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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Мастер строительных работ в Києві"

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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Мастер строительных работ в Києві"

20 000 ₴ Середня зарплата в місяць

Рівень середньої зарплатні за останні 12 місяців: "Мастер строительных работ в Києві"

Валюта: UAH USD Рік: 2024
На гістограмі зображено зміну рівня середньої заробітної плати професії Мастер строительных работ в Києві.

Рейтинг схожих вакансій по рівню заробітної плати в Києві

Серед схожих професій в Києві найбільш високооплачуваною вважається Отделочник. За даними нашого сайту, рівень середньої зарплатні становить 35000 грн. На другому місці - Монолитчик з зарплатнею 35000 грн, а на третьому - Рабочий на стройку з зарплатнею 35000 грн.

Рекомендовані вакансії

Разнорабочий на полную занятость вахтовый метод 20/10 иногородним предоставляем жилье Киев
OWT, група компаній, Киев
Описание вакансии Разнорабочий на полную занятость вахтовый метод 20/10 иногородним предоставляем жилье Киев: В компанию OWT нужны разнорабочие.Работа на постоянной основе.Иногородним предоставляется жилье.Заработная плата - грн./день.Работа вахтовым методом (20/10)!За более подробной информацией обращайтесь по телефону указанному в контактах.Возможность дополнительно заработать - обучение, консультации: Подсобный работник - разнорабочий вахтовый метод жильем обеспечим выплаты 2 раза в месяц опыт не важен З/П - грн. Разнорабочий на сбивку новых поддонов опыт не важен всему обучим выплаты всегда вовремя З/П - грн. Разнорабочий с опытом внимательный желательно с водительскими правами категории В З/П - грн. Разнорабочий с электромонтажными навыками в столичную аптечную сеть З/П - грн. Разнорабочий опыт не важен готовность к физическим нагрузкам график пятидневка З/П - грн. Разнорабочий на производство желательно с опытом выплаты дважды в месяц метро Почайна З/П грн. + премии. Разнорабочий на производство развозка от метро Осокорки/Харьковская/Выдубичи З/П - грн. Разнорабочий в гранитную мастерскую ответственный без медицинских противопоказаний З/П - грн. грн./день). Разнорабочий по складированию стеклопакетов с опытом возможно студент З/П - грн. Разнорабочий возможно студент на полный день график 5/1 или 6/1 З/П грн. Сборщик мебели - разнорабочий на мебельное производство иногородним помощь с жильем З/П - грн. Разнорабочий вахтовый график 14/7 и 14/14 обеспечим питанием и бесплатным общежитием обучаем З/П - грн. Разнорабочий в цех по производству систем очистки воды график 2/2 или 5/7 З/П - грн. Разнорабочий на производство продукции из стекла и зеркал ответственный с опытом З/П - грн. Разнорабочий в строительную компанию разные локации желательно с опытом З/П - грн. Разнорабочий график 5/2 официальное оформление 5 минут от Дарницкого вокзала З/П 15&#; грн. (на ИС) Разнорабочий на производство полуфабрикатов вахта 14/7, 14/14 бесплатное проживание в общежитии З/П - 25&#; грн. Грузчик - разнорабочий на производство в цех напитков без вредных привычек Голосеевский район З/П - грн. Разнорабочий на производственное предприятия возможно без опыта всему обучим гибкий график З/П грн. Разнорабочий на установку памятников на кладбищах физически развит и выносливый З/П грн. + бонусы. Разнорабочий на пищевое производство желательно с опытом график 5/2 или 2/2 З/П - грн. Разнорабочий без вредных привычек в ландшафтную сферу ответственный и порядочный З/П грн. грн. в день) Разнорабочий в цех срочно пунктуальный район Южная Борщаговка З/П - грн. Разнорабочий на производство с умением читать чертежи ответственный метро Шулявская З/П - грн. Разнорабочий на производство в теплое помещение полиграфии ближайшее метро Академгородок З/П - грн. Разнорабочий на склад исполнительный срочно упаковка, прием и отгрузка заказов З/П - грн. Разнорабочий-грузчик на мусоровоз без вредных привычек иногородним предоставляем жилье З/П грн. Разнорабочий в большой цветочный склад-магазин комфортное место выплаты 2 раза в месяц З/П - грн. Разнорабочий на зеленое строительство физически крепок без вредных привычек З/П - грн. Разнорабочий срочно внимательный со знанием инструмента и оборудования З/П - грн.Общая специфика этой вакансии:Отправить резюме на эту вакансию: Отправить резюме
Спец-Партнер, ТОВ, Київ
Транспортна компанія ТОВ: «Спец-Партнер» запрошує на роботу різноробочих для виконання будівельних робіт та обслуговування вантажних автомобілівЩоб влаштуватися на роботу — не потрібно володіти спеціальними знаннями, необхідно просто мати бажання працювати!Умови роботи:- офіційне працевлаштування;- опалювальний цех;- стабільна робота в компанії, яка постійно розвивається;- дружній колектив;- роздягальня, кухня;- щотижнева виплата ЗП без затримки;- надаємо всі необхідні робочі інструменти;- виплата зарплати + бонуси, премії (залежить від майстерності та підходу до роботи);- Київ, Лівий берег, Бориспільська 5 (5 хвилин від Дарницького вокзалу);- Графік 5/2 — 8:00 — 17:00Якщо Ви: відповідальна, акуратна, порядна та організована людина, маєте готовність працювати в команді, чекаємо Вашого відгуку на оголошенняПриймаємо дзвінки у робочий час 9:00 — 20:00Телефон — 0988312020 Інна Пошта: [откликнуться]
Менеджер з продажу електротехнічної продукції
ПСТ Плюс, ООО, Київ
Вакансія від 21.05.2024Менеджер з продажу електротехнічної продукціїПСТ Плюс, ООООптова торгівля, дистрибуція, імпорт, експорт; 50−250 співробітниківКиївАндрій 0674086525Повна зайнятість. Досвід роботи від 2 роківОпис вакансіїПривіт, Тебе вітає команда ПСТ. Ми прогресивна компанія, яка займається постачанням великого спектру будівельних матеріалів. Наша компанія не тільки займається гуртовими продажами будівельних матеріалів, а також знаходить професійні рішення задач наших клієнтів в різних галузях будівництва. Вже 20 років на ринку, впевнено розвиваємся та приймаємо участь у відбудові нашої держави. Наша компанія вводить асортимент електротехнічної продукції, тому ми шукаємо менеджера з продажів цієї продукції, з крутими комунікативними навичками, який працює на результат і готовий навчатися Наша команда завжди для нас в пріоритеті. Яка б не була ситуація на ринку і в державі ми робимо всі можливі умови для того, щоб наші співробітники не відчували мінливості зовнішніх обставин і отримували при цьому конкурентну заробітну плату та насолоджувалися своєю роботою і життямМи бачимо на цій посаді людину:- Яка бажає заробляти- Яка має знання технічної специфіки електротехнічної продукції- Яка має досвід роботи з продажу електротехнічної продукції і добре орієнтується в цьому ринку- Наявність в неї бази клієнтів (бажано)- Яка має навички побудови та розвитку довгострокових відносин з прорабами, майстрами, власниками будівельних компаній- Яка має високі комунікативні навички — уміння порозумітися з різними людьми, робота з запереченнями- Відповідальну, порядну, з високим рівнем самоорганізації, уважну до дрібниць- Яка має бажання розвиватися, активна життєва позиція, ініціативність- Впевнений користувач Windows Office, 1С- Наявність власного авто (бажано)- Освіта: середня/вищаЧим ти будеш займатися:- Здійснювати активний пошук нових об'єктів, забудовників, архітекторів, дизайнерів, будівельних бригад та компаній, що займаються будівництвом- Формувати власну клієнтську базу яка в майбутньому стане твоєю інтелектуальною власністю- Здійснення продажів у форматі проведення переговорів та ділового листування, виїзд на об'єкти- Підтримка та розвиток довгострокових відносин з клієнтами- Робота в 1С і ведення необхідної документації по замовленням- Надавати консультації стосовно електротехнічної продукції клієнтам- Контролювати відвантаження замовлень клієнтів- Контролювати дебіторську заборгованість по клієнтаМи пропонуємо- Розвиток професійних навичок та можливості кар'єрного зростання- Все необхідне для роботи- Випробний термін — 2 місяці- Помічника для підтримки тебе в період роботи на виїзді- Високу конкурентну систему оплати праці. Оплата праці (постійна і змінна її частини) обговорюються на співбесіді- Можливість розвиватися і заробляти більше в колективі мотивованих однодумців і професіоналів у сфері- Зручний комбінований графік роботи (офіс/ віддалена робота)- Офіс у районі м. НивкиЯкщо ти дочитав вакансію до кінця, то 100% вона тебе зацікавила! В такому випадку не зволікай, швидше відправляй своє резюме і чекай мого дзвінка. Я розгляну всі відгуки та виберу найкращих кандидатівКонтактна інформаціяТелефон +380674086525 Андрій
Finance Controller (Reporting, Tax)
United Tech, Київ
Join the team at United Tech as our Finance Controller (Reporting, Tax). You will take the lead in interpreting financial information, offering strategic recommendations to boost profitability, and playing a key role in overseeing the day-to-day financial operations of our innovative projects. We invite you to become an important part of our visionary team!In this role, you will:- Develop and implement tax strategies to optimize the organization’s global tax position, ensuring compliance with international tax laws and regulations.- Manage international tax compliance, including the preparation and filing of tax returns in multiple jurisdictions (with external local accountants), as well as addressing any related reporting requirements, including tax planning.- Identify and assess international tax risks and develop strategies to mitigate potential exposures. Stay current with international tax law changes and assess their impact on the organization.- Manage CFC related processes.- Monitor and process KYC and AML requests in a timely manner (if necessary).- Engage in the preparation of financial statements.- Conduct reconciliation between local and management accounting practices.- Perform verification of financial statements.- Assist with tax audits and disputes in various jurisdictions, working with external accountants and auditors to resolve issues and ensure compliance.- Collaborate with finance, legal, and operational teams to provide tax guidance on international business initiatives and transactions.- Prepare and review international tax provisions for financial reporting purposes in accordance with relevant accounting standards.- Provide support and control for external and internal audits.- Participate in communication with external partners (banks, financial organizations, advertising networks).- Actively participate in the opening of new legal entities, bank accounts, or accounts in payment systems (if necessary).- Participate in various projects and ad hoc assignments (if necessary).- Help other team members with the relevant requests.It’s all about you:- Bachelor’s/Master’s degree in Accounting, Economics, Finance, Taxation, or a related field.- Knowledge and skills in accounting and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).- At least 3 years of relevant professional experience (preferably with an IT company, Big 4 Public Accounting, international public company, or FMCG company).- International qualifications such as ACCA, CIMA, CFA.- Substantial experience in international tax planning, compliance, and transfer pricing.- Experience with international ERP systems, and tools for tax calculation, compliance, and documentation.- Familiarity with accounting standards related to income tax accounting and VAT.- Knowledge and understanding of key taxation principles, tax systems, and levies.- Proficiency in English — Upper-Intermediate or Advanced: oral and written.What we offer:- Comfortable working environment. You can work at our comfortable hub in Kyiv or remotely anywhere with a flexible schedule. We reimburse expenses for renting workspaces in other cities. Also, you can get financial and legal support, modern equipment, and up-to-date tools.- Highly-skilled team. We have several independent products and cross-functional autonomous teams with Tech leads. The seniority level of the team is Middle & Senior, so you will get the option to share practical cases and knowledge with experts in the social networking niche.- Personal impact and ambitious goals. Our products are in top positions in their categories on App Store and Google Play. We’re free to implement our ideas and directly influence products, cherishing our users. So you can make your direct impact on fast-growing products with a multi-million audience.- Investment in the future. The growth of our teammates is boosted with performance-oriented reviews, IDPs, free English classes, reimbursement of professional development courses, constructive feedback, international projects, a corporate library, and knowledge sharing.- Care and support. We maintain a human-to-human approach and care for our teammates’ safety, health, and rest with 20 paid vacation days, 15 days of paid sick leave, also 100% coverage of medical insurance, reimbursement for sports and equipment, corporate events, stylish merch.Hiring process:- Intro call with a Recruiter- Test Task- Interview with the Hiring Manager- Short interview with CFO- Reference check- Polygraph- Offer
Director of Finance and Compliance - Ukraine
Mercy Corps, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Description About Mercy CorpsMercy Corps is a leading global organization powered by the belief that a better world is possible. In disaster, in hardship, in more than 40 countries around the world, we partner to put bold solutions into action — helping people triumph over adversity and build stronger communities from within. Now, and for the future.Program / Department Summary Mercy Corps’ Ukraine crisis response seeks to meet the humanitarian needs of vulnerable Ukrainians and other conflict-affected people where they are: displaced inside Ukraine, refugees in Poland, Romania and Moldova, or trapped behind frontlines. We aim to reach 500,000 vulnerable people with multi-purpose cash assistance, in-kind humanitarian support, and protection services across four countries. Almost all of our impact will be delivered in partnership: with Ukrainian, Polish, Romanian and Moldovan civil society organizations through a granting program that matches humanitarian action with capacity strengthening, and with peer international NGOs through a consortium in Ukraine.General Position Summary The Director of Finance & Compliance Ukraine Response is responsible for all financial operations for the response set-up. They are part of Mercy Corps’ Finance Department, and as such are responsible for all aspects of financial management of the country programs, working collaboratively to ensure compliance with Mercy Corps internal policies and procedures as well as donor regulations. They work under the direction of the Response Director and are responsible for all financial functions in the Ukraine Response, including accounting, payments and banking, payroll, budgeting, financial reporting and grant financial management and compliance. The Director of Finance & Compliance, in support of the Program Department, provides timely reports and assistance to the Response Director and the Program team to ensure that financial resources are used efficiently and effectively.Essential Job Responsibilities Strategy & Vision●Set direction by prioritizing and organizing actions & resources to achieve objectives and contribute to response wide strategy development across multiple countries within the region. ●Recognize opportunities for innovative action and create an environment of empowerment.Operations - Financial●Initiate and see through the establishment of internal controls and local finance policies & procedures (e.g. approval authority matrix, segregation of duties matrix, cash handling and banking/payment procedures, cost allocation special circumstances, etc).●Assess current and anticipated finance needs and appropriate structure as the Ukraine Response evolves.●Ensure effective, transparent use of financial resources in compliance with Mercy Corps and donor policies and procedures.●Assess banking environment and currency options; share recommendations; participate in bank selection and account setup.●Maintain banking relations and plan and monitor country cash flow requirements to ensure the smooth implementation of Mercy Corps programs.●Maintain appropriate local insurance coverage in coordination with the Admin. Department, to protect Mercy Corps.●Provide monthly standard accounting submissions to Mercy Corps Headquarters, including general ledger files, account reconciliations, expenditures by cost center/project, required subgrantee reporting, as well as other financial information in a timely and accurate manner.●Maintain schedules to record and track budget vs cash vs commitments in real-time for the early stages of this response, ●Provide ad hoc management reports to the Response Director and Program Managers, including expenditures by cost center/project, subgrantee reporting and other financial information, in a timely and accurate manner.●Develop master budgets with the Response Director, and develop and implement grant budgeting and forecasting systems with Program Managers.●Oversee/perform financial review of Program Team members’ expense reports (travel expense reports and operational expense reports), payment requests, purchase requests, contracts.●Lead/oversee the development of the national team payroll plan and accounting template.●Ensure compliance with national and local tax and labor laws.●Lead the process of establishing a country ledger in Mercy Corps’ Navigator finance software system in coordination with HQ finance.●Lead role in interaction with international and local sub-recipients from finance perspective (i.e. sub-award pre-award assessments, program budgeting, funds transfers, financial reporting, reconciliation, and financial monitoring).●Lead field role in developing proposal budgets in coordination with field and HQ teams.Program Management●Fulfill Mercy Corps’ Program Management Minimum Standards based on the organization-wide guide.●Ensure all interventions adhere to Mercy Corps’ Code of Conduct; Gender, Diversity and Inclusion guiding documents; Core Humanitarian Principles and Do No HarmTeam Management ●Participate in and/or lead recruitment and hiring of finance department team members depending on position level (potentially ranging from finance assistant to senior finance officer level).●Ensure team members improve performance & reach objectives●Promote accountability, communicate expectations and provide constructive feedback informally and formally via regular one on ones and performance reviews.●Create and sustain a work environment of mutual respect where team members strive to achieve excellence, and cultivate resilience and well-being under challenging situations.Influence & Representation ●Interface with donor representatives to convey information about programs as appropriate.●Communicate with our partners to verify their systems and that they understand and follow all appropriate procedures and archiving.●Participate in sharing best practices with NGOs and governmental agencies.●Consistently demonstrate flexibility, resilience and ability to maintain positive relationships and composure, even under difficult circumstances.●Maintain high ethical standards and treat people with respect and dignity.●Demonstrate an awareness of their own strengths and development needs.Security ●Ensure compliance with security procedures and policies●Contribute to creating a secure environment for team members.Supervisory ResponsibilityFinance Manager – Accounting, Finance Manager Subawards & Compliance Accountability Reports Directly To: Response Director with indirect line into International Finance TeamWorks Directly With: Field Security Manager/HQ Regional Finance Officer/Members of Ops team, Emergency program managers/ TSU team members/Human Resources Manager/MEL role/Procurement and Logistic Responder/Program Development, Reporting and Communication Officer/AiE Focal Point/CTP Advisor/Food Security and Livelihood Program Manager/WASH Program Manager/othersKnowledge and Experience ●At least 5+ years of progressive financial management experience, including supervisory experience (required).●4 years experience in grant financial management (budgeting, monitoring, compliance, etc.) required; ●3 years international experience required, (preferred in the humanitarian sector)●Previous deployment in emergencies contexts in multiple countries is preferred●Previous experience in insecure or evolving environments●A BA/S or equivalent in accounting or finance required; advanced degree preferred.●Excellent oral and written English skills required; proficiency in Russian is is a plus●Proficiency with MS Office software required (Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint).●Mercy Corps’ Core Humanitarian Competencies (as defined in the ) preferred.Technical competencies:More than 50% of Mercy Corps responses are cash/voucher-based programming so it is recommended for any responder deploying in a context where CTP is anticipated to possess the following competencies:●Understands theoretical and applied knowledge about CTP●Is able to work with Program Managers and operations teams to:○budget for CTP (sufficient staffing, payment mechanism fees)○develop CTP SOPs to ensure internal controls○work effectively with Financial Service Providers for cash payments○ensure compliance procedures are in place to track and manage cash payments●Understands compliance requirements around quality control of goods.Functional competencies●Possesses knowledge about financial management●Possesses knowledge about budget management●Understands donor regulations and compliance ●Understands accounting concepts●Can recognize fraud and corruption, and knows how to report it●Has ledger and budget knowledge in the field (not required in every project)●Understands, monitors, and realigns program budgetsRequired for responses in countries where Mercy Corps is not present:●Can analyze and implement cash movements and controls in challenging contexts (e.g. where Mercy Corps doesn’t have a bank account)●Is able to review alternative hiring mechanisms where (against norms) operational advances are likely to be requiredLeadership competencies●Recognizes opportunities for innovative action and create an environment where alternative viewpoints are welcomed●Drives impact by building high performing teams●Broadens influence by role-modeling and leveraging networks●Ensures necessary compliance standards are maintained amidst the challenges of the emergency contextSuccess Factors The successful candidate will have an ability to interact effectively across international and national program and finance teams successfully, both in a managerial as well as training capacity. They will be able to support programmatic objectives with timely and meaningful financial information, and meet deadlines and process information in support of changing program activities. An impeccable professional standard of finance and procurement ethics and the willingness and ability to enforce compliance with Mercy Corps and donor policies and procedures is essential. The successful candidate must be willing to travel regularly to Mercy Corps field offices and project sites. The most successful Mercy Corps staff members have a strong commitment to teamwork and accountability, thrive in evolving and changing environments and make effective written and verbal communication a priority in all situations. Living Conditions / Environmental Conditions The position is based in Ukraine and is eligible for Hardship and R&R benefits. Accommodations are in individual housing and access to services – medical, electricity, water, etc is in place but may change depending on the situation. This position requires travel to surrounding countries, as security permits. Given the emergency context, this position requires exceptional work schedules, including evenings and weekends.Ongoing LearningIn support of our belief that learning organizations are more effective, efficient and relevant to the communities we serve, we empower all team members to dedicate 5% of their time to learning activities that further their personal and/or professional growth and developmentDiversity, Equity & InclusionAchieving our mission begins with how we build our team and work together. Through our commitment to enriching our organization with people of different origins, beliefs, backgrounds, and ways of thinking, we are better able to leverage the collective power of our teams and solve the world’s most complex challenges. We strive for a culture of trust and respect, where everyone contributes their perspectives and authentic selves, reaches their potential as individuals and teams, and collaborates to do the best work of their lives. We recognize that diversity and inclusion is a journey, and we are committed to learning, listening and evolving to become more diverse, equitable and inclusive than we are today.Equal Employment OpportunityMercy Corps is an equal opportunity employer that does not tolerate discrimination on any basis. We actively seek out diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and skills so that we can be collectively stronger and have sustained global impact. We are committed to providing an environment of respect and psychological safety where equal employment opportunities are available to all. We do not engage in or tolerate discrimination on the basis of race, color, gender identity, gender expression, religion, age, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, disability (including HIV/AIDS status), marital status, military veteran status or any other protected group in the locations where we work.Safeguarding & EthicsMercy Corps is committed to ensuring that all individuals we come into contact with through our work, whether team members, community members, program participants or others, are treated with respect and dignity. We are committed to the core principles regarding prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse laid out by the UN Secretary General and IASC and have signed on to the. We will not tolerate child abuse, sexual exploitation, abuse, or harassment by or of our team members. As part of our commitment to a safe and inclusive work environment, team members are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner, respect local laws and customs, and to adhere to and values at all times. Team members are required to complete mandatory Code of Conduct elearning courses upon hire and on an annual basis.
Ukraine Investment Advisor
CrossBoundary, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Ukraine Investment Role CrossBoundary Advisory About the Firm Founded in 2011, CrossBoundary is a mission-driven investment firm committed to unlocking the power of capital to make a substantial return while creating a lasting difference in frontier markets. We take a transaction-centered approach to frontier markets. CrossBoundary provides investment advisory services, having developed a specialized expertise in unleashing investment across all sectors in fragile and frontier markets. Our advisory clients include governments, development finance institutions, private equity firms, Fortune 100 companies, and research institutions. Learn more at www.crossboundary.com . Job Description CrossBoundary (CB) is currently hiring a qualified Ukraine Investment Advisor (UIA) to source  and execute significant investments into the Ukrainian market in partnership with  the United States International Development Finance Corporation (DFC). The Ukraine Investment Advisor will be located in Kyiv, Ukraine, or alternatively, in another location within Ukraine if mutually agreed. Primary Responsibilities 1. Investment Analysis: Conduct comprehensive analyses of new loan and political risk insurance proposals for the government. Evaluate financial, technical, economic, legal, marketing, and political feasibility. Provide recommendations to DFC staff on the viability of proposals for further consideration. Perform in-depth analyses of proposed business ventures, financial statements, macroeconomic and microeconomic risks, contractual obligations, sponsor eligibility, and related factors. Collaborate with sponsors to modify financial projections, ensuring logical model construction and business case assumptions for DFC financing and/or insurance are adequate. Create financial models and conduct sensitivity analyses as part of the due diligence process. 2. Negotiation: Support DFC negotiations on loan terms, collateral security, completion support, and policy requirements with key stakeholders. Assist in coordinating project financial plans and co-creditor or re/insurance arrangements with other creditors. Consult with industry experts on technical aspects of proposed projects through field visits and communication with relevant stakeholders. 3. Policy Engagement: Work with Credit Policy and Development Policy to support negotiations on financing terms and policy requirements. Assist in the preparation of recommendations, papers, and correspondence for DFC approval committees. Collaborate with DFC deal teams on contract reviews, agency clearances, and investor signatures. 4. Transaction Tracking: Support DFC staff in tracking the pipeline of transactions in Ukraine. Prepare outcome reports for internal and external audiences. 5. Representation & Engagement: Serve as a senior point of contact for DFC in Ukraine when designated. Assist in program development and management for specific regions or sectors. Represent DFC in the execution of new and unique project financings aligned with DFC program and strategic goals. Collaborate with internal and external parties, including DFC's Ukraine team and U.S. Government inter-agency participants. Network with counterparts in other development finance institutions to promote DFC objectives. Support DFC externally at conferences and participate in interdepartmental activities. Advise representatives of private U.S. firms on DFC's credit and risk mitigation products, financing programs, and initiatives. 6. Feasibility Assessment: Collaborate with internal and external parties to assess the feasibility of projects and initiatives. Prepare materials for review by Corporation approving authorities, committees, and boards. Qualifications The ideal candidate should have a minimum of a master’s degree in international business/studies, international relations, finance, business, economics, political science, or a related field.  Experience The ideal candidate should have following skills and qualifications: Approximately 10 years of full-time relevant work experience, defined as a minimum of five (5) years of full-time employment within the last fifteen (15) years working in investment banking, financial advisory, insurance underwriting, project development, development finance, project finance, financial services or development finance-related consulting, or private equity. Of these years, a target of two years significantly relating to Ukraine or comparable markets. US citizenship or green card. Broad and comprehensive knowledge of international business practices. Evaluating or responding to requests for financial support from entrepreneurs or businesses. Working, often independently or with minimal supervision, on simultaneous projects, in a complex environment, and under deadlines. Excellent English speaking, reading, and writing skills. Demonstrated ability to produce written materials that are clear and succinct. Experience with financial modeling and financial statement analysis. International work experience, especially in Ukraine and/or other countries that have undergone market transition in Europe or Eurasia. Experience evaluating and responding to requests for financial support from entrepreneurs or businesses undertaking business activities in emerging market countries. Experience evaluating and responding to requests to a development finance institution for financial support. Broad and comprehensive understanding of development finance and the work of development finance institutions. Experience in fragile markets and regions in active or post-conflict environments is a plus. Additional Advantages Existing and extensive network of professional contacts in Ukraine Location Kyiv, Ukraine (25% time spent traveling domestically/internationally expected) Equal Opportunity Employer CrossBoundary is an equal opportunity employer Powered by JazzHR
Partnership Advisor- Ukraine
Mercy Corps, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Description About Mercy CorpsMercy Corps is powered by the belief that a better world is possible. To do this, we know our teams do their best work when they are diverse, and every team member feels that they belong. We welcome diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and skills so that we can be stronger and have long term impact. The Program Summary Mercy Corps’ Ukraine response meets the humanitarian needs of vulnerable Ukrainians and other war and conflict-affected people. In 2022 and 2023, Mercy Corps’ Ukraine response reached more than 2.5 million people with emergency cash, food, psychosocial support, and information campaigns. Notably, nearly all our programming has been delivered in partnership with civil society organizations through a granting program that matches humanitarian action with capacity strengthening, and with peer international NGOs through a consortium in Ukraine. Building on a substantial program addressing needs through MPCA/Cash in the Eastern and Southern regions of Ukraine, the portfolio is expanding to include a Rapid Response Mechanism and resilience programming focusing on supporting local value chains and SMEs. The PositionThe Partnership Advisor is responsible for ensuring consistent and coherent partnership approaches across all Ukraine programs and will further develop Mercy Corps Ukraine’s Partnerships Approach in alignment with Mercy Corps Ukraine’s Response Strategy. The Partnerships Advisor will serve as technical lead and ensure harmonization of approaches on identification, selection, monitoring, and capacity strengthening of partners. This role will also represent Mercy Corps in external networks and fora with the aim of advocating for the localization of aid and equitable partnerships. S/he will provide direct oversight of the Partnership Unit, whileproviding indirect support to all other project-based program staff.This is a key senior role within Mercy Corps’ response and the candidate should expect to be flexible, responsive and offer critical thinking and solution-oriented approaches. They should feel comfortable in challenging practices and understanding change.Essential Responsibilities STRATEGY AND PLANNINGLead on Mercy Corps Ukraine’sPartnerships Approachin line with Mercy Corps Ukraine Response Strategy, and Mercy Corps’ Global Localization agenda.Play a key convening role across the Ukraine response, facilitating a culture of practice and active networking with colleagues across functions, that are working with, or on, partnerships.Serve as the technical lead for capacity building across all Mercy Corps Ukraine partnerships, learning from and consolidating practices from acrossprograms to establish more coherent approaches and tools.Foster an enabling environment for collaborative, inclusive, and mutually accountable partnerships with local organizations. Contribute to the evidence-base for and debate around civil society engagement and partnership approaches in Ukraine as well as Mercy Corps’ own partnership approach.Provide input and/or lead on program design focused on or including partnerships with Ukrainian civil society organizations.Ensure partners are consulted in strategy development and program design and regularly organize consultation sessions with civil society actors. TECHNICAL SUPPORTStreamline Mercy Corps’ Partnership Approach across the response, ensuring harmonized and consistent approaches and sharing of tools, standards and lessons learnt. Create and maintain systems to ensure technical coherence and promote creative programming across the programs portfolio.Ensure program implementation is adhering to minimum standards and program staff are provided with tools and guidance on partnerships. Contribute to new initiatives and ensure partnership and localization principles are met in proposals. Develop strategies, guidelines, tools, standards and standard operating procedures (SoPs) that help program teams to implement programs and provide necessary technical support on partnerships, where required. CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT & ORGANIZATIONAL LEARNINGDevelop a clear capacity development approach for Mercy Corps in Ukraine, including guidelines, tools, and standards. Provide capacity development to Mercy Corps team members and sensitize and train them on partnership and localization approaches. Provide team members with information, tools, and other resources to improve performance and help them constructively identify problem solving options.Lead collaborative processes designed to harness learning from Ukraine’s partnership programming to inform Mercy Corps’ partnership strategies at the country, regional, and global levels, as well as contribute to the growing global partnership sector.Facilitate and contribute to Mercy CorpsUkraine’s learning and strategy related to partnership approaches and capacity development (through workshops, participation in evaluation or studies, preparation/review of tool kits, collection of data and other measurement).Function as an overseer for partners and their feedback and ensure this is addressed by the relevant program teams. COORDINATION & REPRESENTATIONRepresent Mercy CorpsUkraine’s partnership approaches and programming in the wider INGO and donor community, and relevant coordination forums.Develop internal and external networks to support effective advocacy and outreach across stakeholders to promote innovative partnership approaches within the Ukraine context.Participate in sharing best practices with NGOs and governmental agencies working in a similar environment.Supervisory ResponsibilityPartnership Unit (2-3 direct reports)Accountability Reports Directly To: Program Quality and Standards LeadWorks Directly With: Program Leads, Program Managers, MEL Lead, Subawards & Compliance Manager. Accountability to Participants and StakeholdersMercy Corps team members are expected to support all efforts toward accountability, specifically to our program participants, community partners, other stakeholders, and to international standards guiding international relief and development work. We are committed to actively engaging communities as equal partners in the design, monitoring and evaluation of our field projects.Minimum Qualification & Transferable Skills University Degree/Masters in international studies, social, economic or other relevant field is desired.Proven technical expertise in partnership approaches, civil society development and/or capacity strengthening of local partner organizations.Significant experience designing and delivering partner-driven programs, including US,UK, and EU-funded programming.At least 5-7 years of senior experience in relevant or similar roles, and3-5 years of progressive humanitarian and/or development program management experience, including close collaboration with program, finance, sub-awards, and operations teams. 1-3 years of experience in team management, with remote management as an advantage, as well as management experience of complex, multi-dimensional programming, including administering small grants in an international environment.Strong knowledge of, and experience with organizational development of CSOs in challenging environments, and ability to inform the content and method of organizational development training. Demonstrated experience and ability to represent the organization and negotiate and defend Mercy Corps’ interests with a diverse range of international and local organizations and other groups professionally and appropriately.Effective verbal and written communication, multi-tasking, organizational, and prioritization skills are necessary.Proven ability to work collaboratively with colleagues in other departments or locations, as well as experience leading diverse teams.Experience with staff training and mentoring is preferred.Excellent oral and written English is required, and Ukrainian proficiency strongly preferred. Success Factors A successful candidate will have demonstrated the ability to lead and communicate effectively with team members of varied work styles and meet deadlines with flexibility and creativity in planning and problem solving. They will be able to understand the larger picture while remaining focused on the details and be able to balance upholding adherence with programmatic and operational standards with facilitating the implementation of complex programs. Ability and willingness to travel within Ukraine, including in areas of program implementation in eastern Ukraine, security permitting.Living Conditions / Environmental Conditions The position will be based in either Dnipro or Kyiv, Ukraine, and requires travel to MC field offices including Odesa, Mykolaiv, and Lviv; it may occasionally require travel to program sites in insecure locations where freedom of movement and amenities are limited. Housing for this role is in shared housing and staff will have access to good medical services and the living situation is of a high standard. Ongoing LearningIn support of our belief that learning organizations are more effective, efficient, and relevant to the communities we serve, we empower all team members to dedicate 5% of their time to learning activities that further their personal and/or professional growth and development.Diversity, Equity & InclusionAchieving our mission begins with how we build our team and work together. Through our commitment to enriching our organization with people of different origins, beliefs, backgrounds, and ways of thinking, we are better able to leverage the collective power of our teams and solve the world’s most complex challenges. We strive for a culture of trust and respect, where everyone contributes their perspectives and authentic selves, reaches their potential as individuals and teams, and collaborates to do the best work of their lives. We recognize that diversity and inclusion is a journey, and we are committed to learning, listening, and evolving to become more diverse, equitable and inclusive than we are today.Equal Employment OpportunityMercy Corps is an equal opportunity employer that does not tolerate discrimination on any basis. We actively seek out diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and skills so that we can be collectively stronger and have sustained global impact. We are committed to providing an environment of respect and psychological safety where equal employment opportunities are available to all. We do not engage in or tolerate discrimination based onrace, color, gender identity, gender expression, religion, age, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, disability (including HIV/AIDS status), marital status, military veteran status or any other protected group in the locations where we work.Safeguarding & EthicsMercy Corps is committed to ensuring that all individuals we come into contact with through our work, whether team members, community members, program participants or others, are treated with respect and dignity. We are committed to the core principles regarding prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse laid out by the UN Secretary General and IASC and have signed on to the. We will not tolerate child abuse, sexual exploitation, abuse, or harassment by or of our team members. As part of our commitment to a safe and inclusive work environment, team members are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner, respect local laws and customs, and to adhere to and values at all times. Team members are required to complete mandatory Code of Conduct eLearning courses upon hire and on an annual basis.
Expert Java Developer
Ciklum, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Ciklum  is looking for an  Expert Java Developer  to join our team full-time in  Krakow . We are a custom product engineering company that supports both multinational organizations and scaling startups to solve their most complex business challenges. With a global team of over 4,000 highly skilled developers, consultants, analysts and product owners, we engineer technology that redefines industries and shapes the way people live. About the role: As an Expert Java Developer, become a part of a cross-functional development team engineering experiences of tomorrow. Join a leading global technology center, dedicated to providing specialized services and driving innovation in the banking industry. You will play a critical role in defining and executing our technology strategy, driving innovation, and overseeing the development and delivery of cutting-edge solutions. You will be responsible for leading a diverse team of technologists and engineers, fostering a culture of excellence, and ensuring the successful implementation of projects across the organization. This position features a hybrid work model that seamlessly integrates remote flexibility with a minimum of two days per week at our Krakow office, providing the opportunity for potential relocation to Krakow. Responsibilities: Collaborate on shaping the Engineering Strategy for our department, focusing on areas like Cloud, API, SRE, and Digital Platform Uphold high standards of code quality and data integrity, encourage best practices, and support continuous improvement efforts Offer specialized technical expertise, advocating for DevOps and Agile methodologies Drive initiatives to enhance the productivity of our engineering team Assist in identifying and resolving incidents related to our IT services Ensure the reliability and sustainability of our services, meeting recovery time objectives for all software solutions Make recommendations about tools, technologies, and relevant areas such as cybersecurity and regulatory requirements Provide training and development opportunities as needed for team members Requirements: A minimum of 10 years of IT experience, with a strong foundation in Java and proficiency in Cloud technologies like AWS Proficiency in Java and web-based technologies such as JavaScript frameworks, HTML5, and CSS Experience working with Web Services, including REST and SOAP, along with knowledge of XML, JSON, and Swagger Skills and expertise in API Architecture and Engineering, with a deep understanding of technologies like REST, API Gateways, and Management Platforms within a Cloud-native environment Expertise in using Spring Boot for designing and building APIs Ability to make informed technical decisions and stay updated on advancements in relevant technologies Strong understanding of SDLC, with the ability to champion Agile and DevOps practices to advance organizational maturity Personal skills: Demonstrated leadership experience, with the ability to inspire and guide engineering teams towards achieving team and department goals and objectives Strong ability to manage and collaborate with business stakeholders, ensuring alignment between technical solutions and business goals Excellent communication skills, with fluency in English, both spoken and written Adept at engaging and guiding diverse engineering teams Accountability for the own scope of work and capability to assess tasks of less experienced colleagues Skilled in constructive feedback providing Eager to learn and grow: curios, keen to constant self-development Constantly improving own mastership Proactive in efforts to deliver results according to the expectations Ability to express ideas, thoughts, and questions simply, concisely and in a structured way What's in it for you? Care: your mental and physical health is our priority. We ensure comprehensive company-paid medical insurance, life insurance and Multisport card Tailored education path: boost your skills and knowledge with our regular internal events (meetups, conferences, workshops), Udemy license, language courses and company-paid certifications Growth environment: share your experience and level up your expertise with a community of skilled professionals, locally and globally Flexibility: Own your schedule – you are the one to decide when to start your working day. Just dont miss your regular team stand-up Opportunities: we value our specialists and always find the best options for them. Our Internal Mobility Program helps change a project if needed to help you grow, excel professionally and fulfill your potential Global impact: work on large-scale projects that redefine industries with international and fast-growing clients Welcoming environment: feel empowered with a friendly team, open-door policy, informal atmosphere within the company and regular team-building events About us: Join a well-established company and a strong team of professionals.  Seize the perks of global opportunities, local approach and start-up spirit.  Boost your skills with modern stacks and industry-leading clients! Enjoy what you do, do what you enjoy!  Be bold, not bored! Interested already? We would love to get to know you! Submit your application. Can’t wait to see you at Ciklum.
Financial Planning & Analysis Specialist
HR Energy Recruitment Agency, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Position: FP&A Specialist (Renewable Energy Operations Management and Projects) Location: Kyiv, Ukraine Work format: Full-time / Employment Agreement We have a great career opportunity of a Financial Planning & Analysis expert in a leading Ukrainian renewable energy company with a management office in Kyiv. Our Partner owns and operates a large portfolio exceeding half a gigawatt of renewable energy projects in Ukraine. The company focuses on efficient operations management of solar and wind power plants, development and construction of large wind projects, with an emphasis on sustainable development and reducing the impact of harmful emissions on the environment. The company is also considering new technologies, such as energy storages, and possibilities to sell electricity without feed-in tariff. We are looking for a skilled, detail-oriented, and organized FP&A Specialist with strong proficiency in financial modeling, data analysis, and forecasting techniques who will be involved in developing financial models, participating in the investment and credit processes, communicating with industry players, and exploring different investment opportunities. Main Responsibilities: Developing financial models and providing financial forecasts, analyze different scenarios and their potential impact on the organization's financials, M&A analysis Developing KPIs and metrics to track the organization's performance Performing market research, data mining, business intelligence, and valuation computations Communicating with partners, industry players, contractors for in-depth industry knowledge and throughout project assessment Analyzing past results, performing variance analysis, identifying trends, and making recommendations for improvement Preparation presentations for the board and other strategic materials, memorandums, teasers Being business partner for Development Unit in analysis of different investment opportunities, financial support, identifying key projects risks and parameters Increasing productivity by developing automated reporting/forecasting tools Preparing regular business valuation Participating in investment and credit process, presenting projects to potential lenders Exploring different investment opportunities locally and in targeted regions Assist in the implementation and maintenance of financial planning software and tools Stay updated on best practices in FP&A and contribute to the continuous improvement of the finance function Qualifications and professional experience: Bachelors/Master's degree in Finance, Economics 5+ years of finance experience in FP&A or related roles (preferably in Energy industry) Strong proficiency in financial modeling, data analysis, and forecasting techniques Advanced proficiency in Microsoft Excel, BI tools English C1 (Fluent) or higher is a must for communication with foreign partners / colleagues and preparation of documents in English Personal qualities: Strong business acumen and the ability to think strategically Strong communication skills, both written and verbal, with the ability to convey financial concepts to non-financial stakeholders Detail-oriented and organized, with the ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously Collaborative team player who can work effectively across departments Adaptability and willingness to embrace change in a dynamic work environment We offer: Competitive salary and official employment Opportunity for career growth in a leading renewable energy company Cooperation in a friendly atmosphere with a great professional team that implements ambitious energy projects and helps the country become truly energy independent Participation in corporate trainings and English language courses A good health insurance package that will be available after the probationary period (3 months) Workplace in a modern and innovative office in Kyiv This position is a unique career opportunity for candidates who are eager to become finance experts in one of the most dynamic energy industries of the future. If you are interested in learning more details about this position, please send your CV to [email protected] with the topic "FP&A Specialist" and we will provide you with more detailed information about the offer.
Transportation Engineer
Amentum, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
This position is contingent upon Customer approval, funding, and position availability.In anticipation of an Engineering Task Order from USAID/Ukraine, Amentum is seeking a qualified candidate to serve as a Transportation Engineer. This position provides applied engineering and technical consultation for transportation engineering and planning, particularly for railway systems and highways. The Power Engineer will be responsible for overseeing transportation-related technical programs and will collaborate closely with Ukraine counterparts to establish requirements. Essential Responsibilities:Responsible for managing overseeing and coordinating transportation-related planning, technical and design work and is a senior member of the engineering team.Support the program leadership with developing transportation-related requirements and planning to include conducting investigations and meeting with Ukraine government and transportation counterparts. Collaborate closely with international power experts to develop proposed solutions and recommendations. Support the project team with defining risks and provide overall in-country support related to transportation engineering and provide overall advice on solutions. Provide expert presentations to local and international groups on Ukraine-related power issues. As necessary, act as the Project Manager for more complicated transportation activities. This includes overseeing local-international design teams ensuring that design systems are met. Oversee other Transportation Project Design managers for less complicated activities.Mentor lower-level design engineers and field supervision staff to ensure that they abide by engineering standards and conduct appropriate oversight of transportation-related construction activities. Support the Health and Safety team ensure that staff adhere to safe working practices for highway and rail construction. Support the Health and Safety team with defining safe contractor practices and with defining appropriate enforcement.Support the team with advising USAID with construction-related issues and provide recommendations particularly as it relates to contract actions. Minimum Position Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities Required:Proven experience and capability to write reports and provide presentations in Ukrainian. Working knowledge of English necessary to coordinate with international teams.A BA/BS degree in Civil Engineering with an emphasis on transportation with appropriate local registration. A Master’s Degree is highly preferred. 15+ (ten) years of experience in Transportation Engineering with experience leading design teams. Experience working with international teams is a plus. Excellent knowledge of transportation planning principals, EU and Ukrainian transportation planning, design and construction standards.Experience as a transportation field engineer and with material testing. Understand the requirements for a functioning materials laboratory necessary to verify quality requirements.Proven ability to make rapid technical decisions and willing to work in a fast-paced environment. Capable of using spreadsheets, word processing and standard Microsoft Office software to include Excel, Word, PowerPoint and Visio. Knowledge of industry standard computer software for the position.Amentum is proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer. Our hiring practices provide equal opportunity for employment without regard to race, religion, color, sex, gender, national origin, age, United States military veteran’s status, ancestry, sexual orientation, marital status, family structure, medical condition including genetic characteristics or information, veteran status, or mental or physical disability so long as the essential functions of the job can be performed with or without reasonable accommodation, or any other protected category under federal, state, or local law.
STA - Protection and GESI Capacity Building Adviser - Ukraine
Mercy Corps, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Description About Mercy Corps​​​​​​​​​​​Mercy Corps is powered by the belief that a better world is possible. To do this, we know our teams do their best work when they are diverse and every team member feels that they belong. We welcome diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and skills so that we can be stronger and have long term impact.Department SummaryMercy Corps’ Ukraine response meets the humanitarian needs of vulnerable Ukrainians and other war and conflict-affected people. In 2022 and 2023, Mercy Corps’ Ukraine response reached more than 2.5 million people with emergency cash, food, psychosocial support, and information campaigns. Nearly all our programming has been delivered in partnership with civil society organizations through a granting program that matches action with capacity strengthening. Building on a substantial program addressing needs through MPCA/Cash in the Eastern and Southern regions of Ukraine, the portfolio has expanded to include a Rapid Response Mechanism and resilience programming focusing on supporting local value chains and SMEs. The Position Mercy Corps Ukraine, as part of the expansion of its portfolio and commitment to localization in Ukraine wishes to make a significant investment in the development of its Protection and GESI team, and the P&GCB Advisor will be responsible for developing a comprehensive capacity building package that not just focuses on content but on professional skills including critical analysis, advocacy and external representation, substantive organizational behaviour change, results and learning across all its programmes and teams and in alignment with Mercy Corps Ukraine’s Response Strategy and the organizational Pathway to Performance Strategy. This will be a pivotal chance to develop Mercy Corps’ response and the Adviser should expect to be flexible, responsive and offer critical thinking and solution-oriented approaches. They should feel comfortable in challenging practices and understanding change. The Adviser should be particularly competent in capacity building for success with individuals and teams. Essential Responsibilities STRATEGY AND PLANNINGReview and enhance Mercy Corps Ukraine’s GESI and Protection approaches in line with Mercy Corps Ukraine Response Strategy, and Mercy Corps’ Global Localization agenda.Develop a comprehensive capacity building package for the GESI and protection team that includes both content and professional skills including critical analysis, advocacy and external representation, substantive organizational behaviour change, results and learning across all its programmes and teams.Model and mentor team members on technical leadership in GESI and protection demonstrating how to learn, critique and consolidate practices.Foster an enabling environment for collaborative, inclusive, and mutually accountable GESI and protection work within the organization and with partners.TECHNICAL SUPPORTProvide input and/or lead on program design focused on or including GESI and protection, enhancing Mercy Corps’ approach to both Analysis and Assessment including fostering an understanding of quality evidence. Create and maintain systems to ensure technical coherence and promote creative programming across the programs portfolio with respect to GESI and protection which can be delivered by an independent team.Ensure teams understand and can take forward minimum standards in GESI and protection and are position to further develop these. Ensure that programme implementation is adhering to minimum standards and program staff are provided with tools and guidance.Establish a coherent and structured approach to evidence creation, management and dissemination that can be further developed by the teams.Contribute to new initiatives demonstrating how GESI and protection can drive forward positive change, leaving a substantive legacy for the Mercy Corps mission captured through various channels including written and behavioural.Review and develop strategies, guidelines, tools, standards and standard operating procedures (SoPs) that help not just program teams to implement programmes and provide necessary technical support on GESI and protection, where required but allow the GESI and protection team to take on this work at the end of the assignment.CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT & ORGANIZATIONAL LEARNINGDevelop a clear capacity development approach for both the GESI and protection teams and the wider Mercy Corps mission in Ukraine, including guidelines, tools, and standards.Provide intensive capacity development to Mercy Corps team members both in terms of GESI and protection but also in professional skills and competencies that will enable the teams to flourish, enhancing confidence and autonomy.Provide team members with information, tools, and other resources to improve performance and help them constructively identify problem solving options.Facilitate and contribute to Mercy Corps Ukraine’s learning and strategy related to GESI and protection approaches (through workshops, participation in evaluation or studies, preparation/review of tool kits, collection of data and other measurement).COORDINATION & REPRESENTATIONSupport the team in further developing representation on GESI and protection in the wider INGO and donor community, and relevant coordination forums.Support the team to further develop internal and external networks to support effective advocacy and outreach across stakeholders to promote GESI and protection within the Ukraine context.Supervisory ResponsibilityNone but will be responsible forcapacity building of the protection and GESI teamsAccountabilityReports Directly To: Program Quality and Standards LeadWorks Directly With: GESI and Protection Team, Program Leads, Program Managers, MEL Lead, Subawards & Compliance Manager.Accountability to Participants and StakeholdersMercy Corps team members are expected to support all efforts toward accountability, specifically to our program participants, community partners, other stakeholders, and to international standards guiding international relief and development work. We are committed to actively engaging communities as equal partners in the design, monitoring and evaluation of our field projects. Minimum Qualifications & Transferable SkillsUniversity Degree/Master in GESI/international studies, social sciences, social work or other relevant field is desired with a specialism in gender/GESI and/or protectionProven technical expertise in gender and protection, and capacity strengthening At least 5-7 years of senior experience in relevant or similar roles, and 3-5 years of progressive humanitarian and/or development program management experience.At least 3-5 years of experience in individual and team capacity development and transformation within a context of complex, multi-dimensional programming in an international environment.Strong knowledge of, and experience of development training with the spheres of gender and protection.Effective verbal and written communication, multi-tasking, organizational, and prioritization skills are necessary.Experience with staff training and mentoring is preferred. Excellent oral and written English is required, and Ukrainian proficiency strongly preferred.Proven ability to work collaboratively with colleagues in other departments or locations, as well as experience leading diverse teams.Success FactorsA successful candidate will have demonstrated the ability to lead, communicate, train and develop. This will involve effective engagement with team members demonstrating varied work styles and foster critical thinking planning and problem solving. They will be able to understand the larger picture while remaining focused on the details and be able to balance upholding adherence with programmatic and operational standards with enhancing Mercy Corps’ ability to meet the organisation’s ambitions with respect to transformative programming in gender and protection. The successful candidate must have the ability and willingness to travel within Ukraine, including in areas of program implementation in eastern Ukraine, security permitting.Living Conditions / Environmental ConditionsThe position is based in Kyiv and it requires up to 40% travel to support country programs, which may include travel to insecure locations where freedom of movement is limited and areas where amenities may limited. Housing for this role is in shared Guest House. Applicants should be aware of the current war context in Ukraine and should have valid HEAT certification.Ongoing LearningIn support of our belief that learning organizations are more effective, efficient and relevant to the communities we serve, we empower all team members to dedicate 5% of their time to learning activities that further their personal and/or professional growth and development Diversity, Equity & InclusionAchieving our mission begins with how we build our team and work together. Through our commitment to enriching our organization with people of different origins, beliefs, backgrounds, and ways of thinking, we are better able to leverage the collective power of our teams and solve the world’s most complex challenges. We strive for a culture of trust and respect, where everyone contributes their perspectives and authentic selves, reaches their potential as individuals and teams, and collaborates to do the best work of their lives.We recognize that diversity and inclusion is a journey, and we are committed to learning, listening and evolving to become more diverse, equitable and inclusive than we are today.Equal Employment OpportunityMercy Corps is an equal opportunity employer that does not tolerate discrimination on any basis. We actively seek out diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and skills so that we can be collectively stronger and have sustained global impact.We are committed to providing an environment of respect and psychological safety where equal employment opportunities are available to all. We do not engage in or tolerate discrimination on the basis of race, color, gender identity, gender expression, religion, age, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, disability (including HIV/AIDS status), marital status, military veteran status or any other protected group in the locations where we work.Safeguarding & EthicsMercy Corps is committed to ensuring that all individuals we come into contact with through our work, whether team members, community members, program participants or others, are treated with respect and dignity. We are committed to the core principles regarding prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse laid out by the UN Secretary General and IASC and have signed on to the. We will not tolerate child abuse, sexual exploitation, abuse, or harassment by or of our team members. As part of our commitment to a safe and inclusive work environment, team members are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner, respect local laws and customs, and to adhere to and values at all times. Team members are required to complete mandatory Code of Conduct elearning courses upon hire and on an annual basis.As a safeguarding measure, Mercy Corps screens all potential US-Based employees. This is done following the conclusion of recruitment and prior to assuming full employment. Our screening process is designed to be transparent and completed in partnership with new Team Members. You will have the opportunity to disclose any prior convictions at the conclusion of the recruitment process before the check is initiated. We ask that you do not disclose any prior convictions in your application materials or during the recruitment process.
Irrigation Design and Construction Supervision Engineer (U.S. National)
Sheladia Associates, Inc, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Job Description We are looking for an  Irrigation Design and Construction Supervision Engineer  who will support us on the USAID funded Harvest Activity Program in Ukraine.  This Activity aims to enable supported male and female grain and oilseed farmers, including those from marginalized and underserved groups, to return production and income for target commodities to at least pre-war levels while improving production efficiency and profitability and will position farmers to market their crops more successfully and profitably in the war-affected context. The Activity will focus specifically on the following target commodities, barley, corn, soybean, sunflower, and wheat. Responsibilities: Preparing contracts for irrigation rehabilitation works (with the contract specialist) Supervising teams of field engineers responsible for onsite construction supervision Managing all aspects of contracts from evaluating submitted proposals from contractors to construction implementation and on through the design liability period to the final handover to the client user Qualifications Minimum educational requirement of a Bachelor of Science degree (master’s preferred) in civil engineering, irrigation engineering, hydraulic engineering, or a comparable discipline. At least 10 years of overall experience and previous experience on projects of similar scope and complexity with demonstrable experience in Design and construction of irrigation schemes; Construction management/oversight of irrigation in developing countries and/or for USAID, EU, World Bank, ADB or other international donors; Experience in preparing technical specifications for irrigation systems, including sprinkler irrigation systems and micro-irrigation; Experience in conducting quality conformance tests and evaluating test results for conformance with International and US quality guidelines; and Able to generate site visit reports [supported by photos] and follow up with the defect rectification. Demonstrable knowledge of construction norms for irrigation schemes in developing countries and the US. Preparing contracts for irrigation rehabilitation works (with the contract specialist) Supervising teams of field engineers responsible for onsite construction supervision Managing all aspects of contracts from evaluating submitted proposals from contractors to construction implementation and on through the design liability period to the final handover to the client user Demonstrable communication, reporting, creative problem solving, and management skills. Prior experience working in conflict or post-conflict settings with similar conditions to Ukraine. Prior experience with rehabilitating Soviet era irrigation schemes a plus. Proficiency in English. Due to the nature of this project, the position requires U.S. Citizenship. Additional Information All your information will be kept confidential according to EEO guidelines.
Виконроб (інженер на будівництво)
Елітбуд-М, ТОВ, Київ
Будівельна компанія «ЕЛІТБУД-М» працює в сфері будівництва та реконструкції об'єктів житлової та комерційної нерухомості. Ми забезпечуємо своїх клієнтів якісними та надійними рішеннями. Наша присутність та величезний досвід на будівельному ринку України більше 25 років.Ми шукаємо виконроба (інженера з будівництва).Вимоги:1. Будівельна освіта.2. Розуміння технічної документації.3. Обов’язковий досвід роботи у сфері будівництва (знання сучасних технологій та матеріалів; уміння прорахувати кількість матеріалів; знання технології процесів внутрішнього оздоблення, також вітається досвід роботи для проведення загально будівельних робіт; знання стандартів для прийомки робіт майстрів з оздоблювання, електриків, сантехніків).4. Наявність власного авто вітається (пальне оплачується за рахунок компанії).5. Присутність на об'єкті та слідкування за порядком на об'єкті.6. Чесність, порядність, високий рівень відповідальності.Умови роботи:Пн-Пт з 09:30 до 18:00 год.Офіційне оформлення. ЗП завжди вчасно, один раз на місяць (рівень ЗП — за результатами співбесіди).Якщо ви готові приєднатися до нашої команди та розвиватися разом з нами, будь ласка, надсилайте своє резюме, або телефонуйте за номером за більш детальною інформацією: 067 323 6412 Лілія.
Technical Content Analyst Writer
VISA, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Company Description Visa is a world leader in payments and technology, with over 259 billion payments transactions flowing safely between consumers, merchants, financial institutions, and government entities in more than 200 countries and territories each year. Our mission is to connect the world through the most innovative, convenient, reliable, and secure payments network, enabling individuals, businesses, and economies to thrive while driven by a common purpose – to uplift everyone, everywhere by being the best way to pay and be paid. Make an impact with a purpose-driven industry leader. Join us today and experience Life at Visa. Job Description Job Description Come be a key part of a high-performing and motivated team in the vanguard of documenting Visa products and services, including Visa digital, mobile payments, e-commerce, money transfer, APIs, and much more for Financial Institutions, partners, vendors, and Visa staff around the world. As a Technical Content Analyst/Technical Writer in PPD Communications, you will support the publishing tools and core systems documentation for Visa products and services. You’ll support our tools used in the documentation forefront of Visa products and services that includes, but is not limited to: Visa digital mobile payments, e-commerce, and money transfer for external Clients and internal Visa staff. You’ll work closely with staff to design solutions that meet business requirements, as well as collaborate with other team members to produce high quality documents.  Our tool support staff work collaboratively with stakeholders, which includes Systems Architects, Software Engineers, Project Managers, Business Partners, and Client Support staff to ensure multi-system technical requirements are fully developed for the publishing tools.  Our writers analyze business requirements, multi-system conceptual approaches, and technical designs to define and document the technical changes and configuration and testing requirements for external Clients and Visa staff. You’ll also determine from project documents as well as consultations and article reviews with the project team the information applicable to each audience and how it will be presented and positioned internal documentation and technical specifications. We proactively support consistent on-time delivery of Client documentation. Build and manage strong relationships with both Business Partners and Technology teams. Build strong relationships across the organization at multiple levels to drive results. Interface with technical and non-technical staff for smooth and successful delivery of all project work.  Proactively support on-time delivery of Client documentation for the Visa Business Release Enhancements to ensure that the SSAE 18 audit item is successfully met.  Other projects our team works on include - technical articles for the Global Technical Letter and Implementation Guide (GTLIG) and Global Service Activation Guide (GSAG), standalone Technical Letters, Technical Specification Guides, Client Implementation Guides, Service Activation Guides, and Service Advisories for off-release systems implementations, as well as updates to internal guides for customer service staff. As key contributors and subject matter experts in their own right, our writers also support the VisaNet Business Release process by serving as technical contacts and/or providing support in the Command Center. They also serve as third-level support for Client inquiries.   Responsibilities Principal responsibilities include: Write documentation using topic-based structured authoring guidelines and with minimalist intent. This documentation is for our HTML and XML authoring systems (XML Editor, Component Content Management System, and web-based documentation delivery portal) used to create internal and external Visa documentation. Update current documentation that supports existing end-user authoring systems. Provide first-level technical troubleshooting and problem solving to the HTML and XML authoring community, using excellent customer service skills and best practices to serve our fellow team members. The successful applicant will need to always be professional, particularly when faced with various issues requiring user assistance. Write meaningful/actionable user requirements from design documents, and conceptual approaches. Test and debug software enhancements to our HTML and XML authoring systems (current and new) and provide feedback to the XML development team. This includes the construction of solid use cases for testing and for User Acceptance Testing (UAT.) Deliver technical training—via webinars, front-of-the-room training and one-on-one user training. Communicate professionally and clearly in all written and oral communications in a way that is transparent and honest. Provide timely project status on multiple projects to team members, clients, and management— with the ability to construct highly readable versions of status/dashboards that define the details of what has been delivered, what is missing, and what is in between. Proactively escalate problems and issues as needed and exercise good judgement in determining what is urgent or critical and what is not. Multi-tasks and prioritizes concurrent assignments. Qualifications Basic Qualifications 2 or more years of work experience with a Bachelor’s Degree or an Advanced Degree (e.g. Masters, MBA, JD, MD, or PhD) Preferred Qualifications 3 or more years of work experience with a Bachelor’s Degree or more than 2 years of work experience with an Advanced Degree (e.g. Masters, MBA, JD, MD) Technical writing or related experience. Experience with writing technical documentation based on technical project artifacts and interactions with Subject Matter Experts, including system architects and senior software engineers. Strong knowledge of the structure and content of the English language including the rules of composition and grammar. Strong customer service, analytical, research, interpersonal and problem-solving skills required. Strong interpersonal, facilitation, and leadership skills along with effective communication (both written and verbal) skills. Demonstrated ability to absorb, analyze, and understand new information, technologies, and practices quickly. Proven business processes analysis skills - gathering business requirements, analyzing systems impacts, accurately capturing system requirements and specifications. Strong knowledge of MS-Office products for Windows including Word, Excel, Visio, Teams, and SharePoint. Experience with XML documentation tools and profiling, XML editing tools (Arbortext Editor, Oxygen XML, or similar) and document repositories (Documentum, SDL Tridion, or similar), DITA experience preferred. Familiarity with Web design tools (SharePoint Designer and Workflow) preferred. Experience with graphics editing software such as Illustrator, Photoshop, or PaintShop Pro preferred. Experience with advanced authoring software such as Acrobat. Familiarity with Atlassian products (JIRA, Confluence) is a plus. Knowledgeable with Visa systems or applications is a plus. Familiarity with API documentation is a plus. Additional Information This is a hybrid position. Hybrid employees can alternate time between both remote and office. Employees in hybrid roles are expected to work from the office 2-3 set days a week (determined by leadership/site), with a general guidepost of being in the office 50% or more of the time based on business needs. Visa is an EEO Employer. Qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability or protected veteran status. Visa will also consider for employment qualified applicants with criminal histories in a manner consistent with EEOC guidelines and applicable local law.
Senior Backend Data Engineer
Kalepa, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Who are we? Kalepa is a fully remote startup dedicated to enhancing underwriting performance and driving profitable premium growth for the commercial insurance industry. Kalepa's AI-powered Copilot software enables underwriters to focus on the highest ROI opportunities and quickly evaluate and optimally select risk. Kalepa is backed by IA Ventures, Inspired Capital, and leaders in technology and financial services. Our HQ is located in New York . Kalepa is looking for a Senior Backend Engineer with 5+ years of experience to lead our world-class software development for commercial insurers. As a Senior Backend Engineer, you will solve interesting and challenging problems at the intersection of large and performant data pipelines, distributed systems, and robust infrastructure. Team members are given full ownership over their projects and are expected to drive the project’s direction and maintain focus. The team works in a two-week sprint and collaborates with a small team of full-stack, data, ML, and DevOps engineers. Tech Stack: Back End: Python, Connexion Front End: React + Query + Typescript Development process: Docker What you will be responsible for: Working on distributed systems, creating scalable, fault-tolerant infrastructure Building data-driven microservices leveraging RESTful APIs Understanding customer business needs and translating them into specifications or code Collaborate with a small team of full-stack, data, ML, and DevOps engineers Apply to us if you have: Minimum of 5 years of experience  Have excellent development skills, including design, debugging, and problem-solving You possess a bachelor's or master's degree in computer science or a related field We primarily use Python3 however are open to seeing your code in other OO languages (Java, C++, C#, etc.) Experience with AWS as we work with serverless technologies and asynchronous workflow. (EC2, Lambda, etc.) Have worked with relational databases with a preference for PostgreSQL Excitement about using a comprehensive set of technologies, ultimately focused on finding the right tool for the job Preference for an open, frank, and respectful communication style A concrete mindset is crucial to us, so DON’T apply if: You’re not a true hustler. Who’s a hustler? Good question! Somebody who never takes no for an answer. The words “it can’t be done” don’t exist in their vocabulary You’re looking for an 8-16 job You don’t like to take ownership You’re afraid of constructive feedback You’re not comfortable with independent work What you’ll get:  A personalized and transparent career development plan, including employee reviews every six months. We invest time in developing and supporting our employees, giving them opportunities to grow.  Transparent and fair compensation and promotion discussions solely based on performance. One of our top performers was even promoted after only 3 months. The possibility of working with an ambitious, intelligent, global, and fun team that is transforming a trillion-dollar industry  A ground-floor opportunity to build the foundations for the product, team, and culture Exposure to wide-ranging intellectual challenges spanning full-stack software development, AI / ML, and design Possibility to work with Kalepa's team members who bring experience from top technology, insurance, and intelligence institutions, including Facebook, Google, Amazon, ClassPass, Atlassian, Mastercard, MIT, Berkeley, UPenn, the University of Warsaw, and the Israel Defense Forces Fully remote work environment. Flexible start and finish times Benefits: Very competitive base salary  Significant equity options package (learn more ) 20 paid vacation days a year Paid Bank Holidays Unlimited Sick Leave (+ parental leave) Multisport Plus Card, LuxMed comprehensive package Mobile phone bill reimbursement Continued learning & Home office credit stipend Quarterly teams offsites in global locations --- Recruitment process in 10 quick steps complete within 1-2 weeks (yes, not the shortest, but if you love challenges, you’re in the right place. To reward that, you will always get clear & honest feedback within 24h top ) APPLICATION Apply via the link and  send us your CV  (in English) VERIFICATION Within 24h, our recruiter will verify your CV and reach out to you. TASK Based on your preference, we will send a task on the HackerRank platform - 3 tasks, 75 min to complete + you can choose a programming language PRELIMINARY CALL ~30-minute conversation with a recruiter - you will learn more about the company and our culture & we will learn more about you TECHNICAL PHONE INTERVIEW 1h hands-on coding task with one of our Engineers CULTURE FIT INTERVIEW 30-minute meeting to measure if you are a good match for our organization FACE-TO-FACE STAGE 2h back and forth interview session. It contains a one-hour meeting about System Design & Architecture + two 30-minute meetings during which you will meet our PM/Chief of Staff & CEO! REFERENCES Uff, you are almost there... As part of our process, we hold 2-3 reference calls with individuals who have previously worked with you. OFFER We will send you a proposal for the offer and await your decision. WELCOME You will write code from day one  Gosia will take care of your recruitment process! If your expectations identify with ours and you want to join our team - apply today ​​
Senior Machine Learning Engineer
Kalepa, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Who are we? Kalepa is a fully remote startup dedicated to enhancing underwriting performance and driving profitable premium growth for the commercial insurance industry. Kalepa's AI-powered Copilot software enables underwriters to focus on the highest ROI opportunities and quickly evaluate and optimally select risk. Kalepa is backed by IA Ventures, Inspired Capital, and leaders in technology and financial services. Our HQ is located in New York . Kalepa is looking for a Senior Machine Learning Engineer with 5+ years of experience to lead the framing, development, and deployment at the scale of machine learning models. As a Senior MLE, you will own projects from 0 to 1 as we launch new features and enrich the underwriting process with valuable insights. The team works in two-week sprints and delivers  Team members are given full ownership over their projects and are expected to drive the project’s direction and maintain focus. The team works in a two-week sprint, and ML Engineers will work closely with Product Management and Software Engineers. Tech Stack  Back End: Python Development process: pSQL, RedShift, Jira, Docker What you will be responsible for: Turning vast amounts of structured and unstructured data from many sources (web data, geolocation, satellite imaging, etc.) into novel insights about behavior and risk Work closely with a small team designing, building, and deploying machine learning models to tackle our customers’ questions Collaborate with a small team of full-stack, data, and DevOps engineers Apply to us if you have: Minimum of 5 years of experience  An in-depth understanding of applied machine learning algorithms, especially NLP, and statistics Experience in Python and its major data science libraries and have deployed models and algorithms in production Comfort with data science and the engineering required to bring your models to production Experience with AWS (nice-to-have) Hands-on experience with data analytics and data engineering (nice to have) Excitement about using a comprehensive set of technologies, ultimately focused on finding the right tool for the job Preference for an open, frank, and respectful communication style A concrete mindset is crucial to us, so DON’T apply if: You’re not a true hustler. Who’s a hustler? Good question! Somebody who never takes no for an answer. The words “it can’t be done” don’t exist in their vocabulary You’re looking for an 8-16 job You don’t like to take ownership You’re afraid of constructive feedback You’re not comfortable with independent work What you’ll get:  A personalized and clear career development plan, including employee reviews every six months. We invest time in developing and supporting our employees, giving them opportunities to grow.  Transparent and fair compensation and promotion discussions solely based on performance. One of our top performers was even promoted after only three months. The possibility of working with an ambitious, smart, global, and fun team that is transforming a trillion-dollar industry  A ground-floor opportunity to build the foundations for the product, team, and culture Exposure to wide-ranging intellectual challenges spanning full-stack software development, AI / ML, and design Possibility to work with Kalepa's team members who bring experience from top technology, insurance, and intelligence institutions, including Facebook, Google, Amazon, ClassPass, Atlassian, Mastercard, MIT, Berkeley, UPenn, the University of Warsaw, and the Israel Defense Forces Fully remote work environment. Flexible start and finish times Benefits: Very competitive base salary  Significant equity options package (learn more ) 20 paid vacation days a year Paid Bank Holidays Unlimited Sick Leave (+parental leave) Multisport Plus Card, LuxMed comprehensive package Mobile phone bill reimbursement Continued learning & Home office credit stipend Quarterly teams offsites in global locations --- Recruitment process in 10 quick steps - complete within 1-2 weeks (yes, not the shortest, but if you love challenges, you’re in the right place. To reward that, you will always get clear & honest feedback within 24h top ) APPLICATION Apply via the link and  send us your CV  (in English) VERIFICATION Within 24h, our recruiter will verify your CV and reach out to you TASK Based on your preference, we will send a task on the HackerRank platform - 3 tasks, 75 min to complete + you can choose a programming language PRELIMINARY CALL ~30-minute conversation with a recruiter - you will learn more about the company and our culture & we will learn more about you TECHNICAL PHONE INTERVIEW 1h hands-on coding task with one of our Engineers CULTURE FIT INTERVIEW 30-minute meeting to measure if you are a good match for our organization FACE-TO-FACE STAGE 2h back and forth interview session. It contains 1h meeting about Data Science + two 30-minute meetings during which you will meet our PM/Chief of Staff & CEO! REFERENCES Uff, you are almost there... As part of our process, we hold 2-3 reference calls with individuals who have worked with you in the past OFFER We will send you a proposal of the offer and await your decision. WELCOME You will write code from day one  Gosia will take care of your recruitment process! If your expectations identify with ours and you want to join our team - apply today
Remote Staff Software Engineer
Samsara, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Who we are Samsara (NYSE: IOT) is the pioneer of the Connected Operations Cloud, which is a platform that enables organizations that depend on physical operations to harness Internet of Things (IoT) data to develop actionable insights and improve their operations. At Samsara, we are helping improve the safety, efficiency and sustainability of the physical operations that power our global economy. Representing more than 40% of global GDP, these industries are the infrastructure of our planet, including agriculture, construction, field services, transportation, and manufacturing — and we are excited to help digitally transform their operations at scale. Working at Samsara means you’ll help define the future of physical operations and be on a team that’s shaping an exciting array of product solutions, including Video-Based Safety, Vehicle Telematics, Apps and Driver Workflows, Equipment Monitoring, and Site Visibility. As part of a recently public company, you’ll have the autonomy and support to make an impact as we build for the long term. About the role: We are the Platform team responsible for building foundational systems that drive the Samsara software products. Examples include Alerts, Workflows, Notifications, Reports, User Management, Roles and Permissions, Geo Services, Billing and Invoice etc. We are looking for a Staff Engineer to help us spearhead the technical direction for the team. As a Staff Engineer at Samsara, you will be a technical leader that brings fresh ideas and expertise to guide the team’s technical design and architecture and enable increasingly complex features and customer use cases. You will work on specific projects critical to Samsara’s needs alongside other highly-skilled Samsara engineers and push Samsara’s technical capabilities forward.  You should apply if: You want to impact the industries that run our world:  The software, firmware, and hardware you build will result in real-world impact—helping to keep the lights on, get food into grocery stores, and most importantly, ensure workers return home safely. You want to build for scale:  With over 2.3 million IoT devices deployed to our global customers, you will work on a range of new and mature technologies driving scalable innovation for customers across industries driving the world's physical operations. You are a life-long learner:  We have ambitious goals. Every Samsarian has a growth mindset as we work with a wide range of technologies, challenges, and customers that push us to learn on the go. You believe customers are more than a number:  Samsara engineers enjoy a rare closeness to the end user and you will have the opportunity to participate in customer interviews, collaborate with customer success and product managers, and use metrics to ensure our work is translating into better customer outcomes. You are a team player:  Working on our Samsara Engineering teams requires a mix of independent effort and collaboration. Motivated by our mission, we’re all racing toward our connected operations vision, and we intend to win—together. Click here  to learn more about Samsara's cultural philosophy.   In this role, you will:   Drive technology choices, implementing services, and/or establishing architectural patterns that have a broad and lasting impact on Samsara's platform. Identify opportunities and initiate strategic conversations to influence the direction of platform technology and engineering culture Architect, design, and develop software that enables Samsara to operate at scale Lead teams in delivering products and capabilities that contribute to Samsara’s products and revenue. Deliver impact by solving the hardest technical problems and enabling products to reach the market quickly and successfully with high quality. Keep a platform first approach while collaborating with our infrastructure and product teams to build products, tools and solutions. Act as a multiplier for the team, elevating the impact and output of every team member Contribute to Samsara’s engineering brand by representing Samsara in external-facing forums Champion, role model, and embed Samsara’s cultural principles (Focus on Customer Success, Build for the Long Term, Adopt a Growth Mindset, Be Inclusive, Win as a Team) as we scale globally and across new offices Minimum requirements for the role: Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science/Engineering or equivalent practical experience 8+ years of experience in software design, development, and algorithm related solutions with at least 2 of those years in an architect or leadership role Stellar programming/coding fundamentals 4+ years of experience building large scale distributed systems 4+ years experience leading cross-organization projects An ideal candidate also has: Mastery in data modeling and full-stack application architecture at a massive scale Programming mastery in Go, Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, C/C++, or other similar languages Production experience working with Javascript and/or client-side code Expertise working on large-scale enterprise software applications Demonstrated ability to ship production-quality software in a dynamic environment Expert level knowledge of at-scale stream processing decision engines At Samsara, we welcome everyone regardless of their background. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, protected veteran status, disability, age, and other characteristics protected by law. We depend on the unique approaches of our team members to help us solve complex problems. We are committed to increasing diversity across our team and ensuring that Samsara is a place where people from all backgrounds can make an impact. Benefits Full time employees receive a competitive total compensation package along with employee-led remote and flexible working, health benefits, Samsara for Good charity fund, and much, much more. Take a look at our  Benefits  site to learn more. Accommodations  Samsara is an inclusive work environment, and we are committed to ensuring equal opportunity in employment for qualified persons with disabilities. Please email  [email protected]  or  click here   if you require any reasonable accommodations throughout the recruiting process. Flexible Working  At Samsara, we embrace a flexible working model that caters to the diverse needs of our teams. Our offices are open for those who prefer to work in-person and we also support remote work where it aligns with our operational requirements. For certain positions, being close to one of our offices or within a specific geographic area is important to facilitate collaboration, access to resources, or alignment with our service regions. In these cases, the job description will clearly indicate any working location requirements. Our goal is to ensure that all members of our team can contribute effectively, whether they are working on-site, in a hybrid model, or fully remotely. All offers of employment are contingent upon an individual’s ability to secure and maintain the legal right to work at the company and in the specified work location, if applicable. Fraudulent Employment Offers Samsara is aware of scams involving fake job interviews and offers. Please know we do not charge fees to applicants at any stage of the hiring process. Official communication about your application will only come from emails ending in ‘@samsara.com’ or ‘@us-greenhouse-mail.io’. For more information regarding fraudulent employment offers, please visit our  blog post here . Samsara's Mission Improve the safety, efficiency, and sustainability of the operations that power the global economy. Read Samsara's Culture Playbook  Watch Video Why Samsara? Watch Video Meet Poland's R&D Team Samsara — a magnet for top engineering talent Read More 
C++ Software Engineer Scrum Master
Comernal Software Sp. z o.o., Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Company Introduction   We are part of Leica Geosystems part of Hexagon in Switzerland, a global leader in spatial measurement known for premium products and innovative solution development, supporting professionals in a diverse mix of industries, such as aerospace and defence, safety and security, construction, and manufacturing.   A range of highly advanced core technologies - EDM (Electronic Distance Measurement), GPS/GNSS technology, airborne LiDAR sensors, 3D laser scanning, tilt and angle measurement and 3D point cloud generation and CAD/CAM software.   Job Description   We are looking for experienced C++ Developer / Scrum Master to help us in building the next generation GNSS sensors. You will be participating in all development activities and additionally as the Scrum Master you will play important role in the teamwork.     Your main responsibilities  Share knowledge and build Agile culture within a team Supporting, and coaching teams and stakeholders to improve the way of working using Agile/Scrum practices and values to delight customers. Facilitate discussion, decision making, and conflict management in the team Guide teams on facilitate getting the work done, helping to agree working on best practices and reflect on the success of each iteration Developing high quality code in C++ for latest generation GNSS sensors (Linux, Windows)  Participating in defining the software design, implementation and testing of Software and Components for a distributed system until the product launch Ensuring the product quality by writing software on high standards, using automated tests and CI/CD infrastructure Fixing bugs and solving performance problems Stay up-to-date with new technology trends Do what you want … within the specs ;-) Your qualifications  At least several years of experience in agile software development industry as a Scrum Master and Software Developer Knowledge and interest in modern programming technologies and approaches like design patterns, SOLID principles, git, cmake, conan, CI/CD and unit testing Excellent C++ knowledge (including newer standards > C++11x) and proven track record of professional object-oriented programming. Experience with various communication protocols, knowledge on how to design an API/SDK Familiarity with Python, Docker and CI/CD tools Good skills and knowledge of facilitation, situational awareness, conflict managment, constant improvement, empowerment, and increasing transparency Experience in an intercultural and distributed located agile environment Strong communication skills, open-minded person You are passionate about technology Additional University degree or university of applied science degree in Computer Science or equivalent is an advantage Good English language skills required (written and spoken) allowing effective work in multinational and globally spread teams. We offer Competitive salary dependent on experience and qualifications Remote position or working from modern Katowice office, depending on the candidate preference Working with cutting-edge technologies (on the cloud side, as well with connection to GNSS/TPS devices, 3D laser scanners, massive 3D point clouds data, geospatial software) Excellent atmosphere and comfortable working environment  Employment type of your choice (B2B/UoP) Friendly and helpful environment with opportunities for personal development
Senior Fullstack Software Engineer
Kalepa, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Who are we? Kalepa is a fully remote startup dedicated to enhancing underwriting performance and driving profitable premium growth for the commercial insurance industry. Kalepa's AI-powered Copilot software enables underwriters to focus on the highest ROI opportunities and quickly evaluate and optimally select risk. Kalepa is backed by IA Ventures, Inspired Capital, and leaders in technology and financial services. Our HQ is located in New York. About role: Kalepa is looking for Senior Fullstack Software Engineers with 5+ years of experience to lead the development of our world-class software for commercial insurers. As a Senior Backend Engineer, you will solve interesting and challenging problems at the intersection of large and performant data pipelines, distributed systems, and robust infrastructure. In this role, you will work on our client-facing application written in React + Redux and backend services created in Python + pSQL. Team members are given full ownership over their projects and are expected to drive the project’s direction and maintain focus. The team works in a two-week sprint and collaborates with a small team of full-stack, data, ML, and DevOps engineers. Tech Stack: Back End: Python, Connexion Front End: React + Query + Typescript Development process: Docker What you will be responsible for: Working on distributed systems, creating scalable, fault-tolerant infrastructure Building data-driven microservices leveraging RESTful APIs Understanding customer business needs and translating them into specifications or code Collaborate with a small team of full-stack, data, ML, and DevOps engineers   About you : Apply to us if you have: Minimum of 5 years of experience  Have excellent development skills, including design, debugging, and problem-solving You possess a bachelor's or master's degree in computer science or a related field You have experience in a modern FE framework (preferably React with Redux) We primarily use Python3 however are open to seeing your code in other OO languages (Java, C++, C#, etc.) Experience with AWS as we work with serverless technologies and asynchronous workflow. (EC2, Lambda, etc.) Have worked with relational databases with a preference for PostgreSQL Excitement about using a comprehensive set of technologies, ultimately focused on finding the right tool for the job Preference for an open, frank, and respectful communication style A concrete mindset is crucial to us, so DON’T apply if: You’re not a true hustler. Who’s a hustler? Good question! Somebody who never takes no for an answer. The words “it can’t be done” don’t exist in their vocabulary You’re looking for an 8-16 job You don’t like to take ownership You’re afraid of constructive feedback You’re not comfortable with independent work What you’ll get:  A personalized and transparent career development plan, including employee reviews every six months. We invest time in developing and supporting our employees, giving them opportunities to grow.  Transparent and fair compensation and promotion discussions solely based on performance. One of our top performers was even promoted after only 3 months. The possibility of working with an ambitious, intelligent, global, and fun team that is transforming a trillion-dollar industry  A ground-floor opportunity to build the foundations for the product, team, and culture Exposure to wide-ranging intellectual challenges spanning full-stack software development, AI / ML, and design Possibility to work with Kalepa's team members who bring experience from top technology, insurance, and intelligence institutions, including Facebook, Google, Amazon, ClassPass, Atlassian, Mastercard, MIT, Berkeley, UPenn, the University of Warsaw, and the Israel Defense Forces Fully remote work environment. Flexible start and finish times Benefits: Very competitive base salary  Significant equity options package (learn more ) 20 paid vacation days a year Paid Bank Holidays Unlimited Sick Leave (+ parental leave) Multisport Plus Card, LuxMed comprehensive package Mobile phone bill reimbursement Continued learning & Home office credit stipend Quarterly teams offsites in global locations --- Recruitment process in 10 quick steps complete within 1-2 weeks(yes, not the shortest, but if you love challenges, you’re in the right place. To reward that, you will always get clear & honest feedback within 24h top ) APPLICATION Apply via the link and  send us your CV (in English) VERIFICATION Within 24h, our recruiter will verify your CV and reach out to you. TASK Based on your preference, we will send a task on the HackerRank platform - 3 tasks, 75 min to complete + you can choose a programming language PRELIMINARY CALL ~30-minute conversation with a recruiter - you will learn more about the company and our culture & we will learn more about you TECHNICAL PHONE INTERVIEW 1h hands-on coding task with one of our Engineers CULTURE FIT INTERVIEW 30-minute meeting to measure if you are a good match for our organization FACE-TO-FACE STAGE 2h back and forth interview session. It contains a one-hour meeting about System Design & Architecture + two 30-minute meetings during which you will meet our PM/Chief of Staff & CEO! REFERENCES Uff, you are almost there... As part of our process, we hold 2-3 reference calls with individuals who have previously worked with you. OFFER We will send you a proposal for the offer and await your decision. WELCOME You will write code from day one  Gosia will take care of your recruitment process! If your expectations identify with ours and you want to join our team - apply today ​​