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Рекомендовані вакансії

Національний/-а Керівник/-ця Програми - National Programme Officer (Hub Lead) - Міжнародна організація з міграції (МОМ), Представництво в Україні
Classification: National Officer, Grade NO-BType of Appointment: Fixed Term, One Year with the possibility of extensionEstimated Start Date: As soon as possibleClosing Date: 24 May 2023 Context:Under the overall supervision of the Chief of Mission and the direct supervision of the Programme Manager (Area Manager) the successful candidate will be responsible for supporting and coordinating the activities implemented by the different teams within the area of responsibility of the Ivano-Frankivsk hub and Chernivtsi hub and the administration of both the hubs. The candidate will conduct regular travel between the two hubs in coordination with the Programme Manager. Core Functions / Responsibilities:Coordinate the day-to-day maintenance and functioning of the Ivano-Frankivsk and Chernivtsi offices, including oversight of the logistical, budgeting and local procurement activities in accordance with IOM’s policies, practices and global standards as well as relevant requirements and guidelines. Promote strengthened coordination and collaboration between IOM units (CCCM, WASH, Shelter, NFI, Protection, Health, MSD, TRU, MHPSS, MBG etc.) through regular coordination meetings to identify potential areas for project development, address challenges and ensure cohesive implementation of activities. Identify potential opportunities for project development in close collaboration with Project Officers and contribute to the development of new projects by providing background information, assessing the local context and preparing inputs according to specific needs and situation analysis. Support the project managers in overall project implementation and overseeing the day-to-day project activities to facilitate compliance with relevant IOM and donors’ policies, procedures, and requirements. Liaise and coordinate with government entities, implementing partners, United Nations agencies, civil society, donors and other stakeholders. Participate in coordination meetings and other forums to advocate for the organization’s strategic objectives  and provide feedback to senior management, programme managers and project officers  on the results of the same.  Work closely with government entities, including the oblast and hromada administrations, to gather information on strategic priorities for the government. Participate in relevat events and gatherings and regularly consult and meet with government entities and other stakeholders and share feedback to programme managers and project officers. Organize meetings for the project managers, Chief of Mission and donors as may be required. Conduct visits to project sites to maintain up-to-date contextual awareness of the hubs’ operating environment. Continuously monitor and analyze the overall migration/political/economic/social/security situation and raise issues of note within the hierarchy to the required project or unit. Flag and bring to the attention of the Programme Manager and Project Officers any delays or challenges regarding project implementation. Assist in organizing and participate in field assessment and monitoring missions. Provide administrative backstopping support for the project managers. Support the project managers and other senior staff by drafting inputs and providing information for the preparation of reports, outreach materials, situation reports, media outreach and after-action collation. Supervise, train and guide hub staff and ensure timely completion of outputs and activities. In close coordination with the local United Nations Department for Safety & Security (UNDSS) and the IOM Ukraine Office of Staff Security (OSS), monitor compliance with the Minimum Operational Security Standards (MOSS) of office premises and operational procedures. Monitor the implementation of IOM’s policies and procedures regarding emergency response and post-crisis management, including prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse, zero tolerance for corruption, and promotion of a respectful work environment. Perform such other duties as may be assigned.Required Qualifications and ExperienceEducationBachelor’s degree in Political or Social Sciences, International Relations, Development Studies, Migration Studies, Human Rights, Law or related fields from an accredited academic institution with four years of relevant professional experience;or:Master’s degree in the above-mentioned fields with two years of relevant professional experience;ExperienceExperience in liaising with governmental authorities, national/international institutions, United Nations agencies and non-governmental organizations; Experience in working with migrants, refugees, internally displaced persons, victims of trafficking and other vulnerable groups; and, Prior work experience with international humanitarian organizations, non-government or government institutions/organization in a multi-cultural setting is an advantage. Knowledge of humanitarian and recovery activities and socio-political and geographical context of Ukraine; Proven team management and coordination skills; Solid knowledge in programme planning and implementation; Ability to understand, develop and implement administrative and financial control procedures; Proven drafting, writing, and reporting skills; confident user of the Microsoft Office Suite.OtherAny offer made to the candidate in relation to this vacancy notice is subject to funding confirmation.Appointment will be subject to certification that the candidate is medically fit for appointment and security clearances.A prerequisite for taking up the position is legal residency in the country of the duty station and work permit, as applicable.How to apply:Interested candidates are invited to submit their applications filling in the IOM Personal History Form   and sending to [email protected]  by 24 May 2023 the latest, referring to this advertisement in the subject line of your message.Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
Адміністратор торгового залу
EVA, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ivano-Frankivs'ka oblast, ua
Базові вимоги для роботи адміністратором:Середня/середньо-спеціальна/вища освіта.Досвід роботи на аналогічній посаді від року і вище.Базове знання ПК (Word, Excel, електронна пошта).Обов'язки:Ефективна робота в торговій залі і вміння організувати інших співробітників (контроль викладки товару, відповідності цінників, наявності товару на полиці і т. д.).Консультування клієнтівРобота за касоюПроведення інвентаризації товару організація навчання нових співробітниківКонтроль збереження ТМЦУ роботі знадобляться:Енергійність, доброзичливість, вміння спілкуватися з людьми, відповідальність, стресостійкість.
Вакансія "Адміністратор вхідних заявок" без досвіду
Компанія ТОВ "МетІнтер" активно шукає адміністратора вхідних заявок. Знаходимось в Івано-Франківську по вулиці Незалежності 48Обов'язки:Прийом та реєстрація вхідних заявок через електронну пошту, телефон або інші каналиПеревірка коректності та повноти наданих данихПередача заявок відповідним відділам або особам для подальшої обробкиВзаємодія з клієнтами для уточнення деталей заявокВедення бази даних заявок та їх історіїВимоги:Досвід роботи на подібній позиції буде перевагою, але не є обов’язковимВисокі комунікативні навички та вміння ефективно взаємодіяти з клієнтами та командоюВільне володіння українською мовоюУмови:Графік 8:30 - 18:00 5/2 в офісному форматіЗарплата 26.800 + преміїМожливість професійного розвитку та повноцінне навчанняРегулярні корпоративи та розіграшіРозглянемо всіх кандидатів, перевагу надамо бажаючим розвиватись в нашій компанії.