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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Консультант в офис в Дніпропетровській області"

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Рекомендовані вакансії

Національний/-а Кервіник/-ця National Officer (Housing/Shelter) - Міжнародна організація з міграції (МОМ), Представництво в Україні
МІЖНАРОДНА ОРГАНІЗАЦІЯ З МІГРАЦІЇ (МОМ) - ПРЕДСТАВНИЦТВО В УКРАЇНІ, Дніпро (Дніпропетровськ), Днепропетровская область
Classification: National Officer, Level: NO-AType of Appointment: Special Short-Term, six months with the possibility of extensionEstimated Start Date: As soon as possibleClosing Date: 24 May 2023 Context:Under the overall supervision of the Chief of Mission and Programme Coordinator (Shelter and Housing), the direct supervision of Project Officer (Shelter) and in close coordination with National Programme Officer (Hub lead), Dnipro and other technical programme specialists, the successful candidate will provide support to the implementation of IOM Ukraine’s efforts to increase community resilience and cohesion in.The incumbent will be responsible for monitoring infrastructural repairs and rehabilitations, in coordination with relevant colleagues, partners and municipalities. She/he will support in the needs identifications for collective centers regarding infrastructure repairs and refurbishment. In addition to following up on the work of IPs/contractors/labours and organizing and monitoring cash for work on community level interventions.Core Functions / Responsibilities:Assist in the coordination and monitoring of the operational, administrative, and financial aspects of the project in accordance with IOM policies and practices as well as donor’s requirements. Keep the supervisor informed on the status of project implementation; identify gaps and suggest actions to improve implementation. Participate in the development and adjustment of work plans, project budgets, Monitoring & Evaluation tools and standard operations procedures. Coordinate the collection, verification and analysis of data and background information; update information management systems on project related activities including project awareness and visibility, summaries, press releases and other relevant materials. Coordinate timely preparation and dissemination of project reports in accordance with IOM procedures and donor requirements. Liaise and coordinate with donors, partners, United Nations agencies, local authorities and stakeholders and government counterparts. Contribute to the planning, development, organization, and delivery of capacity building activities targeting IOM staff, government and civil society partners, implementing partners and communities. Attend relevant conferences, workshops, working groups, interagency coordination meetings, and other forums. Supervise and provide training and technical guidance to project staff. Undertake duty travel relating to project implementation, monitoring visits, project assessments, liaison with counterparts, etc. Aid the PM to plan, execute and handover shelter/ housing projects, by managing and supervising activities of the engineering team, consultants and contractors and coordinating with implementing partners and stakeholders. Monitor contractor’s compliance with the technical requirements of the contract by reviewing deliverables and recommending to the PM appropriate corrective actions, when necessary. Provide technical support to the procurement unit, by reviewing or preparing Bill of Quantity (BoQs) and other construction-related procurement documents, performing bid analysis and technical evaluation of the bids towards to assure transparent and fair tendering process. Utilize and maintain work schedule, using automated systems for progress tracking and indicating status of ongoing and completed works. Maintain continuing follow-up schedules to ensure that scheduled time of completion remains current. Provide assistance to the PM to write regular reports as required, by collecting, analysing and summarizing information on various aspects of the project including financial, technical and schedule compliance. Comply with IOM’s policies and procedures including prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA) and promotion of a respectful work environment in order to contribute to a healthy workplace. Perform such other duties as may be assigned.Required Qualifications and ExperienceEducationBachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering with 2 years of relevant professional experience; or Master’s degree in the above-mentioned fields. Certification as a licensed professional engineer is an advantage.ExperienceExperience in the field of construction engineering and contract management; Experience in managing teams and establishing a positive working environment. Experience in design, planning and implementation of civil design projects. Experience in liaising with governmental authorities, national/international institutions, United Nations agencies and non-governmental organizations. Experience in working with migrants, refugees, internally displaced persons, victims of trafficking and other vulnerable groups. Prior work experience with international humanitarian organizations, non-government or government institutions/organization in a multi-cultural setting is an advantage. Excellent knowledge of structural analysis and operating adequate software. Also using of design software such as AutoCAD and planning software such as MS Project. Knowledge of applicable codes, policies, standards and best practices related to project. In depth knowledge of the broad range of migration related subject areas dealt with by the Organization. Knowledge of UN and bilateral donor programming. Knowledge of financial rules and regulations.OtherAny offer made to the candidate in relation to this vacancy notice is subject to funding confirmation.Appointment will be subject to certification that the candidate is medically fit for appointment and security clearances.A prerequisite for taking up the position is legal residency in the country of the duty station and work permit, as applicable.How to apply:Interested candidates are invited to submit their applications on IOM Personal History Form to [email protected]  by 24 May 2023 the latest, referring to this advertisement in the subject line of your message.Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
Системний адміністратор
БІТ, Дніпро
Сервісна ІТ компанія БІТ в зв’язку з розширенням шукає двох талановитих системних адміністраторів. У нас молодий, веселий та дружний колектив, який має на меті полегшити життя наших клієнтів в їх щоденній роботі з комп’ютерною технікою.Маєте бажання проявляти свої айтішні навички, навчатися та розвиватися в сфері адміністрування серверів та IT-сервісів, тоді нам по дорозі! Відбір кандидатів та обговорення системи мотивації відбувається після онлайн (ЗУМ) і очної співбесіди в нашому офісі на лівому березі в Дніпрі та попереднього тестування рівня вашої кваліфікаціїСтрок подачи резюме — до 31−05−24!Якщо у вас є талант: шукати причину збоїв, вирішувати регламентовані задачі по обслуговуванню серверів, бути помічником та консультантом користувача для вирішення проблеми — надсилайте своє резюме із вказанням ваших здібностей та очікуваньНаш ідеальний кандидат:- Якісно та оперативно вирішує задачі 3-ї лінії технічної підтримки- Несе відповідальність за перелік ІТ-сервісів, регулярно проводить регламентні роботи по мережевому та серверному обладнанню- Щиро бажає втілювати свої знання в практичне русло- Вміє за допомогою систем моніторингу або зі слів клієнта діагностувати проблему, визначити та вирішити її причину- Здатний делікатно вирішувати конфліктні ситуації і знаходити компроміси без втрат людяності для обох сторін- Фіксує свої кроки і методи роботи для наповнення бази знань компанії- Не боїться запитати про допомогу в колег, якщо всі відомі вам варіанти наразі не дають результатуТехнічні знання і практичний досвід:- Повне розуміння моделі OSI- Робота з керованими світчами рівня L2L3- Налаштування FireWall і VPN-Тунелів- Віртуалізація на базі ESXI / Hyper-V (Інсталяція, Розподіл ресурсів, Резервне копіювання)- Впевнене знання як клієнтських, так і серверних ОС Windows 2008r2- 2022. (Інсталяція, контур безпеки, налаштування ролей, політики домена)- Серверні OS Ubuntu / CentOS- Поштові сервери (Інсталяція, Налаштування, Розуміння принципів роботи поштових протоколів)- Налаштування і адміністрування серверів баз даних Firebird, MSSQL- Побудова контуру інформаційної безпеки- Розгортання та адміністрування продуктів сімейства Medoc, BAS- Знання обладнання Mikrotik на рівні написання скриптів- Командна строка/Bash в Windows/LinuxБажано (але НЕ обов’язково) знати/мати досвід роботи з таким стеком технологій:- Kubernetes, Docker, AWS- Обладнання Fortigate, Ubiquity- Системи Kerio, PfSense, ZabbixЧекаємо ваше резюме на пошту або Viber/Telegram +380503200198 Ярослав
Management Accountant
LoopMe, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
LoopMe is a technology company that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to improve brand advertising performance and outcomes.  What we need: Our finance team are expanding and we are looking for an Accountant based in Ukraine to join either our Dnipro or Lviv office. Primarily a tech hub, the Ukraine offices serve as the engine room for the business, housing the likes of Developers, Product Specialists, Account/Campaign Managers and Finance Professionals who work across the entire LoopMe product suite. Reporting to the Senior Finance Manager, the Management Accountant will support the day to day management of the finance function taking responsibility as the lead entity accountant for a subsidiary of the LoopMe Group   The ideal candidate would have prior senior accounting experience and be able to work independently as well as supporting the wider finance function.  This will be a hybrid working role, you will have the ability to work from home 50% of the time, with the remaining time working in one of our Ukraine offices. What you'll be doing: Responsibility for the month end close process for a subsidiary of the LoopMe group, taking ownership of key tasks and journal postings including, but not limited to, prepayments, accruals and deferred revenue. Responsibility for review and analysis of p&l movements in month  Responsibility for maintaining accurate balance sheet reconciliations  Independently managing time to adhere to set deadlines, proactively working with other team members and functions who have input necessary for timely delivery  Supporting the FP&A function by providing commentary on activity in the accounts and analysis of variances to budget Weekly cash reconciliations Review of employee expenses to ensure they are in line with Company policy and are accurately accounted for in the Company profit and loss Responsible for providing audit support for entity accounts as part of the interim and annual audit Liaising with local tax advisors to provide necessary information and documents to comply with tax legislation Assisting other members of the finance team with ad hoc projects during peak periods  Liaising with HR and payroll providers to ensure timely and accurate payroll processing You'll have: Excellent verbal and written English skills 3 years accounting experience required  The ability to prioritise your workload and meet tight deadlines Experience of MS Office Excellent Excel skills Experience of NetSuite is an advantage Experience with creative problem solving and be quick to think on your feet Experience within technology industry advantageous
Торговельний представник / представниця, Кривий Ріг
, Кривий Ріг, Дніпропетровська область
JTI — це не просто бізнес. JTI — це наші люди. Їхні талант і потенціал. Для нас важливо, щоб наші люди могли бути собою, зростати та розвиватись. І ми запрошуємо приєднатися до нашої команди Спеціаліста/ Спеціалістку з розвитку бізнесу, торговельного представника/ представницю (Business Development Executive). Спеціаліст/ Спеціалістка з розвитку бізнесу, Торговельний представник / представниця(Business Development Executive, KRYVYI RIH&DNIPROPETROVSK REGION) У твоїй зоні відповідальності буде: · Проводити аналіз закріпленої території (Кривий Ріг та Дніпропетровська область) і виявляти можливості для ефективного ведення бізнесу · Планувати та здійснювати щоденні візити в торговельні точки на встановленій території та вести звітність за результатами візиту · Налагоджувати партнерські стосунки із працівниками торговельних точок · Досягати стандартів представленості продукції в роздрібних торговельних точках · Забезпечувати оптимальні залишки та наявність повного асортименту продукції в торговельних точках · Забезпечувати якісну комунікацію з представниками дистрибутора , вести перемовини· Моніторити операційне середовище та практики ринку Що ми пропонуємо: · Офіційне працевлаштування та тимчасовий тип трудового договору· Онлайн/офлайн формат відвідування торгових точок, в залежності від стану безпеки у відповідному регіоні на період дії воєнного стану в країні · Конкурентну заробітну плату, квартальний та річний бонус · Корпоративний автомобіль та компенсацію витрат на паливо · Корпоративний телефон, ноутбук, мобільний та інтернет зв'язок · Страхування життя · Медичне страхування з можливістю страхування членів сім’ї на пільгових умовах · Часткову компенсацію обідів та спортивно-оздоровчих послуг, 28 днів щорічної оплачуваної відпустки · Участь у Well-being програмі, яка включає Програму з підтримки працівників (консультації психолога та інших спеціалістів), вебінари з добробуту та волонтерські ініціативи · Широкі можливості з навчання та розвитку Кого ми шукаємо? Як професіонал, ти маєш: · Вищу освіту· Від 1-2 років років досвіду роботи у відділі збуту / на посаді Торговельного представника· Від 2 років досвіду водіння, посвідчення категорії "B" · Вільне володіння українською мовою· Навички роботи з Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point) · Навички ефективної комунікації та взаємодії в команді · Вміння переконувати та вдало вести переговорний процес · Організаційні навички та тайм-менеджмент· Відповідальність за кінцевий результатПід час проходження процесу відбору на тебе очікує: · Спілкування з Talent Advisor· Тестування Predictive Index Test · Онлайн-зустріч із безпосереднім керівником та представником відділу «Люди та Культура» · Тест-драйв (теорія та практика водіння), тестування на стиль водіння від DriveTech International Прагнеш долучитися до команди JTI Україна? Тоді завантажуй своє резюме!
Продавець консультант прикрас
Золотий Вiк, Кам'янське
Компанія «Золотий Вік» - український бренд № 1 в ювелірній галузі. Вже 25 років виготовляє прикраси, що стають частинкою ваших незабутніх спогадів про прекрасні миті. У зв’язку з постійним зростом та розширенням мережі ми в пошуках кандидата на посадуПродавця-консультанта, який неодмінно стане частиною нашої великої родини!Що співробітники цінують в компанії «Золотий Вік» :Гнучка система мотивації — можливість впливати на свій дохід;Графік роботи —4/2 10:00-19:00 (19-20 робочих днів у місяць);Офіційне працевлаштування, система підтримки для співробітників компанії;Стажування – навчаємо основам продаж та консультування на початку робочого шляху (перші 4-5 днів) з подальшою адаптацією;Цікаві тренінги, де тебе навчать працювати на результат та заробляти ще більше;Корпоративна культура та безліч подарунків - від одягу та аксесуарів до техніки та подорожей;Розвиток – в подальшому ти можеш стати заступником або директором магазину, регіональним директором або перейти у структуру офісу! Головне – бажання та цілеспрямованість!Шукаємо майбутнього колегу з такими компетенціями: Клієнтоорієнтованість – маєш бажання допомогти розібратись у дійсній потребі клієнта та допомогти підібрати прикрасу, яка потрапить у саме серденько людини для якої купується подарунок. Комунікабельність – вмієш завести розмову та обожнюєш спілкування. Цілеспрямованість та жага до нових знань – готовий/ва вивчити та дотримуватись стандартів компанії, щоб стати справжнім ювелірним стилістом.Обов'язки нашого продавця-консультанта: Консультувати клієнтів згідно стандартів компанії та максимально точно виявляти їх потребу;Надавати інформацію клієнтам щодо діючих акцій та пропозицій;Проводити розрахунок покупців на касі;Робити прийом та викладку товарів.Зацікавила вакансія і хочеш домовитись про співбесіду? Відправляй резюме та чекай дзвінка від нашого рекрутера протягом 2-ох робочих днів. Стань частиною крутої команди Долучайтесь до нашого інстаграму та дізнавайтесь більше про нашу команду! (https://www.instagram.com/zolotyivik.job?igsh=ZG9xc2szZHo5aGE3)
Агент з елітної нерухомості, менеджер преміум-сегменту (оренда, продаж)
IZIHouse. Элитная Недвижимость, Дніпро
- Агент з елітної нерухомості / Менеджер з продажу (Оренда/Продаж), можна без досвіду. Без прив'язки до офісу, Україна (великі міста)!Про компанію:- IZIHouse - це українська компанія (агентство елітної нерухомості) з основним родом діяльності - Продаж та Оренда нерухомості (новобудови, вторинний ринок, комерційна нерухомість) та додатковим родом діяльності школою навчання у сфері нерухомості. Власним інвестиційним фондом у нерухомість. І франшиза від агентства нерухомості. Компанія працює від 2017 року. Головний офіс - Київ, додатково Одеса, Запоріжжя, Львів, Дніпро, Харків а також інші міста України.Про роботу:- Дана позиція вважається престижною та цікавою роботою з практично необмеженим рівнем доходу. Робота захоплююча тим, що Ви пересуваєтеся по цікавим елітним локаціям свого міста, відвідуєте дорогі об'єкти нерухомості, спілкуєтеся з успішними та цікавими людьми це можуть бути зірки, бізнесмени, успішні блогери, люди пов'язані з політичними інтересами та інші позиції соціального суспільства в яких ці люди досягли успіху.- На даній позиції Ви отримуєте унікальний досвід, корисний нетворкінг і добре заробляєте при належній увазі професії.Обов'язки:- Працювати з клієнтами та власниками нерухомості.- Підбирати об'єкти нерухомості на оренду або купівлю під запит клієнтів.- Їздити на покази об'єктів нерухомості.- Вести переговори по телефону/в живу.- Працювати з об'єктами нерухомості.- Вести рекламу та укладати угоди.Вимоги:- Гарні комунікативні навички.- Активна життєва позиція. бажання працювати та заробляти.- Відповідальність, порядність.- Володіння сучасними технологіями.- Вітається володіння іноземними мовами.- Досвід у сфері нерухомості вітається від 6 міс, (але не обов'язково є можливість навчання з нуля цієї професії у школі навчання з подальшим працевлаштуванням у нашу компанію та 50% ціни навчання компанія компенсує за Вас)Умови роботи:- Ваш дохід у середньому 700-5000 у.о/місяць.- Прив'язки до офісу немає, вільний графік роботи (завантаженість дня повна) час зайнятості адаптувати під себе.- Надаємо повне необхідне навчання.- Повна підтримка від Керівника відділу 24/7.- Наше і ваше завдання вивести вас на рівень доходу 2500-5000 у.о. на місяць.- Їдемо з вами спільно до позитивного результату.- Також у нас є кар'єрне зростання до Керівника або Директора компанії, до якого Ви можете абсолютно спокійно зрости. Також можливо далi вiдкриття фiлiалу по франшизi вiд компанii.- При підвищенні кар'єрного рівня отримуєте Диплом.Перевага роботи:- Високий дохід з необмеженою планкою зростання (у середньому дохід менеджера з елітної нерухомості на місяць від 1500 у.о.). Є практика коли люди заробляли на Range Rover та квартиру на даній роботі.- Прозоре кар'єрне зростання, яке орієнтоване не на обіцянки, а на конкретний результат від Консультанта до Керівника та Директора компанії.- У суспільстві вважається престижно працювати з Елітною Нерухомістю і Вас вважатимуть успішною людиною.- З нами можна працювати з будь-якої точки України.Ми надаємо нашим співробітникам:- Клієнтів, об'єкти, навчання, тренінги, конкурси, подарунки, повну підтримку від Керівників відділів, юридичну підтримку, кар'єрне зростання.Функції нового працівника:- Робота з клієнтами, проведення показів об'єктів нерухомості, проведення переговорів, робота з об'єктами нерухомості. Робота у сфері оренди та продажу елітних апартаментів (квартири та будинки) та комерційних об'єктів (бізнес центри, торгові центри).Що ми чекаємо на кандидата?- Мати хороші людські якості, вміння організовувати свій час, мати хороші комунікабельні якості, вміти слухати чути вчиться, активна життєва позиція, чесність та відповідальність.Чому ми навчимо кандидата:- Вести переговори з потенційними клієнтами, орієнтуватися на ринку нерухомості, навчимо продавати, навчимо необхідним знанням для успішної роботи в нашій компанії та на ринку нерухомості.НАШ ПРИНЦИП:- Будь відкритий!- Взаємодіяй!- Опирайся на факти!- Будь ефективний!- Будь чесний!- Не веди подвійні ігри!НАША ФІЛОСОФІЯ:- Сьогодні я краще себе вчорашнього!- Я відкрита людина, чесна, натуральна, без користі, командна і частина прекрасного світу!- Ми створюємо новаторський метод і підхід до роботи - ми є частиною кращої системи!- Я приношу користь світу - віддаючи отримую натомість.- Ми одна велика дружна сім'я - готова її членів підтримати будь-якої миті.- Оточуючи себе найкращими - ми самі стаємо кращими - але завжди спочатку потрібно починати з себе.* Надсилайте резюме у нас на сайті, ми ознайомимося та дамо Вам відповідь щодо подальших дій для проходження інтерв'ю.Оставляйте заявку с резюме у нас на фейсбуке, мы ознакомимся и дадим вам обратную связь по собеседованию. facebook.com/jobs/job-opening/18522479...
Продавець консультант прикрас
Золотий Вiк, Дніпро
Компанія «Золотий Вік» - український бренд № 1 в ювелірній галузі. Вже 25 років виготовляє прикраси, що стають частинкою ваших незабутніх спогадів про прекрасні миті. У зв’язку з постійним зростом та розширенням мережі ми в пошуках кандидата на посадуПродавця-консультанта, який неодмінно стане частиною нашої великої родини!Локації:ТЦ "МЛИН" ул.Калиновая,9( лівий берег) ТЦ " Даффі" бул. Зоряный,1-А ( правий берег)Вул. Слобожанський , 87 (лівий берег )ТЦ "ЦУМ", вул. Яворницького, 52Що співробітники цінують в компанії «Золотий Вік» :Гнучка система мотивації — можливість впливати на свій дохід;Графік роботи — з 9:00 до 20:00 (15-18 робочих днів у місяць);Офіційне працевлаштування, система підтримки для співробітників компанії;Стажування – навчаємо основам продаж та консультування на початку робочого шляху (перші 4-5 днів) з подальшою адаптацією;Цікаві тренінги, де тебе навчать працювати на результат та заробляти ще більше;Корпоративна культура та безліч подарунків - від одягу та аксесуарів до техніки та подорожей;Розвиток – в подальшому ти можеш стати заступником або директором магазину, регіональним директором або перейти у структуру офісу! Головне – бажання та цілеспрямованість!Шукаємо майбутнього колегу з такими компетенціями: Клієнтоорієнтованість – маєш бажання допомогти розібратись у дійсній потребі клієнта та допомогти підібрати прикрасу, яка потрапить у саме серденько людини для якої купується подарунок. Комунікабельність – вмієш завести розмову та обожнюєш спілкування. Цілеспрямованість та жага до нових знань – готовий/ва вивчити та дотримуватись стандартів компанії, щоб стати справжнім ювелірним стилістом.Обов'язки нашого продавця-консультанта: Консультувати клієнтів згідно стандартів компанії та максимально точно виявляти їх потребу;Надавати інформацію клієнтам щодо діючих акцій та пропозицій;Проводити розрахунок покупців на касі;Робити прийом та викладку товарів.Зацікавила вакансія і хочеш домовитись про співбесіду? Відправляй резюме та чекай дзвінка від нашого рекрутера протягом 2-ох робочих днів. Стань частиною крутої команди Долучайтесь до нашого інстаграму та дізнавайтесь більше про нашу команду! https://www.instagram.com/zolotyivik.job?igsh=ZG9xc2szZHo5aGE3
Consultant - Civil Engineer
International Rescue Committee, null, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
Requisition ID: req52479Job Title: Consultant - Civil EngineerSector: HealthEmployment Category: ConsultantEmployment Type: Full-TimeOpen to Expatriates: NoLocation: Kharkiv, UkraineJob DescriptionBACKGROUND:The International Rescue Committee (IRC)responds to the world’s worst humanitarian crises and helps people whose livesand livelihoods are shattered by conflict and disaster to survive, recover, andgain control of their lives. Founded in 1933 at the request of Albert Einstein,the IRC works with people forced to flee from war, conflict and disaster andthe host communities which support them, as well as those who remain withintheir homes and communities. At work today in over 40 countries and 22 cities, we improve outcomes in the areas of health, safety, economic wellbeing,education, and power. Given the disparity faced by women and girls, IRC seeksto narrow gender inequalities and ensure social inclusion of all vulnerablegroups in broader policies, processes and actions affecting their lives. TheIRC has been working in Ukraine since March 2022, initially supportingemergency response and early recovery interventions for IDPs affected by theconflict. This position will be based in anyof IRC field offices in the East (Dnipro or Kharkiv) with frequent travelacross the country. Terms Of Reference:The Project activitiesare aimed at Supporting total of six Healthcare Facilities (HCF) stilloperating in the conflict affected areas of Dnipropetrovsk and Kharkivskaoblast. HCF will be supported by receiving sustained, comprehensive inputs forhealth care delivery, including training of staff, rehabilitation, supportivesupervision, supplies and/or staffing. In particular, the Project is planning alight rehabilitation of the pre-determined HCFs, in the scope and modality alignedwith IRC strategy and donor requirements. The project consists ofthree parts:Part 1. NeedsAssessment Review: Evaluate documentation submitted by HCFs and conduct sitevisits..Part 2. Bill ofQuantities (BoQ) Development and Tendering: Prepare BoQs for the upcomingtendering process for HCF rehabilitation.Part 3. Supervision ofRehabilitation: Oversee the implementation of light rehabilitation activitiesat each HCF.For the purposes ofProject implementation, IRC intends to select and conclude a contract with anindividual consultant for the position “Civil Engineer Consultant” (hereinafter– the Consultant).ІІ. Objective of theAssignmentThe objective of thisassignment is to provide consultancy services to the Client for theimplementation of light rehabilitation activities of HCF under the Project.ІІІ. Scope of ServiceThe Consultant shall provide the followingservices and perform the following tasks:Review of Health facilities Needs Assessment conducted by IRC health team, as well as documentation submitted by HCF.Conduct visits to all six HCFs, discussing in details the timeframe, specificities of planned light rehabilitation and administrative regulations of cooperation.Participation in the development of procurement-related documents within the Project and work in close relation with SC including but not limited to the preparation of technical specifications, technical requirements, BoQs, price schedules, ToRs for the selection of design companies, contracts conditions (within Consultant’s scope of competence), as well as preparation of clarifications in response to clarification requests received from prospective bidders any other technical documents as may be required during the procurement process;Participation in the evaluation of bids/proposals within the procurement of consulting services, works and goods within Consultant’s scope of competence.Coordinate and monitor the work of design organizations, including during the development and approval of design and estimate documentation, approval of projects, expert review, conducting author’s supervision of light rehab works.Coordinate and monitor the implementation, including control over the compliance with contracts conditions.Preparation of periodic reports on the progress of Project activities; analysis of deviations from implementation plans, assessment of risks and proposed risk mitigation measures.Implementation of other Project-related tasks, assigned by Health Coordinator and SC Coordinator, within Consultant’s scope of competence.MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONSConsultant qualificationsshall meet the following minimum requirements:Higher education in construction or other relevant field;At least 5-year professional experience in engineering: construction project expertise, supervision of construction works (industrial and civil facilities), development of design and estimate documentation; Knowledge of Ukrainian laws and regulations in the field of construction;Skills in working with specialized design and estimate applications;Availability of a certificate for technical supervision;Experience of work with state and/or local executive authorities;Fluent Ukrainian;Working English;PC skills (MS Office: MS Word, Excel, Power Point).Desirable qualifications:Experience in projects funded by international financial organizations;Experience in supervising of works contracts for health facility reconstruction/repair.Female candidates are highly encouraged toapply.PROFESSIONALSTANDARDS The InternationalRescue Committee is determined to protect the people it serves and staff fromall kinds of harm, including sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment. It iscommitted to take all necessary preventive measures and create an environment wherepeople feel safe. IRC builds diverse and inclusive teams of professionals whopromote critical reflection, power sharing, debate, and objectivity to deliverthe best possible services to our clients.IRC workers mustadhere to the core values and principles outlined in IRC Way - Standards forProfessional Conduct. These areIntegrity, Service, Equality and Accountability. In accordance with thesevalues, the IRC operates and enforces its safeguarding policies to protectadult and child clients from any form of exploitation and abuse, includingsexual exploitation and abuse, and its staff from sexual harassment andviolence.Where misconductis alleged, IRC follows a Zero tolerance approach and takes all necessaryactions and corrective measures. IRC investigation unit comprises of expertsand trained investigators that ensures professional survivor-centeredinvestigations are conducted if allegations of safeguarding violations arereported through the safe and accessible reporting channels that IRC makesavailable to its staff, partners, and clients.These commitmentsare set out in IRC’s Safeguarding Policies, accessible in English and inUkrainian language via this link: IRC is an activemember of the Inter-Agency Task Force on Protection from Sexual Exploitationand Abuse (PSEA) set-up in Ukraine.We will ensurethat individuals with disabilities are provided reasonable accommodation toparticipate in the job application or interview process, to perform essentialjob functions, and to receive other benefits and privileges of employment.Please contact us to request accommodation.
Middle Data Scientist
AgileEngine, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
AgileEngine is a top-ranking provider of software solutions to Fortune 500, Global 500, and Future 50 companies. Listed on Inc. 5000 among the fastest-growing US companies, we are always open to talented software, UX, and data experts in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. If you like a challenging environment where you’re working with the best and are encouraged to learn and experiment daily, there’s no better place — guaranteed! :) What you will do Become an expert on TransVoyant CDI Platform solutions and how they solve pressing customer challenges within Supply Chain and related arenas; Identify, retrieve, manipulate, relate, and exploit multiple TransVoyant structured and unstructured data sets from thousands of various sources (ex. tweets, live aircraft, forecast weather), including building or generating new data sets as appropriate; Create methods, models, and algorithms to understand the meaning of streaming live data, translating it into insightful predictive output for customer applications and data products; Educate internal staff (ex. development, sales, marketing) on how data science and resulting predictions can be productized for key industry verticals; Keep up to date on competitive solutions, products and services. Must haves  2+ years of cloud-based data parsing and analysis, data manipulation and transformation, and visualization experience; Understanding of Hadoop and Apache-based tools to exploit massive sets of TransVoyant data; Programming and scripting experience with Scala or Python is required; Experience with Apache Spark (or similar) is required; Experience with Introductory SQL is required; Ability to explain technical and statistical findings to non-technical users and decision makers; Experience in technical consulting and conceptual solution design; Bachelor’s degree is required; Upper-intemediate English level. Nice to haves Experience with Java is considered a plus; Experience with Kafka or other streaming architecture frameworks considered a plus; Domain knowledge in Supply Chain, and/or transportation management and visibility technologies is a plus. The benefits of joining us Professional growth Accelerate your professional journey with mentorship, TechTalks, and personalized growth roadmaps. Competitive compensation We match your ever-growing skills, talent, and contributions with competitive USD-based compensation and budgets for education, fitness, and team activities. A selection of exciting projects Join projects with modern solutions development and top-tier clients that include Fortune 500 enterprises and leading product brands. Flextime Tailor your schedule for an optimal work-life balance, by having the options of working from home and going to the office – whatever makes you the happiest and most productive.
Middle Data Scientist
AgileEngine, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
Job Description AgileEngine is a top-ranking provider of software solutions to Fortune 500, Global 500, and Future 50 companies. Listed on Inc. 5000 among the fastest-growing US companies, we are always open to talented software, UX, and data experts in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. If you like a challenging environment where you’re working with the best and are encouraged to learn and experiment daily, there’s no better place — guaranteed! :) What you will do Become an expert on TransVoyant CDI Platform solutions and how they solve pressing customer challenges within Supply Chain and related arenas; Identify, retrieve, manipulate, relate, and exploit multiple TransVoyant structured and unstructured data sets from thousands of various sources (ex. tweets, live aircraft, forecast weather), including building or generating new data sets as appropriate; Create methods, models, and algorithms to understand the meaning of streaming live data, translating it into insightful predictive output for customer applications and data products; Educate internal staff (ex. development, sales, marketing) on how data science and resulting predictions can be productized for key industry verticals; Keep up to date on competitive solutions, products and services. Must haves  2+ years of cloud-based data parsing and analysis, data manipulation and transformation, and visualization experience; Understanding of Hadoop and Apache-based tools to exploit massive sets of TransVoyant data; Programming and scripting experience with Scala or Python is required; Experience with Apache Spark (or similar) is required; Experience with Introductory SQL is required; Ability to explain technical and statistical findings to non-technical users and decision makers; Experience in technical consulting and conceptual solution design; Bachelor’s degree is required; Upper-intemediate English level. Nice to haves Experience with Java is considered a plus; Experience with Kafka or other streaming architecture frameworks considered a plus; Domain knowledge in Supply Chain, and/or transportation management and visibility technologies is a plus. The benefits of joining us Professional growth Accelerate your professional journey with mentorship, TechTalks, and personalized growth roadmaps. Competitive compensation We match your ever-growing skills, talent, and contributions with competitive USD-based compensation and budgets for education, fitness, and team activities. A selection of exciting projects Join projects with modern solutions development and top-tier clients that include Fortune 500 enterprises and leading product brands. Flextime Tailor your schedule for an optimal work-life balance, by having the options of working from home and going to the office – whatever makes you the happiest and most productive.
WPE Emergency Response Officer
International Rescue Committee, null, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
Requisition ID: req52501Job Title: WPE Emergency Response OfficerSector: Women Protection & EmpowermentEmployment Category: Fixed TermEmployment Type: Full-TimeOpen to Expatriates: NoLocation: Dnipro, UkraineWork Arrangement: Job DescriptionJOB OVERVIEWThe International Rescue Committee (IRC) is seeking a professional WPE Emergency Response Officer to join our Women's Protection and Empowerment (WPE) Program in Ukraine. The WPE Emergency Officer will oversee GBV prevention, community engagement, and risk reduction activities, particularly in conflict-affected areas: close to the contact line and responding to emergency situations, as well as in remote and unserved locations. The officer will provide critical support to women and girls through various activities and ensure adherence to best practices in WPE.KEY RESPONSIBILITIESProgram Implementation and Quality:- Conduct awareness-raising sessions on GBV for women and girls in remote, underserved areas and for those evacuating from dangerous regions.- Distribute life-saving information leaflets about where survivors can get help.- Organized distribution of dignity kits for women and girls.- Provide first psychological aid to affected individuals, when appropriate.- Develop and providing GBV mitigation and community engagement activities, ensuring that best practice WPE guidelines and approaches are being followed.- Seek technical guidance and support from the WPE Senior Officer on activity development and implementation.- Ensure confidentiality of survivors, informed consent, and respect for their wishes and decisions.Community Engagement:- Build and maintain relationships with communities, including local leaders, groups, organizations, and actors.- Mapping on available services for GBV survivors, service locations, community support for survivors.- Work with the WPE team to ensure the response to the evolving needs of women and girls and their communities.- Identify concerns related to and support adherence to GBV referral protocols and guiding principles, and report these to the WPE Manager.Administration and Reporting:- Prepare and submit weekly activity work plans in a timely manner.- Prepare weekly reports to the WPE Senior Officer.- Complete all relevant tools for activities conducted- Contribute to monthly reports, including information on community engagement activities, consultations, and progress made.- Participate in coordination meetings relevant to WPE as requested by the supervisor.JOB REQUIREMENTS Education: Master's degree in social work, psychology, human rights or law, or a related fieldExperience: Practical experience in case management on GBV, CRSV and life skills to promote recovery and rehabilitation of survivors, responding to gender-based violence and promoting gender equalityDemonstrated Skills and Competencies: - Demonstrated understanding and ability to maintain confidentiality and respect for clients/beneficiaries- Excellent communication skills- Positive and professional attitude, including the ability to lead and work well in a team- High degree of flexibility and strong ability to organize work, meet deadlines, maintain composure, prioritize work under pressure, coordinate multiple tasks, and pay attention to detail- Computer literacy, including Microsoft Word and ExcelREPORTING STRUCTURE AND TEAM COLLABORATIONPosition Reports to: WPE Senior Officer, WPE Manager, WPE Senior Manager, WPE Coordinator Internal collaborations within IRC: Child Protection team; Protection team; Economic Recovery and Development team; Health team.External collaborations GBV actors, organizations and agencies WORK ENVIRONMENT AND OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATIONThese are some examples of other relevant information to include, but is not an exhaustive list. Include the points that are relevant for your position or add more.This role requires full-time work.Fast pace of working, multitasking and stressful work.IRC employees are eligible to the following benefits:Competitive salaryPurposeful job and development opportunitiesEnglish classes and unlimited online training coursesMedical insurance for staff and family membersFree psychological support to employees and their family members 30 calendar days of annual vacation with flexibility beyond the legally set minimum requirementsUp to 10 days of paid medical leave
Talent Acquisition Specialist (Contractor 6 months)- Dnipro
Bunge, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
Location : Dnipro City : Dnipro State : Dnipropetrovs'ka Oblast' (UA-12) Country : Ukraine (UA) Requisition Number : 34971 Are you ready for a new step in your career or an interesting project, and willing to make a difference in a global vital business? Join our extended team and help build an organization that is working on the latest trends in Agri and Food Solutions - you probably have heard about some of our local brands of oil, Floriol, Unisol, Vénusz and Oleina? We are at an exciting time in Bunge! We’re expanding our activities as a team and as an organization, therefor we are looking for new members in our EMEA Talent Acquisition Center of Expertise (CoE) across 3 countries: Hungary, Romania and Ukraine. In those roles you will start on a contract through one of our recruitment partners. Your primary role will be to attract and recruit all level colleagues in our plants and offices throughout the country. Being part of our international team across EMEA you might handle other roles across the region. So, if you a passionate, bold, and driven Talent Acquisition professional or Recruiter, read the vacancy below and learn more about it! What you will be doing as a Talent Acquisition Specialist: Full cycle recruitment processes of the assigned roles: From actively sourcing and approaching passive candidates on social media/job boards and other platforms; creating job advertisements/Social media outings; building talent pools; phone screenings and arranging interviews for candidates to making offers, while ensuring an outstanding Candidate Experience.Partner with business leaders, hiring managers, HR Business Partners and their teams and Centers of Expertise’s (CoE’s) across Bunge to understand hiring needs, work environments and job profiles, to identify effective sourcing strategies with the objective of attracting and selecting the right people for Bunge. Implementation of Employer Branding initiatives in your region. University hiring, building partnerships with key universities and develop activities. Play an active role in driving DEI, building networks, relations and in- and external partnerships. Third party management; vendors, agencies, technology/tools partners. What do we expect from our future colleague? A Bachelor or Master level education or working and thinking level. Experience as an inhouse or agency recruiter, ideally for Industrial sector (production). Proficiency in English and one of the following: Ukrainian, Hungarian and/or Romanian. Hands-on experience with full-cycle volume recruiting using various interview techniques and evaluation methods. Knowledge of social media, resume databases, and professional networks LinkedIn recruiter) and ATS experience (preferably SuccessFactors) Comfortable building positive relationships with all levels in the organization with a service minded but advising approach, proactive and hands-on, result driven and thinking in opportunities. What can you expect: You’ll be starting as an external consultant to support the transformation of the Talent Acquisition Team, with the potential to convert to a permanent employee in the future. A competitive salary and good benefits aligned to the package in the country. The right tools for the job, including a laptop and mobile phone. Hybrid work (up to 2 days from home). Work with an international and expertized team in a leading company in our industry, with a strong focus on Sustainability, Diversity and Community impact. We Are Bunge Bunge is a global agribusiness with one mission – we connect farmers to consumers to deliver crucial food, feed and fuel to the world. We have unmatched global scale and deeply rooted relationships which allow us to bring innovative ingredients and knowledge to some of the world’s biggest brands – many of which are likely in your home right now. We know that to achieve our mission and deliver the best results to our customers, each other and the world we need to work together – so we hire dedicated people who are passionate, bold and driven to work as One Bunge. This dedication is deeply embedded in our culture and reflected in the way we work. Every day our people exemplify these values, which represent Bunge at its core: Act as One Team by fostering inclusion, teamwork, and respect Drive for Excellence by being agile, innovative, and efficient Do What’s Right by acting safely, ethically, and sustainably If this sounds like you, join us! We value and invest in people who believe in our purpose and are excited to live it every day – people who are #ProudtoBeBunge Bunge is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, transgender status, national origin, citizenship, age, disability or military or veteran status, or any other legally protected status #LI-AA1
IT Officer
International Rescue Committee, null, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
Requisition ID: req51606Job Title: IT OfficerSector: Information TechnologyEmployment Category: Fixed TermEmployment Type: Full-TimeOpen to Expatriates: NoLocation: Dnipro, UkraineWork Arrangement: Job DescriptionResponsible for: Under the direct supervision of the Field Coordinator and Management in Partnership with the Ukraine Country IT Manager in Kyiv, the IT Officer will be primarily responsible with assisting and facilitating the installation and configuration of IT infrastructure, 1st line IT support and staff training and operations of IT activities in IRC Ukraine, and is a member of the IRC Operations team in the Dnipro or Kharkiv Office. Planned preventative maintenance visits are anticipated for other offices and field offices in UkraineJob Overview/Summary:The IT Department supports the organization’s work by providing reliable and scalable applications and infrastructure of the IRC’s offices in the US and around the world, including many technologically challenging locations. An integral component of this effort is ensuring that Country Programs have the capacity to implement and support these IT initiatives effectively across the country offices and in the field sites.SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES:The responsibilities of the IT Officer include but are not limited to the following:MAIN DUTIES:Provide 1st line support for users in the Ukraine country program. Log and expedite all support work using the ServiceNow ticketing platform.Work in close collaboration with all employees to ensure all IT hardware and software is up to date. Interact with Programs, Operations, and field offices to ensure understanding of business needs and efficient support is delivered.Work with field office staff, country and regional IT management to ensure timely delivery of IT project activities and resolution of IT issues.Conduct IT inductions and other relevant training sessions to ensure that staff possess the knowledge and skills commensurate with their responsibilities in using the technologies being implemented in IRC. Manage installation, configuration, maintenance, repair, security and documentation of local area networks, desktop/laptop computers, communication resources and other office equipment.Help ensure successful implementation of IRC IT global initiatives and policies. Enforce network security policies, maintain firewall rules, and perform regular security sweeps for new vulnerabilities. Microsoft Office support, Active Directory Maintenance, VMware, Windows server 2016R2 logging of problems in Service-Now IRC IT enterprise ticketing helpdesk system; Ukraine mailing list management.Specialized application installation and support – Integra rollout, Box, Workday, Rescuenet, payroll software’s and other collaborative tools (Office 365 and MS Teams).Verify and provide technical consultancy to procurement regarding purchasing spare parts for IT equipment and ensuring equipment purchased are of the right specifications and conform to the IRC standard specifications.Windows 10/11 operating system image, hardware, software and peripherals.Perform preventative maintenance on all IRC computers and network resources.Implement and manage backup solutions for office/individual users as per IRC IT recommendations and provide the necessary training on the use of these back-up solutions.Create and maintain IRC computer software/hardware inventory ensuring accuracy.Create and maintain network documentation to include but not limited to IP address, system access, email creation system, upgrades and changes to original network, etc.Diagnose hardware and software faults by questioning clients patiently about a problem and explaining the procedures to them. Closely collaborate with International and HQ IT team on helpdesk, connectivity and other in country and global IRC IT projects.Investigate local Internet connectivity options to obtain adequate bandwidth for Intranet and application connectivity.Develop and implement user and support local staff training, including training on basic care and maintenance of computers and equipment for users. Experience installing, configuring and managing both wired and wireless LAN, and firewalls. Computer imaging skills required. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills required.Strong written and interpersonal skills; customer service experiencePerform other duties as directed by the IT Manager.Education: BSc in Computer Science or equivalent 1-2 years of relevant experience with NGOs or international organizations.Experience working with: Windows 7-11, MS Office 365, Sophos Anti-Virus etc.Experience of using a IT ticketing system such as ServiceNow.Experience with following technologies: LAN, WAN, network administration and setup – TP-Link, UNIFI controller user, Cisco Meraki SDWAN. Understanding ITIL/ITSM, frameworks and fundamentals.Experience in cloud (Google Workspace, Azure, MS365) computing principles and understanding of centralized user support system – Help desk (Service-Now, Jira etc). Must be able to work with limited supervision and exercise independent judgment in problem solving Knowledge and/or experience in the implementation of Starlink Technologies would be an advantage
Child Protection Manager
International Rescue Committee, null, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
Requisition ID: req52478Job Title: Child Protection ManagerSector: Child ProtectionEmployment Category: Fixed TermEmployment Type: Full-TimeOpen to Expatriates: NoLocation: Dnipro, UkraineWork Arrangement: Job DescriptionJob Overview: Under the supervision of the Sn Child Protection Manager, the CP Manager will be responsible for managing the implementation of IRC’s Child Protection Program in Dnipropetrovsk and Zaporizhzhia Oblasts, targeting children at risk or experiencing violence, abuse, neglect, and exploitation (including unaccompanied and separated children) in areas with large IDP and host community populations and newly accessible areas affected by the ongoing humanitarian crisis. This will include supervising and supporting IRC’s CP Sn Officers and teams in Dnipro to implement, monitor and evaluate project activities. The CP Manager will also support the monitoring of CP activities implemented by IRC’s local partners, providing technical support and ensuring a good relationship with the partner. He/she will oversee that all interventions are adapted to the context and will work with other actors to ensure that child protection risks are reduced. The CP Manager will be based either in Dnipro or Kharkiv and directly supervise the CP Sn Officers in these locations. Major Responsibilities: Program Management -Provide management leadership of the CP program in Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhzhia Oblasts. -Ensure that activities are implemented in line with the project proposal and, in particular, the CP work plan, spending plan, procurement plan, monitoring and evaluation plans developed for the respective grant. -Develop monthly and weekly plannings to ensure that the CP Program in Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhzhia Oblasts is implemented on time and within budget. -Manage activity budgets in accordance with the approved budgets and spending plans. -Develop, submit and follow-up on procurement requests; develop and ensure the implementation of distribution plans -Supervise, monitor and support CP teams to ensure that CP activities are implemented within time and budget. -Conduct regular field missions to supervise, monitor and support teams in the field. -Work closely with the CP MEAL Officer to maintain a monitoring and evaluation plan, including the systematic collection and analysis of data to inform programming, reporting, fundraising and advocacy. -Ensure the proper use of management, monitoring and evaluation tools by the teams. -Consolidate and write weekly and monthly reports, as well as other project reports as requested. -Ensure the archiving of project documents in hard and soft copy, taking into account the principle of confidentiality Technical Quality -Provide technical leadership of the CP program in Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhzhia Oblasts -Provide technical support to field teams to ensure the implementation of high-quality CP activities in accordance with best practice and donor and IRC guidelines and program models. -Ensure that solid case management, referral and information management systems are in place for appropriate identification, responses and follow-up for children harmed or at risk of being harmed. -Ensure that MHPSS activities for children, adolescents, and caregivers are delivered in accordance with IRC program models and curricula, appropriately adapted to the context. -Ensure the ethical and meaningful collection of data and uphold the principles of confidentiality. -Ensure respect for children's participation in all activities, including consulting them regularly and proactively to support the quality and relevance of interventions. -Proactively identify new or emerging needs, gaps, and opportunities for IRC CP programming to enhance the safety of children and families in their homes and communities. -Ensure regular communication with the Child Protection Sn Manager, CP Coordinator and other program teams to strengthen safety outcomes for children and families. Staff Supervision & Development -Directly supervise CP Sn Officers based in Dnipro. -Assist with the recruitment of child protection staff, in coordination with the CP Coordinator, CP Sn Manager and HR. -Ensure timely completion and submission of monthly timesheets, probations reviews and annual performance reviews. -Ensure ongoing coaching, technical support and capacity building for staff on technical and management skills -Identify needs to further strengthen capacities of staff. -Maintain open and professional relations with team members, promoting a strong team spirit, and providing oversight and guidance to enable staff to successfully perform in their positions Partner Management -Maintain effective working relationships with IRC’ local CP partners -Support the regular performance monitoring of partners to achieve the set project’s objectives, in close collaboration with the CP Sn Manager and Partnerships Teams -Support providing regular technical support and guidance to IRC’S local CP partners in line with partnership agreements Coordination & Representation -Actively develop and maintain effective working relationships with key stakeholders, including local authorities, UN agencies, international and local NGOs, community stakeholders and other relevant actors -Attend child protection coordination meetings at the sub-national and national level to contribute to coordination and advocacy for child protection responses across agencies Other duties: -Consistently and proactively monitor/assess the safety and security of field teams, promptly reporting concerns or incidents to IRC management and liaising with other external parties as required to maintain/enhance the security environment. -Other duties as assigned by the supervisor to enable and develop IRC programs. KEY WORKING RELATIONSHIPS Position reports to: Child Protection Sn Manager Direct reports: Child Protection Sn Officers in Dnipro Other internal contacts:Protection & Rule of Law (ProL), WPE, MEAL, ERD, Health, Finance, Supply, Grants, HR and other relevant departments Requirements The Child Protection Manager will need to meet the requirements below: -A degree desired in social work, social sciences, human rights law or other related field, or equivalent work experience. -At least 2-3 years’ experience in a management / leadership position -Experience working with children experiencing or at risk of violence, abuse, neglect or exploitation -Technical expertise in programming in one or more of the following areas: child protection case management, MHPSS, positive parenting, CP risk reduction activities -Previous experience implementing humanitarian protection programs -Demonstrated experience in staff supervision, project and budget management -Ability to lead effectively, mentor and coach staff, resolve conflicts and manage complexities -Strong team and people leadership, management, organizational and development skills -Experience in working with and coordinating with local authorities, UN, national NGOs, and other relevant stakeholders -Strong communication and interpersonal skills with strong analysis and writing skills -Proven networking, team building, organizational and communication skills -Additional qualities: ability to multi-task, ability to handle pressure well, ability to improvise, flexibility, adaptability to transitions. -Good skills in spoken and written English; fluent in Ukrainian and/or Russian This position will be based in IRC’s Field site, that is either Kharkiv or Dnipro, with frequent travel to field locations required. Standards of Professional Conduct The IRC and IRC workers must adhere to the values and principles outlined in the IRC Way – Code of Conduct. These are Integrity, Service, and Accountability. In accordance with these values, the IRC operates and enforces policies on Beneficiary Protection from Exploitation and Abuse, Child Safeguarding, Harassment-Free Workplace, Fiscal Integrity, Anti-Retaliation, Combating Trafficking in Persons and several others. Gender Equality & Equal Opportunity We are committed to narrowing the gender gap in leadership positions. We offer generous benefits that provide an enabling environment for women to participate in our workforce including parental leave, gender-sensitive security protocols and other supportive benefits and allowances. We welcome and strongly encourage qualified female professionals to apply. IRC is an Equal Opportunity Employer. IRC considers all applicants on the basis of merit without regard to race, sex, color, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran status, disability or any other characteristic protected by applicable law.
Middle Data Engineer
AgileEngine, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
Job Description AgileEngine is a top-ranking provider of software solutions to Fortune 500, Global 500, and Future 50 companies. Listed on Inc. 5000 among the fastest-growing US companies, we are always open to talented software, UX, and data experts in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. If you like a challenging environment where you’re working with the best and are encouraged to learn and experiment daily, there’s no better place — guaranteed! :) What you will do Become an expert on TransVoyant CDI Platform solutions and how they solve pressing customer challenges within Supply Chain and related arenas; Identify, retrieve, manipulate, relate, and exploit multiple TransVoyant structured and unstructured data sets from thousands of various sources (ex. tweets, live aircraft, forecast weather), including building or generating new data sets as appropriate; Create methods, models, and algorithms to understand the meaning of streaming live data, translating it into insightful predictive output for customer applications and data products; Educate internal staff (ex. development, sales, marketing) on how data science and resulting predictions can be productized for key industry verticals; Keep up to date on competitive solutions, products and services. Must haves  2+ years of cloud-based data parsing and analysis, data manipulation and transformation, and visualization experience; Programming and scripting experience with Scala or Python is required; Experience with Apache Spark (or similar) is required; Experience with Introductory SQL is required; Ability to explain technical and statistical findings to non-technical users and decision makers; Experience in technical consulting and conceptual solution design; Understanding of Hadoop and Apache-based tools to exploit massive sets of TransVoyant data; Bachelor’s degree is required; Upper-intemediate English level. Nice to haves Experience with Java is considered a plus; Experience with Kafka or other streaming architecture frameworks considered a plus; Domain knowledge in Supply Chain, and/or transportation management and visibility technologies is a plus. The benefits of joining us Professional growth Accelerate your professional journey with mentorship, TechTalks, and personalized growth roadmaps. Competitive compensation We match your ever-growing skills, talent, and contributions with competitive USD-based compensation and budgets for education, fitness, and team activities. A selection of exciting projects Join projects with modern solutions development and top-tier clients that include Fortune 500 enterprises and leading product brands. Flextime Tailor your schedule for an optimal work-life balance, by having the options of working from home and going to the office – whatever makes you the happiest and most productive.
Middle Data Engineer
AgileEngine, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
AgileEngine is a top-ranking provider of software solutions to Fortune 500, Global 500, and Future 50 companies. Listed on Inc. 5000 among the fastest-growing US companies, we are always open to talented software, UX, and data experts in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. If you like a challenging environment where you’re working with the best and are encouraged to learn and experiment daily, there’s no better place — guaranteed! :) What you will do Become an expert on TransVoyant CDI Platform solutions and how they solve pressing customer challenges within Supply Chain and related arenas; Identify, retrieve, manipulate, relate, and exploit multiple TransVoyant structured and unstructured data sets from thousands of various sources (ex. tweets, live aircraft, forecast weather), including building or generating new data sets as appropriate; Create methods, models, and algorithms to understand the meaning of streaming live data, translating it into insightful predictive output for customer applications and data products; Educate internal staff (ex. development, sales, marketing) on how data science and resulting predictions can be productized for key industry verticals; Keep up to date on competitive solutions, products and services. Must haves  2+ years of cloud-based data parsing and analysis, data manipulation and transformation, and visualization experience; Programming and scripting experience with Scala or Python is required; Experience with Apache Spark (or similar) is required; Experience with Introductory SQL is required; Ability to explain technical and statistical findings to non-technical users and decision makers; Experience in technical consulting and conceptual solution design; Understanding of Hadoop and Apache-based tools to exploit massive sets of TransVoyant data; Bachelor’s degree is required; Upper-intemediate English level. Nice to haves Experience with Java is considered a plus; Experience with Kafka or other streaming architecture frameworks considered a plus; Domain knowledge in Supply Chain, and/or transportation management and visibility technologies is a plus. The benefits of joining us Professional growth Accelerate your professional journey with mentorship, TechTalks, and personalized growth roadmaps. Competitive compensation We match your ever-growing skills, talent, and contributions with competitive USD-based compensation and budgets for education, fitness, and team activities. A selection of exciting projects Join projects with modern solutions development and top-tier clients that include Fortune 500 enterprises and leading product brands. Flextime Tailor your schedule for an optimal work-life balance, by having the options of working from home and going to the office – whatever makes you the happiest and most productive.