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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Администратор управляющий в Одесі"

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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Администратор управляющий в Одесі"

17 000 ₴ Середня зарплата в місяць

Рівень середньої зарплатні за останні 12 місяців: "Администратор управляющий в Одесі"

Валюта: UAH USD Рік: 2024
На гістограмі зображено зміну рівня середньої заробітної плати професії Администратор управляющий в Одесі.

Рейтинг схожих вакансій по рівню заробітної плати в Одесі

Серед схожих професій в Одесі найбільш високооплачуваною вважається Администратор стоматологической клиники. За даними нашого сайту, рівень середньої зарплатні становить 18000 грн. На другому місці - Оператор call-центра з зарплатнею 16000 грн, а на третьому - Администратор торгового центра з зарплатнею 14500 грн.

Рекомендовані вакансії

Асистент/ка Адміністрації/Administrative Assistant/ Interpreter - Міжнародна організація з міграції (МОМ), Представництво в Україні
TERMS OF REFERENCESDuty Station: EUBAM HQ, Odesa, UkraineClassification: Service Contract (SC)Type of assignment: SC, four months, 1 August 2023 – 30 November 2023Title of Position: Administrative Assistant/ InterpreterOrganizational Unit: Language and Interpretation UnitDirect supervisor: Senior Interpreter/CoordinatorGeneral Functions: Under the guidance and direct supervision of the Senior Interpreter/Coordinator and overall supervision of the Chief of Administration the incumbent assists in smooth operation of the European Union Border Assistance Mission (EUBAM) in Ukraine. The Administrative Assistant/Interpreter works in close collaboration with the National Finance Officer, National Administrative/Human Resources Officer and National Procurement and Logistics Officer of the EUBAM Administration for effective achievement of results, anticipating and contributing to resolving complex programme/project-related issues and information delivery. The incumbent is expected to exercise full compliance with IOM programming, financial, procurement and administrative rules, regulations, policies, and strategies, as well as implementation of the effective internal control systems.Specific Functions:Assure smooth operational running of the project by means of following IOM and EU established operational rules and procedures; Contribute to the project annual and quarter work-plans preparation and reporting; Assure that the progress reporting is done in timely and quality manner based on the requirements of the IOM, project donors and Mission management; Provide oral and written simultaneous and consecutive translations from English into Ukrainian or Russian and vice versa as required by the project; Proofread and/or edit the project’s correspondence and other official documents; Prepare Mission and project related correspondence; participate in data collection, analysis and maintenance of projects related files; Facilitate project related training/learning activities; provide logistical support (travel arrangements, including visas, tickets, etc.) to the EUBAM experts; Participate in project activities preparation, implementation and follow up; Facilitate project audit, monitoring, evaluation, field visits, missions of the experts; Maintain contacts with governmental and non-governmental institutions, local authorities, NGOs, academia, etc. Readily accept temporary assignments involving travelling to other EUBAM Offices or Units within the country of deployment on demand; Ensure due care of premises, equipment, vehicles (including their spare parts, consumables, keys etc.), supplies and other property that is entrusted to him/her; Perform such other duties as may be assigned.Recruitment Qualifications:Advanced university degree in foreign languages, linguistics, philology, or other related fields; At least 5 years of progressive experience, preferably in international environment; Fluency in both oral and written English, Ukrainian, and Russian languages is a must; Proven experience in simultaneous translation is an asset; Experience with technical assistance projects is an asset; Experience in the usage of computers and office software packages (MS Word, Excel, etc.) and advance knowledge of spreadsheet and database packages, experience in handling web-based management systems; Physical aptness and willingness to travel and accept temporary assignments in other EUBAM Offices or Units within the country of deployment.NOTES:Appointment is subject to budget availability and funding confirmation.Email your IOM Personal History form (http://eubam.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Personal-History-Form.xls) and cover letter in English to the following email address [email protected], indicate the position you are applying for in the subject line of your message.Closing date for applications is 30 June 2023; however, interested candidates are strongly encouraged to apply sooner.Only pre-selected candidates will be contacted for the interview.
Адміністратор торгового залу
Watsons Україна (ДЦ Україна, ТОВ), Одеса
Watsons Україна — це роздрібна мережа товарів для краси та здоров’я!На сьогодні ми управляємо 270 + магазинами у 108 містахВ нас працює більше ніж 2000 працівників які обслуговують приблизно 350 тисяч клієнтів щомісяця за допомогою наших О+О (Offline плюс Online) платформ Watsons Україна — входить до складу міжнародної компанії A.S. Watson Group, найбільшої у світі мережі роздрібної торгівлі продукцією для краси та здоров’яНині мережа налічує понад 16 000 магазинів, 12 роздрібних брендів на 28 ринках та більше ніж 130 000 співробітників по-всьому світу. За 2022 фінансовий рік A. S. Watson Group зафіксувала дохід у 22 мільярди доларів США. Щороку компанія обслуговує понад 5,5 мільярдів покупців через свої платформи, як онлайн так і офлайн, забезпечуючи клієнтам роздрібну торгівлю на основі сучасних технологійШукаємо у нашу команду Адміністратора залуАдреса магазину: вулиця Рішельєвська, 26Телефон керуючого магазином: 0506715950 АлесяЩО ВАМ ПОТРІБНО РОБИТИ?- Контролювати роботу персоналу магазину згідно стандартів та вимог;- Консультувати покупців;- Контролювати правильність цінників та відслідковувати термін придатності продукції;- Організовувати викладку товару;- Працювати з касовим апаратомЩО МИ ЧЕКАЄМО ВІД ВАС?- Вища або середньо-спеціальна освіта;- Бажаний досвід роботи старшим продавцемЩО ЧЕКАЄ НА ВАС У WATSONS?- Гнучкий графік роботи;- Форма та комфортне робоче місце;- Прозора система мотивації;- Офіційне працевлаштування та «БІЛА» виплата заробітної плати;- Оплачувана відпустка 24 календарних днів;- Оплачувані лікарняні;- Дисконт на продукцію компанії;- Навчання та можливість кар'єрного росту в середині компаніїЯкщо Вас зацікавила вакансія просимо заповнити коротку анкету за посиланням, та чекаємо на Ваше резюме!Анкета WATSONSРобота у Watsons — це не тільки робота, яказмінить твоє резюме, це робота — яказмінить світ!До зустрічі на співбесіді!
Адміністратор магазину одягу
CHER17, Одеса
CHER'17 це український бренд одягу, в якому з’являються нові моделі кожні два тижні. Актуальний, якісний, зручний, комфортний одяг, який завжди у трендіМи заслужили довіру найбільшої української аудиторії, за нами стежать сотні тисяч дівчат, щодня купують сотні суконь і ставлять тисячі лайків, поділяючи наш смак та наш настрійНаша мережа магазинів в Одесі зростає, тому ми шукаємо активних та відповідальних АДМІНІСТРАТОРІВ.Що ми пропонуємо:- Графік роботи позмінний- Конкурентна заробітна плата, гарантована ставка та відсоток від продажу- Додаткові премії за кращі результати- Офіційне працевлаштування, оплачувану відпустку- Безкоштовне навчання- Стабільну роботу в компанії, яка дуже швидко розвивається- Можливість розвитку до керуючого магазином- Роботу в класній та дружній команді- Корпоративну знижку на наші вироби:)Що потрібно буде робити:- організація та ведення торгового процесу в магазинах мережі- управління персоналом магазинів (адаптація, навчання, складання графіків роботи, табелів, контроль дотримання стандартів командою магазину)- якісне обслуговування покупців, відповідно до стандартів мережі магазинів CHER17- аналітичне оцінювання товарних залишків та показників роботи магазинів- виконання і перевиконання плану продажівНам по дорозі, якщо ви:- маєте досвід роботи на посаді адміністратора від 1 року в сфері одягу- орієнтуєтесь в показниках ефективності магазину та розумієте, як на них впливати- вмієте організувати роботу команди для досягнення найкращих результатівДля нас важлива в роботі чесність, відповідальність та орієнтація на результат. Якщо поділяєте ці цінності та маєте бажання долучитись до нашої команди, пишіть або телефонуйте у вайбер за номером +380637091575 — Валерія.
Адміністратор салону краси
FoKs, студія краси, Одеса
FoKs студія краси Ми дуже затишна студія, відкрилися в центрі міста. І тепер шукаємо, до нашої дружної команди адміністратораМи шукаємо не просто адміністратора, ми шукаємо людину, яка стане частиною нашої команди і зможе гідно та відповідально представляти нашу компанію! Людина, яка буде правою рукою власника та серцем студії!Ми забезпечуємо чесну заробітну плату — від 12000 грн/місяць + бонусна програма +% з продажу косметики +премії- До нас можна з мінімальними навичками — ми навчаємо !- Ми турбуємося за наших співробітників — гарантуємо класні умови праці + корпоративні знижки на обслуговування у нашому проекті до -25%!- У нас є кар'єрне зростання — адміністратор-старший адміністратор-керуючий- Робота з крутим колективом і керівництвом, що розуміє- Зручне місце розташування — центр міста- Зручний графік роботи 3/3- офіційне працевлящтуванняЯкщо ви палаєте бажанням ПРАЦЮВАТИ… Ви працелюбні, відповідальні. Спілкування з людьми приносить вам задоволення. Є бажання розвиватися у цікавій професії та постійно пробувати щось нове, якщо ви комунікабельна та не конфліктна людина.Тоді ми чекаємо на тебе!Залишайте резюме або пиши в телеграм або вайбер. 0932325260@foks_beautystudio.odessa Наш инстаграммМы красивая и очень уютная студия, открылись мы в центре города. И теперь ищем, в нашу дружную команду администратораМы ищем не просто администратора, мы ищем человека, который станет частью нашей команды и сможет достойно и ответственно представлять нашу компанию! Человека который будет правой рукой владельца и сердцем студии!- Мы обеспечиваем честную заработную плату — от 12000 грн/месяц + бонусная программа + % от продажи косметики + премии- К нам можно с минимальными навыками — мы обучаем!- Мы беспокоимся за наших сотрудников — гарантируем классные условия труда + корпоративные скидки на обслуживание в нашем проекте до -25%!- У нас есть карьерный рост —администратор-старший администратор-управляющий- Работа с крутым коллективом и понимающим руководством- Удобное месторасположение — центр города- Удобный график работы 3/3- официальное трудоустройствоЕсли вы горите желанием РАБОТАТЬ… Вы трудолюбивы, ответственны. Любите общение с людьми. Есть желание развиваться в интересной профессии и постоянно пробовать что-то новое. Если у вас есть желание расти в своей сфере, если вы коммуникабельный и не конфликтный человек.Тогда мы ждём именно тебя!Оставляйте резюме либо пиши в телеграмм или вайбер. 0932325260@foks_beautystudio.odessa Наш инстаграмм
Комендант, управляющий небольшим хостелом
ФОП Харлашкина А. П, Одеса
 Администратор для организации работы , поддержания порядка и обеспечения нормального функционирования небольшого, недорогого хостела семейного типа и смежных помещений.   Одна из задач зю- обеспечить рекламу и наполнение хостела, от чего, в основном, и зависит  повышение уровеня заработной платы. А также осуществление контроля и оплаты коммунальных услуг.. Возможно, предоставление бесплатного служебного жилья(холостяцкого, или семейного, можно с животными), а также , в случае бесконфликтного сотрудничества- прописки и регистрации( при необходимости).При 100%  заполнении хостела, гарантированна высокая зарплата и возможны, занятия другими работами за дополнительную плату.всегда обеспечен прожиточный минимум. Звоните и...Добро пожаловать !
Адміністратор салону краси
Nart, нігтьова студія, Одеса
ВакансияАдминистратораНогтевая студияГрафик работы 5/2 с 9.00−19.00Зп 500 грн день + % от продажТребования- стрессоустойчивость- умение общаться с людьми- умение вести соц сетиОпыт необязателен (всему научим)Адрес ДАЧА КОВАЛЕВСКОГО 121Тел 0508316117
Chief Officer
Seaspan Ship Management Ltd., Odessa, Odessa Oblast, ua
The Chief Officer is the designated Cargo Officer and is responsible for the safe loading, carriage and discharge of cargo. He is directly responsible to the Master for the administration and functioning of the Deck Department as and for navigational watchkeeping duties. He is a member of the Ship’s Board Management Team. He also ensures that he and his staff comply with Company Rules, Procedures, Standing Orders and Instructions, and any other Governmental or Port Regulations applicable to the ship. In addition, he has specific pollution prevention and safety-related duties. He also ensures that any Deck Cadets assigned to the vessel are given proper training and that their training records are maintained up to date.
Recruitment Assistant
V.Group, Odessa, Odessa Oblast, ua
Vacancy NameRecruitment AssistantVacancy NoVN13453Location CountryUkraineWork LocationOdessaWho are V?As a global leader in ship management and marine services, we add value to a vessel’s operations. Operating around the clock and around the world, V. gives every client the quality and efficiency they need in every sector. Covering crew management and recruitment, quality ship management and technical services, together with supporting management and commercial services, V. has an unrivalled industry knowledge with performance assured. Our values, We Care, We Collaborate, We Challenge, We are Consistent, We Commit and Deliver, are at the heart of everything we do and they support our strategy of Investing in Talent. We are always interested in making contact with talented individuals - people who will demonstrate our values and deliver great service, for internal and external stakeholders.Overall Purpose of The JobTo provide administrative support to the team, helping to achieve the team’s objectives of continuously hiring above and beyond departmental targets.j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__6__j_id193__j_id199 = window.onload; window.onload=function() { if (j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__6__j_id193__j_id199!= null) j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__6__j_id193__j_id199();};Key Responsibilities and TasksCompletes and delivers the C601a Form to the correct crew manager upon an offer being sent to a candidate, within 48 hours of offer being sent. Provides all training to office colleagues learning the system. Manages the exit interview process by advising the recruitment team of the monthly crew to be contacted, chasing when necessary and completing the monthly report in a timely manner. Sends report to senior recruitment Manager as scheduled every month. Advertises vacancies on social media and company websites, adhering to all brand standards set by V.Group. Manages the collection of all Chef Qualifications for new hires and submit as weekly report to manager. Sources candidates as requested by the team. Provides a weekly report of advertising. Maintains the Recruitment System and serves as key point person for queries related to the Recruitment System. Performs any other reasonable duties requested by a member of the team • Timely completion of assigned deliverables • Efficient and effective collaboration with stakeholders Timely and accurate reporting j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__7__j_id193__j_id199 = window.onload; window.onload=function() { if (j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__7__j_id193__j_id199!= null) j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__7__j_id193__j_id199();};What can I expect in return?V. Group can offer you a market leading salary and benefits package, in addition to significant opportunities for career growth and personal development. This a great opportunity to join a true leader in the maritime sector - a company that has exciting plans for future growth.Essential• Excellent Interpersonal skills • Attention to Detail • Team Player • Strong Organisational Skills • Ability to work alone • Effective verbal and written communication skills. • Honest and Trustworthy • Required English language knowledge appropriate to the rank j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__9__j_id193__j_id199 = window.onload; window.onload=function() { if (j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__9__j_id193__j_id199!= null) j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__9__j_id193__j_id199();};Desirable• Time Management Skills • Ability to work under pressure • Ability to problem solve • Demonstrate strong work ethics • Be adaptable to change • Previous customer service experience • Previous IT work experience • Multi-Lingual j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__10__j_id193__j_id199 = window.onload; window.onload=function() { if (j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__10__j_id193__j_id199!= null) j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__10__j_id193__j_id199();};Additional Informationj_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__11__j_id193__j_id199 = window.onload; window.onload=function() { if (j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__11__j_id193__j_id199!= null) j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__11__j_id193__j_id199();};
Program Director
Texas Tech University, Odessa, Odessa Oblast, ua
Major/Essential FunctionsThe Program Director for the Psychology Unit is responsible for the overall leadership, management, and administration of the psychology programs and services within the TTUHSC Permian Basin. This role involves strategic planning, program development, and ensuring the delivery of high-quality psychological services. The Program Director will work closely with multidisciplinary teams to meet the mental health needs of clients and ensure the unit operates efficiently and effectively. Provide strategic direction and leadership for the psychology unit, aligning programs with organizational goals and industry best practices. Develop and implement policies, procedures, and protocols to ensure the efficient operation of the unit. Design, implement, and evaluate psychological programs and services to meet the needs of clients and the community. Advocate for client needs within the organization and in the broader community. Represent the psychology unit in meetings, committees, and community events. Develop and maintain partnerships that support the goals and mission of the psychology unit. Preferred QualificationsDoctoral degree (Ph.D. or Psy.D.) in Psychology from an accredited institution.Minimum of 5 years of clinical experience in a mental health setting, with at least 2 years in a leadership or supervisory role.Pay StatementCompensation is commensurate upon the qualifications of the individual selected and budgetary guidelines of the hiring department, as well as the institutional pay plan. For additional information, please reference the .Required QualificationsBachelor's degree in the area of specialization or closely related field. Four years of related administrative and technical experience. Additional job-related education may be substituted for the required experience on a year-for-year basis. Jeanne Clery ActThe Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act is a federal statute requiring colleges and universities participating in federal financial aid programs to maintain and disclose campus crime statistics and security information. By October 1 of each year, institutions must publish and distribute their Annual Campus Security Policy & Crime Statistics Report (ASR) to current and prospective students and employees. To view this report, visit the .
CPS Family Based Safety Services Worker
Texas Department of Aging & Disability Services, Odessa, Odessa Oblast, ua
Job Description: OVERVIEWAfter a family has been investigated, a Family Based Safety Services (FBSS) worker helps them make changes to protect their children from abuse and neglect and keep them safe at home. This involves providing services offered by the agency, the family's community, and their extended families. Newly hired employees holding a Master's Degree in Social Worker may qualify for an increase at the point of hire. A Child Protective Services Family Based Safety Services Worker- . WHY WORK FOR DFPS?The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) is responsible for protecting the unprotected — children, elderly, and people with disabilities — from abuse, neglect, and exploitation. DFPS accomplishes this responsibility by employing over 12, workers who live up to the agency's Mission, Vision, & Values in service to the citizens of Texas. DFPS is not only a qualifying organization for the Service Loan Forgiveness Program, which forgives the remaining balance on college student Direct Loans after making qualifying monthly payments, but also offers excellent health benefits, special discounts on many products and services through the Discount Purchase Program, a lifetime monthly retirement annuity as well as Texa$aver (k) and Programs under the Employees Retirement System of Texas. An additional benefit you will receive is 12 days of paid annual leave, 12 sick days, and the potential to earn up to four days of administrative leave each year. Your annual paid leave accrual increases as your tenure increases. HELP US MAKE A DIFFERENCE: To explore more of what CPS Family Based Safety Services Workers do, click here. To view a realistic online video about Child Protective Services workers and clients, please click here. You will also have access to a self-assessment that will help you determine if this type of work is something that is a good fit for you. Essential Job Functions: •Responds quickly in crisis situations. •Provides time limited in-home services to meet the specific needs of families by identifying insufficient protective capacities, developing treatment plans, and using appropriate and necessary resources to minimize risk and provide for safety of the child; and maintains contact with parents and children to achieve treatment goals.•Assesses child safety and takes the necessary actions to protect the child as appropriate. This could include removing a child from their family.•Interacts objectively with “caretakers” who have abused and/or neglected children in their care. •Discusses issues with families related, but not limited to income, money management, and personal relationships that they will probably consider personal and private. •Encounters family members who are angry and/or scared.•Helps identify resources and community support available to the family.•Assists parents to recognize behaviors that lead to child abuse and/or neglect and empower parents to identify ways to make the necessary behavioral changes. •Determines action to be taken to remove or to reduce an immediate threat to the safety of a child to include working with families to identify family members who can assist with keeping the child safe, testifying in court to seek emergency protective services, placing children in substitute care, referring family for immediate crisis intervention therapy or other community resources. •Gather family and kinship information to support the child in a placement, should the child be placed in DFPS custody. •Documents all relevant and appropriate information gathered during the investigation and completing all required forms accurately and in a timely manner.•Works flexible work hours beyond 8a.m.-5p.m., Monday - Friday. •Maintains a balance of objectivity and empathic understanding when engaging families living in stressful and crisis situations. •Develops and maintains effective working relationships with law enforcement officials, judicial officials, legal resources, medical professionals, and other community resources. •Attends and participates in trainings, meetings and staffings. •Performs other duties as assigned and required to maintain unit operations. •Promotes and demonstrates appropriate respect for cultural diversity and competency among coworkers and all work-related contacts. •Attends work regularly in accordance with agency leave policy. Knowledge Skills Abilities: •Knowledge of child development•Knowledge of family dynamics•Skill in effective verbal and written communication.•Skill in establishing and maintaining effective working relationships. •Skill in problem solving techniques•Ability to operate a personal computer. •Ability to travel and attend child and family visits as well as other work-related appointments and meetings after 5pm.•Ability to be on call on a rotating basis and work irregular hours.•Ability to work in an emotion-filled environment and which may require conducting home visits in isolated or high crime areas and may involve exposure to substandard and unsanitary living conditions.
APS Investigator Specialist
Texas Department of Aging & Disability Services, Odessa, Odessa Oblast, ua
Job Description: protect themselves. An APS Investigator Specialist has a very challenging job that can be stressful at times –but there are few occupations that offer more opportunities to learn new things about families, your community and yourself.An Adult Protective Services Investigator Specialist- . Newly hired employees holding a Bachelor's or Master's Degree in Social Work also qualify for an automatic starting salary increase of 3.4% or 6.8%, respectively. WHY WORK FOR DFPS?The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) is responsible for protecting the unprotected — children, elderly, and people with disabilities — from abuse, neglect, and exploitation. DFPS accomplishes this responsibility by employing over 12, workers who live up to the agency's Mission, Vision, & Values in service to the citizens of Texas. DFPS is not only a qualifying organization for the Service Loan Forgiveness Program, which forgives the remaining balance on college student Direct Loans after making qualifying monthly payments, but also offers excellent health benefits, special discounts on many products and services through the Discount Purchase Program, a lifetime monthly retirement annuity as well as Texa$aver (k) and Programs under the Employees Retirement System of Texas. An additional benefit you will receive is 12 days of paid annual leave, 12 sick days, and the potential to earn up to four days of administrative leave each year. Your annual paid leave accrual increases as your tenure increases. HELP US MAKE A DIFFERENCE AS:To explore more of what Adult Protective Services Investigators do, click here. To view a realistic online video about Adult Protective Services Investigations workers and clients, please clickhere. You will also have access to a self-assessment that will help you determine if this type of work is something that is a good fit for you. Essential Job Functions: Essential Job Functions:•Investigates reports of abuse, neglect or exploitation of elderly or disabled adults to assess the urgency of the problem by interviewing clients, family members and other to gather social, functional, physical and mental- emotional information for evaluation.•Provides services after normal working hours and on weekends to maintain 24 hour coverage, including receiving reports of alleged abuse, neglect or exploitation.•Determines temporary or long-term action to be taken to remove or lessen an immediate threat to the life or health of an adult protective services client to include counseling clients and caregivers, providing information and referral services, testifying in court to seek emergency protective services, finding alternate housing when necessary, and providing on-going services. •Develops individualized service plans to meet the needs of the adult protective services client and maintains detailed documentation on each case.•Makes presentations and participates in community awareness and related activities to inform the public about the program.•Prepares routine, statistical, and special reports for management.•Serves in lead capacity in absence of supervisor.•Performs other duties as assigned and required to maintain unit operations.•Promotes and demonstrates appropriate respect for cultural diversity among coworkers and all work-related contacts.•Attends work regularly in accordance with agency leave policy. Knowledge Skills Abilities: •Knowledge of agency policies, procedures, and standards.•Knowledge of Texas laws relating to adult protective services.•Knowledge of gerontology and the dynamics of the aging process.•Knowledge of special problems of the aged and disabled.•Knowledge of crisis intervention techniques and skills.•Knowledge of differing cultures/ethnic groups and values.•Skill in establishing and maintaining effective working relationships.•Skill in effective verbal and written communication.•Ability to work effectively with difficult abuse/neglect complaints.•Ability to empathize and provide encouragement to disabled adults and the elderly and to help them meet particular needs and alleviate problems.•Ability to operate a personal computer and various software packages.•Ability to operate standard office equipment including fax and copy machines.•Ability to make home visits in isolated or high crime areas that may involve exposure to substandard and unsanitary living conditions.•Ability to be on call in order to receive reports of abuse, neglect, and exploitation.•Ability to work with violent and dangerous individuals.
Document Control Administrator - Quality
SII Saulsbury Industries, Inc, Odessa, Odessa Oblast, ua
Take your next step with Saulsbury Industries!Position Location: Odessa, TXType: Full TimeJob SummaryMust have experience in document or administrative management. Oil and Gas industry experience preferred. Must be able to manage a high-volume workload and work in a team, tracking, maintaining, client, construction and NDE documents. Maintain efficient workflow of construction and client documents. Must be able to identify delays or issues that interfere in workflow processes and report to supervisor.ResponsibilitiesReport to SupervisorAssist with Supervisor daily needs.Hours vary depending on the construction site schedule. Weld Mapping utilizing PDF software.MaxTrax – Weld Management SoftwareWeld, NDE, Material data entry. Organize Reports/documents as they come in & reviewing them for accuracy.Document Transmittals Weld DataVisual Inspection DataRedlines Material Test ReportsNDE Reports PWHT Reports Welder Qualifications Assist in developing hydrostatic and pneumatic test package. Follow up on all inaccurate documentation corrections.Maintain documents daily by inserting documents into turnover dossiers/project data book.Upload to QC ServerRequirementsOne to three years related experience.Minimum of one year industry experience preferred.Ability to work with little supervision, good attitude, self-starter & motivated.Ability to understand isometric drawings. (i.e., piping fitting, BOM, spec breaks)Well organized, attention to detail & good communications skillsAbility to prioritize, demonstrate initiative, and handle the pressure of multiple project group document requirements with tactAttention to detail, accuracyComputer literate and competent in the use of MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF editing software, and Outlook requiredField or vendor experience a plusKnowledge of clerical and administrative procedures and systems such as filing & recordkeepingKnowledge of operation of standard office equipmentSolid communication skills, professional attitude, and works well and in harmony with othersSome overtime may be required with management approvalStrong organizational skills including alphabetization and numerical filingAbility to work independently and excellent time management skillsDocument Control / Turnover knowledgePhysical RequirementsProlonged periods sitting at a desk and working on a computer.Ability to stand for extended periods of time.Ability to walk the property and laydown yards.Ability to carry up to 50 pounds