracja aplikacjami Workflow, Portal pracowniczy, maszynami wirtualnymi oraz kopiami zapasowymi. Nasza oferta: bez względu na stanowisko – Stażysta, Asystent czy Ekspert, który zarządza zespołem – gwarantujemy szacunek, uśmiech oraz chęć dzielenia się wiedzą kultura oparta o zaufanie, współpracę, różnorodność i wzajemne wsparcie nie jesteśmy sztywną korporacją możliwość ogromnego rozwoju kompetencji interpersonalnych – praca w zespole i z Klientem możliwość pracy w modelu hybrydowym jasno określona ścieżka kariery praca w międzynarodowym środowisku oraz możliwość współpracy z największymi podmiotami z różnych branż gospodarki stabilne warunki pracy (umowa o pracę wraz z prywatną opieką medyczną oraz pakietem benefitów – m.in. MultiSport, bilety do kina, bony na zakupy) system rozliczania nadgodzin bezpłatne zajęcia z języka angielskiego, dostęp do platformy szkoleniowej możliwość udziału w wewnątrzfirmowych konkursach (np. #aGTywni, Pracownik Roku, CrossSeller Roku) i akcjach integracyjnych (np. Przystanek Relaks, Spotkanie Roczne, Jubileusz Pracy) realny wpływ na otoczenie – możliwość zaangażowania się w akcje charytatywne, dołączenia do zespołu eco-freaków lub wspierania fundacji czy domów dziecka, które mamy pod opieką Nasze wymagania znajomość środowiska Windows i systemów Windows Server znajomość java script, znajomość podstaw konfiguracji sieci lokalnej znajomość języka angielskiego na poziomie komunikatywnym (minimum B1) umiejętności pracy w zespole Mile widziane znajomość SQL, administracja systemami Linux
SAP IT Specialist - Treasury Cash Management and Payments
Hapag-Lloyd, Odesa, Odesa Oblast, ua
Job Description As part of Hapag-Lloyds SAP Team, you will work for the Product SAP Payment and Treasury, for payment transactions, banking, liquidity management, as well as hedging of interest and currency risks. Responsibilities Reinforcing our SAP team to further develop the global payments on SAP (perspective S/4HANA) and the Serrala modules - Payments, Account-Statement Manager, Autobank, eBam incl. BPA as well as Cash Management Coordinating, evaluating, designing, and customizing the new functional and technical requirements Defining the implementation measures together with the business department and supporting the creation of user stories in Jira Working closely together with the business to ensure smooth operations in the daily work Maintaining, supporting, customizing and functional enhancing the Payment functionalities Creating the tests and documentation, executing the functional tests Working in an international team that is committed to Agile methods  Qualifications Proven experience in SAP Payment, Cash Management, Bank Account Management and In-house Cash management as a consultant or solution architect Very good command of written and spoken English Understanding of business processes and the customizing, especially in the areas of Payment and Treasury and in adjacent areas like Finance, Accounting and Controlling Collaborative and empathic mindset to enable our business colleagues through our solutions Knowledge of the Serrala Add-Ons for Payment and Cash Management and experience in SAP Hedge management is an advantage Experience in Agile working methods, as in Scrum – would be nice to have Knowledge of HL IT Products and understanding of container shipping business is an advantage Relevant previous experience in the areas of logistics or transportation - would be an asset About Us With a fleet of 264 modern container ships and a total transport capacity of 2.0 million TEU, Hapag-Lloyd is one of the world’s leading liner shipping companies. In the Liner Shipping segment, the Company has around 13,500 employees and 400 offices in 135 countries. Hapag-Lloyd has a container capacity of 2.9 million TEU – including one of the largest and most modern fleets of reefer containers. A total of 113 liner services worldwide ensure fast and reliable connections between more than 600 ports across the world. In the Terminal & Infrastructure segment, Hapag-Lloyd has stakes in 20 terminals in Europe, Latin America, the United States, India, and North Africa. The roughly 2,600 employees assigned to the Terminal & Infrastructure segment handle terminal-related activities and provide complementary logistics services at selected locations. About The Team Knowledge Center in Gdansk One of the goals of Hapag-Lloyd strategy, is to become more agile in the way we work and to create an environment in which we can make faster and innovative decisions. Knowledge Center in Gdansk enables the further accelerated growth, especially in the area of developing innovative digital solutions, agility and business centricity. To learn more, please check our website -  https://knowledgecenter.pl/   We offer: Private medical care (Saltus) Gym card (Multisport) Attractive annual bonus up to 22,5%! (depending on company performance results) Group life insurance and employee capital plan (PPK) Cafeteria benefit system (cinema tickets, vouchers etc.) Focus on healthy lifestyle (fruit days, bike competitions, football trainings) Charity and volunteer initiatives Modern and well-connected office (Alchemia complex in Gdańsk Oliwa) Relocation support (financial support, covering immigration process for non-Polish citizens) Internal learning management system Development budget (sharing the costs of certifications and conferences/ IT events) Flexible working hours and home office possibility (hybrid work model)
Infrastructure Administrator
BEST S.A., Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Cześć! Jesteśmy #BESTteam, czyli Pracownicy Grupy Kapitałowej BEST. Jest nas ponad 700 i dalej rośniemy! Mamy dwie siedziby – w Elblągu i Gdyni, ale pracujemy także zdalnie. Rozwiązujemy problem braku terminowości rozliczeń oraz przywracamy równowagę na rynku usług finansowych. Nasza praca nie zawsze jest łatwa, ale wiemy, że to, co robimy, ma ogromne znaczenie. Dołącz do nas jako Infrastructure Administrator Twój zakres obowiązków administrowanie przyjętymi do eksploatacji systemami czynne uczestnictwo we wdrożeniach i nowych projektach informatycznych bieżące rozwiązywanie zgłoszeń i problemów w zarządzanych obszarach realizacja dostępów użytkowników do zasobów teleinformatycznych monitorowanie systemów, zapobieganie i likwidowanie skutków awarii automatyzacja zadań, centralizacja konfiguracji, standaryzacja dostarczanych środowisk współpraca i nadzór nad dostawcami zewnętrznymi w zakresie administrowanych systemów prowadzenie dokumentacji i procedur obsługi systemów pod opieką utrzymanie systemów w zgodności z regulacjami wewnętrznymi i zaleceniami działu bezpieczeństwa udział w procesie zakupów teleinformatycznych, w szczególności kwestie związane z zakupami dotyczącymi licencji i wsparcie dla systemów którymi zarządza Nasze wymagania doświadczenie w pracy na stanowisku związanym z administrowaniem systemami Microsoft 365, Windows Server , Vmware znajomość technologi wirtuazlizacji opartej o Vmware ( VCF) znajomosć Active Directory oraz GPO znajomość Azure i powiązanych usług znajomość PowerApps w zakresie administracyjnym znajomość Windows PowerShell / PowerShell for Microsoft 365 / Exchange Management Shell / Exchange Online PowerShell znajomość języka angielskiego w stopniu umożliwiającym komunikację z osobami ze strony wsparcia producenta znajomość systemów do monitorowania np. Zabbix gotowość do pracy hybrydowej - 3 wybrane dni w tygodniu w biurze w Gdyni Mile widziane znajomość narzędzi do automatyzacji np. Ansible oraz usług chmurowych AWS To oferujemy elastyczne godziny - rozpoczynasz pracę między 7:00 a 10:00 narzędzia i przestrzeń do rozwoju zawodowego możliwość pracy zdalnej - dwa wybrane dni w tygodniu pracujesz z domu prywatną opiekę medyczną grupowe ubezpieczenie na życie BEST Moves – program promujący aktywność sportową Pracowników platformę do nauki języków obcych system kafeteryjny – wybierasz swoje własne benefity, m.in. kartę Multisport, bilety do kina, bony do sklepów grywalizację firmową – zebrane punkty wymieniasz na nagrody lub dodatkowe dni wolne dodatkowe benefity dla osób z orzeczeniem o niepełnosprawności kulturę opartą na feedbacku, w której liczy się Twój głos BEST atmosferę
Splunk Support Engineer
Capgemini Polska, Odesa, Odesa Oblast, ua
Recruitment process for this position and onboarding trainings are conducted online. At Capgemini, we're proud to be a global leader in working with companies to  transform  and manage their business by harnessing the  power   of technology . We are guided everyday by the purpose of unleashing human energy through technology for an inclusive and sustainable future. We are a responsible and  diverse  organization, with a strong 55-year heritage and deep industry expertise. We are trusted by our clients to address the entire breadth of their business needs — from strategy and design to operations. Our actions are fueled by the fast evolving and innovative world of cloud, data, AI, connectivity, software, digital engineering and platforms. About the role: For our Client from financial sector we are looking for enthusiastic people who will support a dynamic, high availability environment with great variety of modern services and tools. As a  Splunk Support Engineer  you will be working in multilingual dynamic environment with access to cutting edge technologies and cross functional teams. Your future task: Provides systems administration support including monitoring, troubleshooting and resolving systems issues with email, web servers, database management, backup management and storage management Proactively run daily system and application health checks across Monitoring infrastructure Maintain and update current monitoring system. Ensure that all Managed systems are properly monitored, adjusting as needed. To provide first level of support for agent install and decommission, agent reporting issue etc To work on standard changes for monitoring configurations. Take ownership and resolve monitoring tickets On-board new customer on monitoring platform Prepare a design document in line with the defined standards Define / plan/ drive road map of future upgrades / new enhancements / application support installs. Work with Tools vendor to address critical issues Frequently used technologies: SPLUNK and Zabix / Opsview Our Requirements: Knowledge of Splunk and Zabix / Opsview architecture and its components in details Efficient in writing spl ( splunk language searches ) Understanding splunk integration with third party like log file integration, netsnmp, Add-ons Ability to write NEAPs and Correlation searches in Splunk ITSI Ability to create dashboards in Splunk as per requirement Ability to define procedures to satisfy these needs including, but not limited to, SLAs and Usage Policy. Good English language skills (B2) What have we prepared for you? A lot of benefits: Private medical care  and  life insurance  with ability to buy additional packages (e.g., dental care, senior care, oncology) on preferential terms. Access to  Capgemini Helpline  with possibility to chat with therapists. Bonuses  for recommending your friends to Capgemini. Access to  Inspiro  app with rich  audiobooks  database Access to our  NAIS  benefit platform ( 40+ options  available:  Netflix ,  SpotifyMultisport , cinema tickets, etc.) Personal and professional development: 70+   training tracks  with  certification  opportunities (e.g. MS Azure, AWS, Google) on our  NEXT  training platform. Platform with free access to  Pluralsight ,  TED TalksCoursera  materials and trainings. Free access to  Udemy Business  account with ability to use  during and outside working hours. Transparent  performance management policy. Our legendary atmosphere: We value teamwork and good relationships. We work together, drink coffee together, and form friendships both inside and outside of work. No official dress-code. Various  communities : OUTfront, Women@Capgemini, Foreigners Community, and more. Day off for volunteering Ability to implement  world-changing initiatives  thanks to our  Grant Program The award of " Top Employer Poland 2024 " and " Top Employer Europe 2024 " - proof of our commitment to creating an exceptional work environment and caring for the development of our employees. Who are we? Being one of us means  constant development  among other great people. It's a team who you want to spend time with, during and after work. Trainings and initiatives make your daily tasks more interesting, fun, and unique. One of Capgemini Poland’s business unit is  Cloud Infrastructure Services  (CIS) – all the teams inside have a variety of scopes. Our employees say that in CIS they are surrounded by  awesome teammates  who are ready to help you professionally or just to drink a coffee with. You can count on your managers, willing to support you and share their expertise with you. It's time to  #Get the Future You Want ! Your life is in your hands, and you have the opportunity to improve it, develop yourself, and simply —  join us :) Do you want to get to know us better? Watch this short video:  Dołącz do nas w Capgmini! | Join us at Capgemini! Do you have any additional questions about working at Capgemini? Check our Instagram —  @capgeminipl  or visit our Facebook profile —  Capgemini Polska . You can also find us on TikTok! —  @capgeminipl .
SAP IT Specialist - Treasury Cash Management and Payments
Hapag-Lloyd, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Job Description As part of Hapag-Lloyds SAP Team, you will work for the Product SAP Payment and Treasury, for payment transactions, banking, liquidity management, as well as hedging of interest and currency risks. Responsibilities Reinforcing our SAP team to further develop the global payments on SAP (perspective S/4HANA) and the Serrala modules - Payments, Account-Statement Manager, Autobank, eBam incl. BPA as well as Cash Management Coordinating, evaluating, designing, and customizing the new functional and technical requirements Defining the implementation measures together with the business department and supporting the creation of user stories in Jira Working closely together with the business to ensure smooth operations in the daily work Maintaining, supporting, customizing and functional enhancing the Payment functionalities Creating the tests and documentation, executing the functional tests Working in an international team that is committed to Agile methods  Qualifications Proven experience in SAP Payment, Cash Management, Bank Account Management and In-house Cash management as a consultant or solution architect Very good command of written and spoken English Understanding of business processes and the customizing, especially in the areas of Payment and Treasury and in adjacent areas like Finance, Accounting and Controlling Collaborative and empathic mindset to enable our business colleagues through our solutions Knowledge of the Serrala Add-Ons for Payment and Cash Management and experience in SAP Hedge management is an advantage Experience in Agile working methods, as in Scrum – would be nice to have Knowledge of HL IT Products and understanding of container shipping business is an advantage Relevant previous experience in the areas of logistics or transportation - would be an asset About Us With a fleet of 264 modern container ships and a total transport capacity of 2.0 million TEU, Hapag-Lloyd is one of the world’s leading liner shipping companies. In the Liner Shipping segment, the Company has around 13,500 employees and 400 offices in 135 countries. Hapag-Lloyd has a container capacity of 2.9 million TEU – including one of the largest and most modern fleets of reefer containers. A total of 113 liner services worldwide ensure fast and reliable connections between more than 600 ports across the world. In the Terminal & Infrastructure segment, Hapag-Lloyd has stakes in 20 terminals in Europe, Latin America, the United States, India, and North Africa. The roughly 2,600 employees assigned to the Terminal & Infrastructure segment handle terminal-related activities and provide complementary logistics services at selected locations. About The Team Knowledge Center in Gdansk One of the goals of Hapag-Lloyd strategy, is to become more agile in the way we work and to create an environment in which we can make faster and innovative decisions. Knowledge Center in Gdansk enables the further accelerated growth, especially in the area of developing innovative digital solutions, agility and business centricity. To learn more, please check our website -  https://knowledgecenter.pl/   We offer: Private medical care (Saltus) Gym card (Multisport) Attractive annual bonus up to 22,5%! (depending on company performance results) Group life insurance and employee capital plan (PPK) Cafeteria benefit system (cinema tickets, vouchers etc.) Focus on healthy lifestyle (fruit days, bike competitions, football trainings) Charity and volunteer initiatives Modern and well-connected office (Alchemia complex in Gdańsk Oliwa) Relocation support (financial support, covering immigration process for non-Polish citizens) Internal learning management system Development budget (sharing the costs of certifications and conferences/ IT events) Flexible working hours and home office possibility (hybrid work model)
Senior Mobile App Architect
Demant, Odesa, Odesa Oblast, ua
Are you ready to join a growing product team of mobile developers? Do you want to work on a product that makes a real impact on its users? Would you like change the life of people with a hearing disability by developing a mobile healthcare application? Then you may be the candidate we are looking for! You can be a part of our success by joining our R&D team in Warsaw as SAFe System Architect for our End User Apps and help people with hearing disabilities, by bringing our leading hearing health care solutions to the market. You will work in a growing international company in the medical-technical industry with many opportunities for professional and personal development. You will be part of a dynamic environment built on trust, openness and a strong will to win. The area In the role of SAFe System Architect, you will become a pivotal part of the R&D unit Software Solutions (SWS), with development teams in both Poland and Denmark. In SWS, we are developing software for desktop, mobile and cloud solutions enabling our customers to get the most benefit out of our hearing aids. You will be working with 6 teams that are developing cross-platform mobile app written in .NET MAUI. The application is an innovative solution allowing telemedicine and remote control of hearing instruments. To supplement the agile teams with architecture skillset we are looking for a SAFe System Architect who will collaborate with our architects using his area of expertise. Working with us, You will receive: full-time work agreement, with a permanent contract after 3 months; flexible working hours; possibilities to improve English by daily usage (courses offered); relocation package if needed; great opportunities for usage of newest technology; discounts on hearing aids after one year of employment (for employees and family members); cinema tickets possibility of remote work; various discounts (catering, cultural and art, discounts for, Netflix, books or e-books etc.);  social benefits (sport's cards, medical health care and so much more); Scandinavian culture – we are informal (we don’t use titles: Sir, Mr, Mrs, Miss…) and care about equality, independence, open dialog and work-life balance; simple recruitment process (if you want to know more specifics, please contact directly with recruiter Kasia Babych: [email protected]).   What tasks are waiting for you? Work in SAFe setup as a member of ART Product Management Team with product managers and Release Traing Engineer. Participate in planning, definition, and high-level design of the solution and exploration of solution alternatives. Enable the Continuous Delivery Pipeline through appropriate design guidelines and investment advocacy. Actively participate in the Continuous Exploration process as part of the Continuous Delivery Pipeline, especially with enabler Epics. Define subsystems and their interfaces, allocate responsibilities to subsystems, understand solution deployment, and communicate requirements for interactions with solution context. Work with customers, stakeholders, and suppliers to establish high-level solution intent, and the solution intent information models and documentation requirements. Establish critical NFRs for the solution and participate in the definition of others. Operate within an economic framework when analyzing the impact of design decisions. Work with portfolio stakeholders, notably the Enterprise Architect, to develop, analyze, split, and realize the implementation of enabler epics. Participate in Program Increment (PI) Planning and Pre- and Post-PI Planning, System and Solution Demos, and Inspect and Adapt(I&A) events. Define, explore, and support the implementation of enablers to evolve solution intent, working directly with Agile teams to implement them. Plan and develop the Architectural Runway in support of new business Features and Capabilities. Work with Product and Solution Management to determine the capacity allocation for enablement work. Support technology/engineering aspects of program and solution Kanbans. Provide oversight and foster Built-In Quality and Team and Technical Agility.   It would be great if you have: 7+ years of experience in .NET software development; experience as a software architect or tech lead; experience in mobile development for Android/iOS; experience in scaled product development (with 4+ development teams); the ability to clarify architectural vision, effectively communicate, and negotiate with business stakeholders and developers; a team player mentality, thriving in a highly collaborative environment; a proactive and self-driven attitude; a higher education degree or equivalent; fluency in Polish and English.   It would be appreciated to have: Xamarin Forms / .NET MAUI experience; experience with medical products; experience working in a Scandinavian culture.
SAP Test Manager
Hapag-Lloyd, Odesa, Odesa Oblast, ua
As part of Hapag-Lloyds SAP Team, you will be responsible for Test Management in the existing SAP ECC & future SAP S/4HANA landscape. Our SAP Team in Hamburg and Gdansk are currently in the exciting transformation from SAP ECC 6.8 system to SAP S/4HANA. Responsibilities Ensuring the successful planning, execution, and delivery of all testing activities within an SAP implementation or enhancement project or maintenance Collaborating with various stakeholders, such as project managers, business analysts, developers, and end-users, to achieve high-quality results Test Strategy: developing a comprehensive test strategy and test plan that outlines the scope, objectives, resources, and schedule for testing activities (considering different types of testing, such as unit testing, integration testing, regression testing, user acceptance testing, and performance testing) Test Environment & Data Setup: ensuring that the necessary test environments are available and data is ready prior to the different stages of testing Test Case Development: overseeing the creation and reviewing the test cases and test scripts that cover all relevant business scenarios and requirements Test Execution & Reporting: coordinating and monitoring the execution of test cases, ensuring that defects are logged, tracked, and resolved in a timely manner; monitoring progress and reporting the testing status regularly to project stakeholders Defect Management: overseeing the defect management process that captures, prioritizes, and tracks defects throughout the testing lifecycle; collaborating with the development team to ensure timely resolution of issues Test Documentation: ensuring that all test-related documentation is well-maintained, including test plans, test cases, test data, and test results – documentation should be accessible and up-to-date for reference and auditing purposes Continuous Improvement: striving for process improvement and efficiency in testing by analysing lessons learned from previous projects and implementing best practices Vendor Management: managing the vendor relationships and ensuring they meet the project's requirements and standards Working in an international team that is committed to Agile methods Qualifications 3+ years in SAP test management in various E2E SAP implementation projects Very good command of written and spoken English In-depth knowledge and experience with SAP applications and modules Strong understanding of SAP business processes, configuration and integration points Experience in SAP test management tools is preferred Troubleshooting skills and ability to find solutions to ensure smooth testing processes Knowledge of Agile working methodology A collaborative and empathic mindset to enable our business colleagues through our solutions Experience in SAP S/4HANA implementations and in SAP S/4HANA Focused Build is an advantage Command of SAP Activate Methodology – would be nice to have Knowledge of HL IT Products and understanding of container shipping business is an advantage Relevant previous experience in the areas of logistics or transportation - would be an asset About Us With a fleet of 264 modern container ships and a total transport capacity of 2.0 million TEU, Hapag-Lloyd is one of the world’s leading liner shipping companies. In the Liner Shipping segment, the Company has around 13,500 employees and 400 offices in 135 countries. Hapag-Lloyd has a container capacity of 2.9 million TEU – including one of the largest and most modern fleets of reefer containers. A total of 113 liner services worldwide ensure fast and reliable connections between more than 600 ports across the world. In the Terminal & Infrastructure segment, Hapag-Lloyd has stakes in 20 terminals in Europe, Latin America, the United States, India, and North Africa. The roughly 2,600 employees assigned to the Terminal & Infrastructure segment handle terminal-related activities and provide complementary logistics services at selected locations. About The Team Knowledge Center in Gdansk One of the goals of Hapag-Lloyd strategy, is to become more agile in the way we work and to create an environment in which we can make faster and innovative decisions. Knowledge Center in Gdansk enables the further accelerated growth, especially in the area of developing innovative digital solutions, agility and business centricity. To learn more, please check our website -  https://knowledgecenter.pl/   We offer: Private medical care (Saltus) Gym card (Multisport) Attractive annual bonus up to 22,5%! (depending on company performance results) Group life insurance and employee capital plan (PPK) Cafeteria benefit system (cinema tickets, vouchers etc.) Focus on healthy lifestyle (fruit days, bike competitions, football trainings) Charity and volunteer initiatives Modern and well-connected office (Alchemia complex in Gdańsk Oliwa) Relocation support (financial support, covering immigration process for non-Polish citizens) Internal learning management system Development budget (sharing the costs of certifications and conferences/ IT events) Flexible working hours and home office possibility (hybrid work model)
Senior Product Manager
LegalZoom, Odesa, Odesa Oblast, ua
Hello  We are LegalZoom . We're here to make legal help accessible to all. LegalZoom transformed the legal industry with the launch of our online services and groundbreaking technology in 2001. Since then, millions of customers have counted on us to officially start and run businesses, protect brands and intellectual property, and look after loved ones through wills and trusts.  As the industry leader for over 20 years, innovation remains at the center of all we do. We're creative thinkers and problem solvers with a passion for building legal and tax products that make a positive impact on the world, and we're always looking for exceptional people to push us further.  With us, you'll do work that's as rewarding as it is challenging with a team where every voice matters and diversity, equality, and inclusion are truly embraced. Together, we'll continue to democratize the law and make a real difference in the lives of millions.    Learn about LegalZoom Do you want to join our team? We’re looking for a Senior Product Manager Overview: We are looking for a product minded leader, who strives to deeply understand both the needs of the customers and the business, identify opportunities emerging where they intersect and thrives in executing upon them in a fast paced agile environment to deliver and iterate easy to use, delightful and compelling user experiences that drive the business forward.  In this role you will have the opportunity to apply a strong understanding of the software product development process in partnering with business stakeholders, marketing, product and engineering teams to suggest, define and deliver world-class user experiences for LZ Virtual Mail customers. You will rapidly experiment and iterate on solutions addressing our customers' experience and business objectives. You’ll sweat the details, work side by side with the team, and lead with a high say/do ratio. This is an opportunity to make a big impact on the daily experiences of our customers, drive huge business value and revenue growth, and define the future of our products and services. Ideal candidates will be self-directed, highly motivated, and proactive. If you are curious, analytical and enjoy solving problems leveraging data and research to create meaningful end-to-end experiences for thousands of our customers globally - this is a role for you. What you will do: Work cross-functionally with business, design and engineering partners and team, owning the end-to-end process of discovering, defining, shaping and executing solutions to solve customer problems and capitalize on business opportunities. Translate abstract concepts and complex problems into simple and elegant solutions, communicating them effectively to stakeholders in different roles and levels across the organization.  Leverage quantitative and qualitative data to inform and communicate your perspective, display end-to-end thinking and be creative in connecting the dots between business and customer perspectives.  Demonstrate bias for action, be comfortable and effective working with a high level of ambiguity. Learn fast, fail fast mindset – move with speed levering lean methodology practices, while balancing short term opportunities with long term reusability and scale. What we are looking for: 6+ years experience in building software products in fast-paced agile environments. It does not have to be all in management roles - background and prior hands-on experience in product/UX design or engineering roles is a big plus. Proven track record of building and delivering successful products, digging into the details with a cross-functional team, and working hand-in-hand with business stakeholders, product design and engineering to create a seamless and delightful customer experience. Highly proficient in communicating, influencing and energizing product development teams, stakeholders, and other product verticals. Data-informed mindset with proven experience utilizing metrics & insights as tools for informed decision-making. Customer empathy, strong problem-solving and analytical skills to develop seamless user experiences. Understanding of software engineering concepts and best practices specifically focused on web and mobile technologies. What we offer: Comfortable office in the City Center with non-corporate, engaging, collaborative atmosphere Flexibility in choosing the type of contract (contract of employment or B2B)  Paid holiday ( 26 days for B2B ) Additional 10 days of paid "parental" for a B2B contract Development fund of 3k PLN per year per head Private healthcare (full Luxmed package including dental care) MultiKafeteria programme (Multisport, cinema tickets, vouchers) Free English classes, Udemy access, Life insurance Team building and socializing events, amazing coffee & fresh fruits in the office Competitive salary: 20k-30k, base + annual bonus+ Restricted Stock Units (RSUs) Recruitment process: First step: 20 minutes HR interview with Monika Second step: 45 minutes call with Mariusz  (Product Director) Third step: Use Case Interview Panel Last interview with Dominik (Director of Engineering)  Feedback
Junior Security Consultant
Reply Polska Sp. z o. o., Odesa, Odesa Oblast, ua
Responsibilities As an IT Security and Compliance Consultant,  you advise our customers on all matters of information security  and security management. You assist in the  planning and implementation of cybersecurity projects  as well as their technical realisation. After identifying and analysing security risks at our customers,  you support the development of suitable security concepts  for risk minimization, including their risk assessment and control. You independently  conduct risk analyses  according to national and international standards. You  keep an eye on compliance with security and documentation requirements  and ensure the fulfilment of security and data protection requirements in projects. Benefits Motivizer Benefits Platform  to choose and manage all your benefits in one place. You receive a budget (550 PLN monthly). You can choose  medical care package, meal tickets, sports cards  (we have Multisport and on preferential terms, we have membership cards to one of the most popular Gyms),  cinema tickets, shop vouchers, discounts and many more.   Language Courses  – you'll have access to a multi-language learning platform enabling you to practice you language skills and learn new ones!  Regular and systematic further  training opportunities - both internally  and from  external providers.  We support your ongoing learning and development.  Cooperation within  an internal community  is our everyday reality. We have  networking events, coding challenges, and company parties  for different occasions.  Qualifications Successfully completed university studies in (business) informatics, (business) mathematics, business administration, or a comparable qualification. First experiences/interest in audits, IT security desk, compliance, and risk management topics (e.g. GDPR, ISO 27001, Tisax, AI EU regulations) You are passionate about project planning and execution, as well as the creation of security concepts. You are communicative, motivated, and a team player. You stand out for your structured, solution-oriented, and holistic approach to work. You are proficient in English and Polish, both written and spoken. German language skills are advantageous. About Riverland Reply Riverland Reply is the Reply group company specialized in consulting end-to-end customer-oriented solutions and strategies. The company combines in-depth knowledge of digital Customer Experience with the full potential of cloud native technologies. This expertise allows Riverland Reply to remove the barriers between a product-based technology and a full custom implementation. Knowing that Customer Experience (CX) in the digital area must be highly flexible to be adapted to different industries and markets. Riverland Reply advises his clients in how to approach the main CX, identity and access management challenges. The strong partnership and close collaboration with their partners Oracle and ForgeRock make Riverland Reply the experts of related CX products, identity and access management solutions.
Splunk Support Engineer
Capgemini Polska, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Recruitment process for this position and onboarding trainings are conducted online. At Capgemini, we're proud to be a global leader in working with companies to  transform  and manage their business by harnessing the  power   of technology . We are guided everyday by the purpose of unleashing human energy through technology for an inclusive and sustainable future. We are a responsible and  diverse  organization, with a strong 55-year heritage and deep industry expertise. We are trusted by our clients to address the entire breadth of their business needs — from strategy and design to operations. Our actions are fueled by the fast evolving and innovative world of cloud, data, AI, connectivity, software, digital engineering and platforms. About the role: For our Client from financial sector we are looking for enthusiastic people who will support a dynamic, high availability environment with great variety of modern services and tools. As a  Splunk Support Engineer  you will be working in multilingual dynamic environment with access to cutting edge technologies and cross functional teams. Your future task: Provides systems administration support including monitoring, troubleshooting and resolving systems issues with email, web servers, database management, backup management and storage management Proactively run daily system and application health checks across Monitoring infrastructure Maintain and update current monitoring system. Ensure that all Managed systems are properly monitored, adjusting as needed. To provide first level of support for agent install and decommission, agent reporting issue etc To work on standard changes for monitoring configurations. Take ownership and resolve monitoring tickets On-board new customer on monitoring platform Prepare a design document in line with the defined standards Define / plan/ drive road map of future upgrades / new enhancements / application support installs. Work with Tools vendor to address critical issues Frequently used technologies: SPLUNK and Zabix / Opsview Our Requirements: Knowledge of Splunk and Zabix / Opsview architecture and its components in details Efficient in writing spl ( splunk language searches ) Understanding splunk integration with third party like log file integration, netsnmp, Add-ons Ability to write NEAPs and Correlation searches in Splunk ITSI Ability to create dashboards in Splunk as per requirement Ability to define procedures to satisfy these needs including, but not limited to, SLAs and Usage Policy. Good English language skills (B2) What have we prepared for you? A lot of benefits: Private medical care  and  life insurance  with ability to buy additional packages (e.g., dental care, senior care, oncology) on preferential terms. Access to  Capgemini Helpline  with possibility to chat with therapists. Bonuses  for recommending your friends to Capgemini. Access to  Inspiro  app with rich  audiobooks  database Access to our  NAIS  benefit platform ( 40+ options  available:  Netflix ,  SpotifyMultisport , cinema tickets, etc.) Personal and professional development: 70+   training tracks  with  certification  opportunities (e.g. MS Azure, AWS, Google) on our  NEXT  training platform. Platform with free access to  Pluralsight ,  TED TalksCoursera  materials and trainings. Free access to  Udemy Business  account with ability to use  during and outside working hours. Transparent  performance management policy. Our legendary atmosphere: We value teamwork and good relationships. We work together, drink coffee together, and form friendships both inside and outside of work. No official dress-code. Various  communities : OUTfront, Women@Capgemini, Foreigners Community, and more. Day off for volunteering Ability to implement  world-changing initiatives  thanks to our  Grant Program The award of " Top Employer Poland 2024 " and " Top Employer Europe 2024 " - proof of our commitment to creating an exceptional work environment and caring for the development of our employees. Who are we? Being one of us means  constant development  among other great people. It's a team who you want to spend time with, during and after work. Trainings and initiatives make your daily tasks more interesting, fun, and unique. One of Capgemini Poland’s business unit is  Cloud Infrastructure Services  (CIS) – all the teams inside have a variety of scopes. Our employees say that in CIS they are surrounded by  awesome teammates  who are ready to help you professionally or just to drink a coffee with. You can count on your managers, willing to support you and share their expertise with you. It's time to  #Get the Future You Want ! Your life is in your hands, and you have the opportunity to improve it, develop yourself, and simply —  join us :) Do you want to get to know us better? Watch this short video:  Dołącz do nas w Capgmini! | Join us at Capgemini! Do you have any additional questions about working at Capgemini? Check our Instagram —  @capgeminipl  or visit our Facebook profile —  Capgemini Polska . You can also find us on TikTok! —  @capgeminipl .
Młodszy Administrator Systemu
Grant Thornton, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Rozwój jak w najlepszych firmach, atmosfera jak nigdzie! Jesteś zainteresowany szybkim rozwojem? To nasza specjalność. Od pierwszego dnia pracy będziesz pracował z najlepszymi ekspertami, którzy Twój rozwój traktują jako zadanie ważne tak samo, jak zachwycanie klientów. Przywiązujesz duże znaczenie do atmosfery pracy? To nasz znak rozpoznawczy. Do zespołu dobieramy osoby, które doceniają życzliwość, koleżeńskość, a szacunek i współpraca to dla nich podstawowe wartości. Szybko odnajdziesz tutaj swoje miejsce! Chętnie opowiemy więcej, a co ważniejsze chętnie dowiemy się więcej o Tobie, bo w GT nie jesteś wyłącznie Księgową, Kadrową, Doradcą czy Audytorem, dla nas jesteś przede wszystkim Kasią, Anią, Grzegorzem. Do Twoich zadań będzie należała administracja aplikacjami Workflow, Portal pracowniczy, maszynami wirtualnymi oraz kopiami zapasowymi. Nasza oferta: bez względu na stanowisko – Stażysta, Asystent czy Ekspert, który zarządza zespołem – gwarantujemy szacunek, uśmiech oraz chęć dzielenia się wiedzą kultura oparta o zaufanie, współpracę, różnorodność i wzajemne wsparcie nie jesteśmy sztywną korporacją możliwość ogromnego rozwoju kompetencji interpersonalnych – praca w zespole i z Klientem możliwość pracy w modelu hybrydowym jasno określona ścieżka kariery praca w międzynarodowym środowisku oraz możliwość współpracy z największymi podmiotami z różnych branż gospodarki stabilne warunki pracy (umowa o pracę wraz z prywatną opieką medyczną oraz pakietem benefitów – m.in. MultiSport, bilety do kina, bony na zakupy) system rozliczania nadgodzin bezpłatne zajęcia z języka angielskiego, dostęp do platformy szkoleniowej możliwość udziału w wewnątrzfirmowych konkursach (np. #aGTywni, Pracownik Roku, CrossSeller Roku) i akcjach integracyjnych (np. Przystanek Relaks, Spotkanie Roczne, Jubileusz Pracy) realny wpływ na otoczenie – możliwość zaangażowania się w akcje charytatywne, dołączenia do zespołu eco-freaków lub wspierania fundacji czy domów dziecka, które mamy pod opieką Nasze wymagania znajomość środowiska Windows i systemów Windows Server znajomość java script, znajomość podstaw konfiguracji sieci lokalnej znajomość języka angielskiego na poziomie komunikatywnym (minimum B1) umiejętności pracy w zespole Mile widziane znajomość SQL, administracja systemami Linux
SAP Test Manager
Hapag-Lloyd, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
As part of Hapag-Lloyds SAP Team, you will be responsible for Test Management in the existing SAP ECC & future SAP S/4HANA landscape. Our SAP Team in Hamburg and Gdansk are currently in the exciting transformation from SAP ECC 6.8 system to SAP S/4HANA. Responsibilities Ensuring the successful planning, execution, and delivery of all testing activities within an SAP implementation or enhancement project or maintenance Collaborating with various stakeholders, such as project managers, business analysts, developers, and end-users, to achieve high-quality results Test Strategy: developing a comprehensive test strategy and test plan that outlines the scope, objectives, resources, and schedule for testing activities (considering different types of testing, such as unit testing, integration testing, regression testing, user acceptance testing, and performance testing) Test Environment & Data Setup: ensuring that the necessary test environments are available and data is ready prior to the different stages of testing Test Case Development: overseeing the creation and reviewing the test cases and test scripts that cover all relevant business scenarios and requirements Test Execution & Reporting: coordinating and monitoring the execution of test cases, ensuring that defects are logged, tracked, and resolved in a timely manner; monitoring progress and reporting the testing status regularly to project stakeholders Defect Management: overseeing the defect management process that captures, prioritizes, and tracks defects throughout the testing lifecycle; collaborating with the development team to ensure timely resolution of issues Test Documentation: ensuring that all test-related documentation is well-maintained, including test plans, test cases, test data, and test results – documentation should be accessible and up-to-date for reference and auditing purposes Continuous Improvement: striving for process improvement and efficiency in testing by analysing lessons learned from previous projects and implementing best practices Vendor Management: managing the vendor relationships and ensuring they meet the project's requirements and standards Working in an international team that is committed to Agile methods Qualifications 3+ years in SAP test management in various E2E SAP implementation projects Very good command of written and spoken English In-depth knowledge and experience with SAP applications and modules Strong understanding of SAP business processes, configuration and integration points Experience in SAP test management tools is preferred Troubleshooting skills and ability to find solutions to ensure smooth testing processes Knowledge of Agile working methodology A collaborative and empathic mindset to enable our business colleagues through our solutions Experience in SAP S/4HANA implementations and in SAP S/4HANA Focused Build is an advantage Command of SAP Activate Methodology – would be nice to have Knowledge of HL IT Products and understanding of container shipping business is an advantage Relevant previous experience in the areas of logistics or transportation - would be an asset About Us With a fleet of 264 modern container ships and a total transport capacity of 2.0 million TEU, Hapag-Lloyd is one of the world’s leading liner shipping companies. In the Liner Shipping segment, the Company has around 13,500 employees and 400 offices in 135 countries. Hapag-Lloyd has a container capacity of 2.9 million TEU – including one of the largest and most modern fleets of reefer containers. A total of 113 liner services worldwide ensure fast and reliable connections between more than 600 ports across the world. In the Terminal & Infrastructure segment, Hapag-Lloyd has stakes in 20 terminals in Europe, Latin America, the United States, India, and North Africa. The roughly 2,600 employees assigned to the Terminal & Infrastructure segment handle terminal-related activities and provide complementary logistics services at selected locations. About The Team Knowledge Center in Gdansk One of the goals of Hapag-Lloyd strategy, is to become more agile in the way we work and to create an environment in which we can make faster and innovative decisions. Knowledge Center in Gdansk enables the further accelerated growth, especially in the area of developing innovative digital solutions, agility and business centricity. To learn more, please check our website -  https://knowledgecenter.pl/   We offer: Private medical care (Saltus) Gym card (Multisport) Attractive annual bonus up to 22,5%! (depending on company performance results) Group life insurance and employee capital plan (PPK) Cafeteria benefit system (cinema tickets, vouchers etc.) Focus on healthy lifestyle (fruit days, bike competitions, football trainings) Charity and volunteer initiatives Modern and well-connected office (Alchemia complex in Gdańsk Oliwa) Relocation support (financial support, covering immigration process for non-Polish citizens) Internal learning management system Development budget (sharing the costs of certifications and conferences/ IT events) Flexible working hours and home office possibility (hybrid work model)
Senior Product Manager
LegalZoom, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Hello  We are LegalZoom . We're here to make legal help accessible to all. LegalZoom transformed the legal industry with the launch of our online services and groundbreaking technology in 2001. Since then, millions of customers have counted on us to officially start and run businesses, protect brands and intellectual property, and look after loved ones through wills and trusts.  As the industry leader for over 20 years, innovation remains at the center of all we do. We're creative thinkers and problem solvers with a passion for building legal and tax products that make a positive impact on the world, and we're always looking for exceptional people to push us further.  With us, you'll do work that's as rewarding as it is challenging with a team where every voice matters and diversity, equality, and inclusion are truly embraced. Together, we'll continue to democratize the law and make a real difference in the lives of millions.    Learn about LegalZoom Do you want to join our team? We’re looking for a Senior Product Manager Overview: We are looking for a product minded leader, who strives to deeply understand both the needs of the customers and the business, identify opportunities emerging where they intersect and thrives in executing upon them in a fast paced agile environment to deliver and iterate easy to use, delightful and compelling user experiences that drive the business forward.  In this role you will have the opportunity to apply a strong understanding of the software product development process in partnering with business stakeholders, marketing, product and engineering teams to suggest, define and deliver world-class user experiences for LZ Virtual Mail customers. You will rapidly experiment and iterate on solutions addressing our customers' experience and business objectives. You’ll sweat the details, work side by side with the team, and lead with a high say/do ratio. This is an opportunity to make a big impact on the daily experiences of our customers, drive huge business value and revenue growth, and define the future of our products and services. Ideal candidates will be self-directed, highly motivated, and proactive. If you are curious, analytical and enjoy solving problems leveraging data and research to create meaningful end-to-end experiences for thousands of our customers globally - this is a role for you. What you will do: Work cross-functionally with business, design and engineering partners and team, owning the end-to-end process of discovering, defining, shaping and executing solutions to solve customer problems and capitalize on business opportunities. Translate abstract concepts and complex problems into simple and elegant solutions, communicating them effectively to stakeholders in different roles and levels across the organization.  Leverage quantitative and qualitative data to inform and communicate your perspective, display end-to-end thinking and be creative in connecting the dots between business and customer perspectives.  Demonstrate bias for action, be comfortable and effective working with a high level of ambiguity. Learn fast, fail fast mindset – move with speed levering lean methodology practices, while balancing short term opportunities with long term reusability and scale. What we are looking for: 6+ years experience in building software products in fast-paced agile environments. It does not have to be all in management roles - background and prior hands-on experience in product/UX design or engineering roles is a big plus. Proven track record of building and delivering successful products, digging into the details with a cross-functional team, and working hand-in-hand with business stakeholders, product design and engineering to create a seamless and delightful customer experience. Highly proficient in communicating, influencing and energizing product development teams, stakeholders, and other product verticals. Data-informed mindset with proven experience utilizing metrics & insights as tools for informed decision-making. Customer empathy, strong problem-solving and analytical skills to develop seamless user experiences. Understanding of software engineering concepts and best practices specifically focused on web and mobile technologies. What we offer: Comfortable office in the City Center with non-corporate, engaging, collaborative atmosphere Flexibility in choosing the type of contract (contract of employment or B2B)  Paid holiday ( 26 days for B2B ) Additional 10 days of paid "parental" for a B2B contract Development fund of 3k PLN per year per head Private healthcare (full Luxmed package including dental care) MultiKafeteria programme (Multisport, cinema tickets, vouchers) Free English classes, Udemy access, Life insurance Team building and socializing events, amazing coffee & fresh fruits in the office Competitive salary: 20k-30k, base + annual bonus+ Restricted Stock Units (RSUs) Recruitment process: First step: 20 minutes HR interview with Monika Second step: 45 minutes call with Mariusz  (Product Director) Third step: Use Case Interview Panel Last interview with Dominik (Director of Engineering)  Feedback
Senior Mobile App Architect
Demant, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Are you ready to join a growing product team of mobile developers? Do you want to work on a product that makes a real impact on its users? Would you like change the life of people with a hearing disability by developing a mobile healthcare application? Then you may be the candidate we are looking for! You can be a part of our success by joining our R&D team in Warsaw as SAFe System Architect for our End User Apps and help people with hearing disabilities, by bringing our leading hearing health care solutions to the market. You will work in a growing international company in the medical-technical industry with many opportunities for professional and personal development. You will be part of a dynamic environment built on trust, openness and a strong will to win. The area In the role of SAFe System Architect, you will become a pivotal part of the R&D unit Software Solutions (SWS), with development teams in both Poland and Denmark. In SWS, we are developing software for desktop, mobile and cloud solutions enabling our customers to get the most benefit out of our hearing aids. You will be working with 6 teams that are developing cross-platform mobile app written in .NET MAUI. The application is an innovative solution allowing telemedicine and remote control of hearing instruments. To supplement the agile teams with architecture skillset we are looking for a SAFe System Architect who will collaborate with our architects using his area of expertise. Working with us, You will receive: full-time work agreement, with a permanent contract after 3 months; flexible working hours; possibilities to improve English by daily usage (courses offered); relocation package if needed; great opportunities for usage of newest technology; discounts on hearing aids after one year of employment (for employees and family members); cinema tickets possibility of remote work; various discounts (catering, cultural and art, discounts for, Netflix, books or e-books etc.);  social benefits (sport's cards, medical health care and so much more); Scandinavian culture – we are informal (we don’t use titles: Sir, Mr, Mrs, Miss…) and care about equality, independence, open dialog and work-life balance; simple recruitment process (if you want to know more specifics, please contact directly with recruiter Kasia Babych: [email protected]).   What tasks are waiting for you? Work in SAFe setup as a member of ART Product Management Team with product managers and Release Traing Engineer. Participate in planning, definition, and high-level design of the solution and exploration of solution alternatives. Enable the Continuous Delivery Pipeline through appropriate design guidelines and investment advocacy. Actively participate in the Continuous Exploration process as part of the Continuous Delivery Pipeline, especially with enabler Epics. Define subsystems and their interfaces, allocate responsibilities to subsystems, understand solution deployment, and communicate requirements for interactions with solution context. Work with customers, stakeholders, and suppliers to establish high-level solution intent, and the solution intent information models and documentation requirements. Establish critical NFRs for the solution and participate in the definition of others. Operate within an economic framework when analyzing the impact of design decisions. Work with portfolio stakeholders, notably the Enterprise Architect, to develop, analyze, split, and realize the implementation of enabler epics. Participate in Program Increment (PI) Planning and Pre- and Post-PI Planning, System and Solution Demos, and Inspect and Adapt(I&A) events. Define, explore, and support the implementation of enablers to evolve solution intent, working directly with Agile teams to implement them. Plan and develop the Architectural Runway in support of new business Features and Capabilities. Work with Product and Solution Management to determine the capacity allocation for enablement work. Support technology/engineering aspects of program and solution Kanbans. Provide oversight and foster Built-In Quality and Team and Technical Agility.   It would be great if you have: 7+ years of experience in .NET software development; experience as a software architect or tech lead; experience in mobile development for Android/iOS; experience in scaled product development (with 4+ development teams); the ability to clarify architectural vision, effectively communicate, and negotiate with business stakeholders and developers; a team player mentality, thriving in a highly collaborative environment; a proactive and self-driven attitude; a higher education degree or equivalent; fluency in Polish and English.   It would be appreciated to have: Xamarin Forms / .NET MAUI experience; experience with medical products; experience working in a Scandinavian culture.
Network Administrator
BEST S.A., Odesa, Odesa Oblast, ua
Cześć! Jesteśmy #BESTteam, czyli Pracownicy Grupy Kapitałowej BEST. Jest nas ponad 700 i dalej rośniemy! Mamy dwie siedziby – w Elblągu i Gdyni, ale pracujemy także zdalnie. Rozwiązujemy problem braku terminowości rozliczeń oraz przywracamy równowagę na rynku usług finansowych. Nasza praca nie zawsze jest łatwa, ale wiemy, że to, co robimy, ma ogromne znaczenie. Dołącz do nas jako Network Administrator Twój zakres obowiązków administrowanie przyjętymi do eksploatacji systemami czynne uczestnictwo we wdrożeniach i nowych projektach informatycznych bieżące rozwiązywanie zgłoszeń i problemów w zarządzanych obszarach realizacja dostępów użytkowników do zasobów teleinformatycznych monitorowanie systemów, zapobieganie i likwidowanie skutków awarii automatyzacja zadań, centralizacja konfiguracji, standaryzacja dostarczanych środowisk współpraca i nadzór nad dostawcami zewnętrznymi w zakresie administrowanych systemów prowadzenie dokumentacji i procedur obsługi systemów pod opieką utrzymanie systemów w zgodności z regulacjami wewnętrznymi i zaleceniami działu bezpieczeństwa udział w procesie zakupów teleinformatycznych, w szczególności dotyczących zakupów licencji Nasze wymagania doświadczenie w pracy na stanowisku związanym z administrowaniem infrastrukturą sieciową znajomość rozwiązań typu NAC, WAF doświadczenie w zarządzaniu urządzeniami Cisco , HP, PaloAlto/Checkpoint, Ruckus znajomość technologii wirtualizacji/konteneryzacji w aspekcie sieci np. NSX gotowość do pracy hybrydowej - 3 wybrane dni w tygodniu w biurze w Gdyni Mile widziane znajomość narzędzi do automatyzacji oraz znajomość usług chmurowych (Azure , AWS) To oferujemy elastyczne godziny - rozpoczynasz pracę między 7:00 a 10:00 narzędzia i przestrzeń do rozwoju zawodowego możliwość pracy zdalnej - dwa wybrane dni w tygodniu pracujesz z domu prywatną opiekę medyczną grupowe ubezpieczenie na życie BEST Moves – program promujący aktywność sportową Pracowników platformę do nauki języków obcych system kafeteryjny – wybierasz swoje własne benefity, m.in. kartę Multisport, bilety do kina, bony do sklepów grywalizację firmową – zebrane punkty wymieniasz na nagrody lub dodatkowe dni wolne dodatkowe benefity dla osób z orzeczeniem o niepełnosprawności kulturę opartą na feedbacku, w której liczy się Twój głos BEST atmosferę
R2R Accountant with German
ManpowerGroup Sp. z o.o., Łódź, lódzkie, Polska
Manpower (Agencja zatrudnienia nr 412) to globalna firma o ponad 70-letnim doświadczeniu, działająca w 82 krajach. Na polskim rynku jesteśmy od 2001 roku i obecnie posiadamy prawie 35 oddziałów w całym kraju. Naszym celem jest otwieranie przed kandydatami nowych możliwości, pomoc w znalezieniu pracy odpowiadającej ich kwalifikacjom i doświadczeniu. Skontaktuj się z nami - to nic nie kosztuje, możesz za to zyskać profesjonalne doradztwo i wymarzoną pracę! Responsibilities: Monitoring account reconciliations and MJE Monitoring finished goods inventory Accruals AP&AR/R&D, including monitoring transfers from the plant Posting/monitoring provisions GL bank payment flows (through ICM) from central finance Forecast reporting/BW-BPS management Regional allocation of depreciation and P/L costs Chart of accounts control Handling operational escalations received by the team leader and/or supervisor changes Providing team members with support at all times when they ask for advice and operational supportRequirements: Knowledge of German and English (minimum B2 level) 3-5 years of experience in corporate accounting (preferably in R2R / GL / TAX) Good knowledge of SAP, MS Office, including Excel and PowerPoint Experience in a similar position will be an additional advantageOffer: Employment contract directly with our Client Basic salary + quarterly bonus (10%) 100% remote work (within Poland) Full-time position from Monday to Friday Daily contact in a foreign language Access to comprehensive learning, training, and development through an educational platform. Possibility to apply for external training and professional courses that can be co-financed by the employer Benefits: Private medical care, life insurance, cafeteria plan, sports card, occasional cinema vouchers, reimbursement for corrective glasses up to PLN 600 Office located in Łódź