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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Сотрудник охраны в за кордоном"

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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Сотрудник охраны в за кордоном"

20 800 ₴ Середня зарплата в місяць

Рівень середньої зарплатні за останні 12 місяців: "Сотрудник охраны в за кордоном"

Валюта: UAH USD Рік: 2024
На гістограмі зображено зміну рівня середньої заробітної плати професії Сотрудник охраны в за кордоном.

Розподіл вакансії "Сотрудник охраны" по областям за кордоном

Як видно з діаграми, в за кордоном найбільшу кількість вакансій професії Сотрудник охраны відкрито в Польщі. На другому місці - Іспанія, а на третьому - Литва.

Рекомендовані вакансії

Senior Global PR Specialist
INTELLIAS, Ukraine (remote), Poland (remote), Bulgaria (Remot ...
Intellias Global Marketing team is looking for a Public Relations jedi who will boost corporate brand awareness and media coverage over the key customer-facing markets. You will act as a part of a professional Communications team and work in close cooperation with numerous tech and industry experts.Project Overview: Intellias Global Marketing team is looking for a Public Relations jedi who will boost corporate brand awareness and media coverage over the key customer-facing markets. You will act as a part of a professional Communications team and work in close cooperation with numerous tech and industry experts. Your main goal would be to make the world recognize Intellias mission "We breathe life into great ideas with the power of digital technology" through meaningful public media pieces of various forms.Responsibilities: Develop and implement comprehensive corporate PR plans and thought leadership programs across key verticals in North America and Europe, working closely with the Global Comms team and external vendors.Efficiently manage and coordinate PR agencies to ensure their optimal performance.Maintain global communications and partnership campaigns targeting both Tier 1 and niche media outlets.Monitor media mentions, analyze PR efforts, and provide insightful reports on a monthly and quarterly basis, aligning with key performance indicators (KPIs).Develop and leverage meaningful relationships with top-tier and niche media outlets, aiming for high-level coverage in print, broadcast, and online media.Generate media inquiries, secure interviews, and respond to ad-hoc media requests. Independently and in collaboration with the Content team, produce a variety of press materials, including press releases, comments, pitch letters, press briefings, and award applications.Requirements: 3+ years of proven track record in global public relations for B2B/Tech/Enterprise company or an agency;Experience in working for North American and Western European markets;Excellent writing and oral skills to communicate efficiently with the public, media, and other stakeholders – Proficiency in English (C1/C2);Understanding of B2B marketing, corporate reputation, and crisis communications;Efficiently working under tight deadlines in a highly matrixed environment;Global mindset; experience studying or working abroad would be a plus.Higher Education: Preferably, the holder of a Bachelor's/Master’s degree in Marketing, Communications, Journalism, Business Studies, or another relevant academic field.#LI-IF1
Investment Compliance Specialist with German
HAYS, Warszawa, mazowieckie, Polska
Investment Compliance Specialist with GermanWarszawaNR REF.: 1164929For our Client, well-known financial company based in Warsaw, we are looking for Investment Compliance Specialist. Within this role you will join Investment Controlling team and will be responsible for daily limit checks for insourcing mandates, surveillance of reduction of identified breaches incl. escalation procedure, legal and internal reporting. You will be also responsible for contacting asset managers, portfolio managers and custodians. We are looking for candidate with fluent English (B2/C1) and very good German (B2) and previous experience on similar position or in Fund Accounting/Securities Operations/Compliance/Legal or similar field. Our Client offers opportunity to develop in a well-known company. Attractive salary, benefit package and trainings are also included. Hays Poland sp. z o.o. is an employment agency registered in a registry kept by Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship under the number 361.
Investment Compliance Specialist with French
HAYS, Warszawa, mazowieckie, Polska
Investment Compliance Specialist with FrenchWarszawaNR REF.: 1183720For our Client, well-known financial company based in Warsaw, we are looking for Investment Compliance Specialist.Within this role you will join Investment Controlling team and will be responsible for daily limit checks for insourcing mandates, surveillance of reduction of identified breaches incl. escalation procedure, legal and internal reporting. You will be also responsible for contacting asset managers, portfolio managers and custodians.We are looking for candidate with fluent English (B2/C1) and very good French (B2) and previous experience on similar position or in Fund Accounting/Securities Operations/Compliance/Legal or similar field.Our Client offers opportunity to develop in a well-known company. Attractive salary, benefit package and trainings are also included.Hays Poland sp. z o.o. is an employment agency registered in a registry kept by Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship under the number 361.
Investment Compliance Specialist with German
HAYS, Warszawa, mazowieckie, Polska
Investment Compliance Specialist with GermanWarszawaNR REF.: 1176969For our Client, well-known financial company, we are looking for Investment Compliance Specialist.Within this role you will join Investment Controlling team and will be responsible for daily limit checks for insourcing mandates, surveillance of reduction of identified breaches incl. escalation procedure, legal and internal reporting. You will be also responsible for contacting asset managers, portfolio managers and custodians.We are looking for candidate with fluent English (B2/C1) and very good German (B2) and previous experience on similar position or in Fund Accounting/Securities Operations/Compliance/Legal or similar field.Our Client offers opportunity to develop in a well-known company. Attractive salary, benefit package and trainings are also included.Hays Poland sp. z o.o. is an employment agency registered in a registry kept by Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship under the number 361.
Middle Officer/Loan Admin Officer
HAYS, Warszawa, mazowieckie, Polska
Middle Officer/Loan Admin OfficerWarszawaNR REF.: 1185437Dla międzynarodowego banku działającego w obszarze bankowości korporacyjnej i o kameralnych strukturach w Polsce szukamy osoby, która obejmie stanowisko:Middle Office/Operations OfficerMiejsce pracy: Warszawa (model hybrydowy), lokalizacja blisko stacji metraDo najważniejszych obszarów odpowiedzialności zatrudnionej osoby należeć będzie:administrowanie dokumentacją kredytową (także dokumentacją dotyczącą zabezpieczeń i postanowień umownych) oraz administrowanie produktami ryzyka, w tym między innymi:- weryfikacja otrzymanej dokumentacji kredytowej i umów dotyczących wypłaty produktów (kredyty: bilateralne i syndykowane, gwarancje, faktoring), włączając w to weryfikację podpisów i uprawnień- wprowadzanie nowych produktów do systemu i weryfikacja spójności między dokumentacją transakcyjną a danymi w systemie- ustanawianie zabezpieczeń i ich cykliczne monitorowanie- administracja opłatami i prowizjami oraz monitorowanie tego- wypłata kredytów- monitorowanie warunków i zobowiązań wynikających z zawartych umów kredytowych- monitorowanie terminowości spłat kredytów oraz zwalnianie zabezpieczeń po spłacie- zapewnienie, że operacje są księgowane zgodnie z przepisami grupy i lokalnymi regulacjami- wsparcie w przygotowywaniu dokumentacji kredytowej i zabezpieczeń dla Klientów- wsparcie dla Relationship Managerów w kwestiach związanych z dokumentacją kredytową- bieżąca współpraca z Relationship Managerami, działem operacyjnym oraz zagranicznym zespołem back office.Bank oczekuje:podobnego doświadczenia zawodowego zdobytego w bankowości korporacyjnej w administrowaniu kredytami i/lub w middle officebardzo dobrej organizacji pracyumiejętności zarówno pracy samodzielnej, jak i we współpracy z zespołemotwartości na naukę i rozwijanie nowych umiejętnościelastyczności i wychodzenia z inicjatywąbardzo dobrych umiejętności komunikacyjnychprzynajmniej dobrej znajomości języka angielskiego w mowie i piśmie (praca wiąże się z regularnymi kontaktami z zagranicą, dokumentacja jest przygotowywana w języku angielskim).Doświadczenie w pracy w zagranicznym oddziale banku, a także znajomość języka hiszpańskiego będą atutami, nie są jednak niezbędne.Bank oferuje:ciekawą pracę w kameralnym, a zarazem międzynarodowym środowisku pracy w banku, który od kilkunastu lat funkcjonuje na polskim rynku, a jednocześnie rozwija się i zmieniaumowę o pracę z podstawą wynagrodzenia oraz premią rocznąszeroką perspektywę biznesową – całościowe spojrzenie na bankowość korporacyjnąwspółpracę z pozostałymi zespołami w Polsce oraz współpracę z zagranicąmożliwość rozwijania swoich umiejętności i wpływania na procesy bankoweunikalną atmosferę pracy opartą na dobrych relacjach, wzajemnym wsparciu, zaufaniu, otwartej komunikacji, elastyczności i dawaniu przestrzeni na wdrożenie się do pracypracę w modelu hybrydowymliczne benefity pozapłacowe: opieka medyczna, ubezpieczenie na życie, vouchery lunchowe, dodatek do nauki języków, budżet na naukę/szkolenia.Hays Poland sp. z o.o. jest agencją zatrudnienia zarejestrowaną w rejestrze prowadzonym przez Marszałka Województwa Mazowieckiego pod numerem 361.
Studencie! Połącz naukę z pracą w branży security (prestiżowy obiekt w Centrum Warszawy) 32zł/h!
Securitas Polska, Mazowieckie, mazowieckie, Polska
Opis firmyJesteśmy skandynawskim koncernem ochrony. Pozycję lidera na światowym rynku zdobyliśmy dzięki naszym pracownikom oraz nowoczesnym, zintegrowanym rozwiązaniom technicznym.Obecnie w Warszawie i najbliższych okolicach poszukujemy kandydatów na stanowisko:Pracownik Ochrony w Prestiżowym Sklepie OdzieżowymWyzwania, jakie na Ciebie czekają: zapobieganie kradzieży, ochrona mienia przed włamaniem, kontrola pracowników sklepu, interwencja.Oczekiwania, jakie mamy w stosunku do Ciebie:wysoka kultura osobista,dyspozycyjność,niekaralność,zaangażowanie,odporność na stres.Ze swojej strony oferujemy:umowę zleceniestawkę 32 zł za godzinępracę w dogodnych lokalizacjach - Warszawa i najbliższe okolicestabilne zatrudnienie,terminowe wypłaty do 10-go każdego miesiąca,pracę w firmie o ugruntowanej pozycji na rynku,bogaty pakiet benefitów pozapłacowych.Mile widziane:doświadczenie w ochronie obiektów handlowych.status studenta.Dodatkowe informacjeZainteresowane osoby prosimy o przesłanie CV lub kontakt pod numerem 6-9-0-1-0-0-3-9-3Kliknięcie przycisku „Aplikuj” oznacza, że wyrażasz zgodę na przetwarzanie swoich danych osobowych przez Securitas Polska Sp. z o.o. i Securitas Services Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Warszawie przy ul. Postępu 6 dla potrzeb niezbędnych do realizacji procesu rekrutacji.Możesz zapoznać się ze szczegółową polityką ochrony danych osobowych przez spółki Securitas pod adresem: https://www.securitas.pl/Securitas/stand-alone/polityka-prywatnoci/Dane osobowe będą przechowywane przez okres 24 miesięcy od dnia złożenia aplikacji lub do momentu wycofania zgody na przetwarzanie danych osobowych.
Campus Security Manager
Securitas Polska, Warszawa, mazowieckie, Polska
Opis firmyJesteśmy skandynawskim koncernem ochrony – największym globalnym graczem na rynku. Pozycję lidera zdobyliśmy dzięki naszym pracownikom oraz nowoczesnym, zintegrowanym rozwiązaniom technicznym.Opis oferty pracyObecnie dla naszego renomowanego klienta, dynamicznie rozwijającej się amerykańskiej korporacji z branży Data Center, poszukujemy kandydatów na stanowisko:Campus Security ManagerOsoba na tym stanowisku będzie odpowiedzialna za kierowanie i zarządzanie zespołem security na kilku obiektach, dbając o zachowanie procedur i bezpieczeństwo klienta. Campus Security Manager będzie odgrywał rolę głównego kontaktu pomiędzy zespołem security a klientem. Do jego zadań będzie należała stała opieka nad klientem, współpraca z zespołem w celu tworzenia i wprowadzania nowych procedur bezpieczeństwa, kontrola nad pracą zespołu i reakcja na sytuacje nagłe i potencjalnie niebezpieczne.Wyzwania:zarządzanie zespołami security na kilku obiektachkontrola procedur obsługi systemów bezpieczeństwa (CCTV, SKD etc.),budowanie i utrzymywanie pozytywnych relacji z klientem,reagowanie w przypadku sytuacji awaryjnejnadzór nad zespołem security, w celu zapewnienia najwyższej jakości usługwspółpraca z klientem w celu stworzenia najlepszych procedur ochrony dla klientapełnienie funkcji głównego kontaktu pomiędzy zespołem a klientemewaluacja i kontrola procedur bezpieczeństwaWymagania:znajomość języka angielskiego na poziomie minimum C1/C2aktualny wpis na listę Kwalifikowanych Pracowników Ochronydoświadczenie w zarządzaniu zespołemdoświadczenie w branży security – mile widzianeznajomość obsługi komputera w stopniu zaawansowanymznajomość systemów bezpieczeństwaponad przeciętna kultura osobistakomunikatywnośćdokładność i rzetelnośćdyspozycyjnośćumiejętność deeskalacji problemówgotowość do ewentualnych podróży służbowychOferujemy:umowę o pracęstawkę 18200 bruttotryb pracy zadaniowypracę w międzynarodowym środowisku, język angielski używany na co dzieńsamochód służbowy, laptop, smartfonubezpieczenie NNW opłacone przez pracodawcęwsparcie przełożonych w codziennej pracyprzyjazną atmosferę bazującą na szacunku i współpracymożliwość rozwoju zawodowego w strukturach firmy, również poza PolskąDodatkowe informacjeKliknięcie przycisku „Aplikuj” oznacza, że wyrażasz zgodę na przetwarzanie swoich danych osobowych przez Securitas Polska Sp. z o.o. i Securitas Services Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Warszawie przy ul. Postępu 6 dla potrzeb niezbędnych do realizacji procesu rekrutacji.Możesz zapoznać się ze szczegółową polityką ochrony danych osobowych przez spółki Securitas pod adresem: https://www.securitas.pl/Securitas/stand-alone/polityka-prywatnoci/Dane osobowe będą przechowywane przez okres 24 miesięcy od dnia złożenia aplikacji lub do momentu wycofania zgody na przetwarzanie danych osobowych.
IT Security Engineer - rekrutacja online
HRK S.A., Warszawa, mazowieckie, Polska
IT Security EngineerMiejsce pracy: Warszawa Your responsibilities: Execute L3 event or incident response and investigations into suspicious activity Shape the operations to successfully manage cases, lead the response process, and delegate tasks to junior incident responders Generate post-incident reviews to ensure gaps are closed to prevent future events Collaborate with Threat Intelligence team to groom threat feeds and help translate findings Help maintain, support and tune information security tools and processes Develop, implement and maintain policies, procedures and associated trainings in IT security area Requirements: Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology / Information Security or equivalent experience in technology Minimum of 3 years of experience in a technology related field Knowledge of common network protocols, edge routing technologies, firewall/IDS/IPS/NGFW, SIEM, EDR/XDR, PAM What we offer: Work based on an emloyment contract or B2B contract Work in hybrid or stationary mode - work as you like! Private medical healthcare for employees & family members; Multisport card & other wellness perks MyBenefit
Cybersecurity Governance Specialist
HAYS, Warszawa, mazowieckie, Polska
Cybersecurity Governance SpecialistWarszawaNR REF.: 1184063Your new company International company from construction industry. Your new role You will act as a local member of the international IT Security Governance team, which is a part of the company39s global cyber defence structures. The team is focused on obtaining a sufficient level of information security in the organisation. In this role you will help enhance, communicate, monitor, and maintain our cybersecurity program, which consists of defining information security related strategies, requirements and controls, security metrics and KPIs. Within this role lies identifying critical information assets such as systems and other critical digital assets, addressing security controls for each critical digital asset as well as enforcing the implementation of attack mitigation activities and maintaining overall governance capabilities.Scope of your duties:Govern and ensure Business Units39 alignment with internal governance and key frameworks Assist in both external and internal audits  Research and recommend solutions for evolving security landscape Provide mentorship (if applicable) to junior team members  Act as SME for multiple Security disciplines   Serve as an escalation point for resolving governance and assurance issuesWork with internal stakeholders to answer customer SIG questionnaires  Participate in Global Cybersecurity discussions and sessions  Assist in local/global incidents and requestsCreate meaningful relationships across multiple levelsStay current on challenges and input from local Business UnitsAssessment of newly implemented applications from the cybersecurity sideResearch on emerging information security and cyber threats and mitigation  Constantly improve your skills, required for the positionWhat you39ll need to succeed 3+ years of related experience working with Information/Cybersecurity/Governance/IT risk management, etc. Experience in security documentation and cybersecurity metricsFluency in English (B2+ level, spoken and written)Fluency in Polish (C1+)Openness for business travel from time to time Soft skills: Ability to connect business value with technology solutionsExcellent communication and interpersonal skillsBeing a team player and successfully working with others to achieve shared goals Ability to prioritise tasks in a fast-paced environmentKeen on Cybersecurity, proactiveness Extra points for:University education in related fields Information Security Certifications (like CISA, CRISC, MGT415, GSLC, CCSP, CISSP, ISO 27001 or equivalent) Knowledge about: 3rd party risk, risk assessments, IT security Governance, Cybersecurity Frameworks, Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity Plan, Cybersecurity metrics   What you39ll get in return Contract of employment + 8% yearly bonusInternational work environment and projects Hybrid working model (50/50) from one of the company offices (Warsaw, Krakow, Poznan, Wroclaw, Gdansk, Lodz)Medical package Multisport cardLanguage lessons Training & conference budget  Employee stock purchase plan What you need to do now If you39re interested in this role, click 39apply now39 to forward an up-to-date copy of your CV, or call us now.Hays Poland sp. z o.o. is an employment agency registered in a registry kept by Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship under the number 361.
Application Security Engineer
HAYS, Warszawa, mazowieckie, Polska
Application Security EngineerWarszawaNR REF.: 1186514Your new company International company from the healthcare, medical technologies and products industry. Your new role You will act as a member of an Information Security team which is responsible for Application Security strategy, technology, and engineering. You will partner with other members of the global team to implement and mature security capabilities related to modern software development, Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning, Citizen Development (Low Code / No Code), and applications built on SaaS (Software as a Service) and Cloud platforms.You will connect with company software development teams and business unit technology partners to shape practices related to DevSecOps, increase adoption of application security tooling, expand security capability features, ensure timely remediation of risk, and provide subject matter expertise related to securing applications.Scope of duties: Assist in implementing and maturing Application Security capabilities (e.g., DevSecOps, Citizen Development Security, SaaS Security, Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning Security, etc.) Ensure compliance requirements are met through all deployment activitiesProvide guidance and consultancy for dev teamsDrive increased adoption of application security capabilitiesEnsure timely remediation of riskGenerate and collect metrics proving the value of Application Security capabilitiesTimely reporting of security incidents or significant security problems to appropriate personnelConnect with external vendors to ensure best in class implementation of cloud security capabilitiesAct as the main point of contact for security issues for their area of influenceWhat you39ll need to succeed A Bachelor’s degree and 3+ years of experience in the information security or information technology sectorGood English (spoken and written)Knowledge of common information security management frameworks such as NIST, OWASP, SANS, CISUnderstanding of the software development processExperience with DevSecOps tooling (e.g., Static Application Security Testing, Software Composition Analysis, Dynamic Application Security Test, etc.)Knowledge related to API Security and Infrastructure as Code SecurityEffective communication and collaboration skillsExperience working in complex, fast-paced environmentsAbility to drive to short timelinesStrong external networking experienceWhat you39ll get in return Contract of employment Yearly bonusInternational working environmentMedical, sport, insurance and cultural benefits packagesEnglish lessonsHybrid working model (3 days office, 2 days remote/week)What you need to do now If you39re interested in this role, click 39apply now39 to forward an up-to-date copy of your CV, or call us now.Hays Poland sp. z o.o. is an employment agency registered in a registry kept by Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship under the number 361.
Junior Customer Service Specialist with english
HAYS, Warszawa, mazowieckie, Polska
Junior Customer Service Specialist with englishWarszawaNR REF.: 1186683Dla naszego klienta poszukujemy osoby na stanowisko: Customer Service SpecialistJako Customer Service Specialist do twoich głównych zadań należeć będzie:Kontakt telefoniczny i mailowy, oraz dbanie o dobre relacje z klientamiWspółpraca z pozostałymi działami firmy, oraz wsparcie zespołu w codziennych obowiązkach administracyjnychWyjaśnianie problemów klientówPrzetwarzanie reklamacji w języku polskim oraz angielskimOd kandydatów oczekujemy:KomunikatywnościZnajomości języka angielskiego na poziomie min. B2Dobrej organizacji pracy (terminowość, rzetelność)Mile widziana będzie znajomość programów takich jak MS Office i OutlookNasz klient oferuje zatrudnienie w oparciu o umowę o pracę tymczasową, rynkowe wynagrodzenie, dostęp do benefitów pozapłacowych, pracę w przyjaznej atmosferze oraz możliwość pracy hybrydowej.Jeśli spodobała ci się ta Oferta, kliknij ‘Aplikuj’ i prześlij nam swoje aktualne CV.Hays Poland sp. z o.o. jest agencją zatrudnienia zarejestrowaną w rejestrze prowadzonym przez Marszałka Województwa Mazowieckiego pod numerem 361.
Senior Security Management
Customertimes, Poland, Portugal, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, ...
Job DescriptionYou will work with the CustomertimesQualifications At least 5 years of experience in SAP security, specifically in user management, access control, and role design. Proficiency with the SIVIS software as a Service Integration and Management (SIAM) platform. Demonstrated experience with SAP GRC Access Control Suite and other relevant SAP security tools. Proven track record in participating in audit and Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) related projects. Service Delivery Management: Prior experience in managing service delivery end-to-end, ensuring high-quality services that align with business objectives, is required. Provider Management: The candidate must have excellent experience in managing owning and coordinating external managed services. Experience in managing daily SAP security operations, including user access requests and authorization issue troubleshooting.Responsibilities Manage daily operations related to SAP security, including user access management and role provisioning. Troubleshoot and resolve SAP authorization-related issues, ensuring minimal disruption to business operations. Develop and maintain SAP security architectures in line with company standards and industry best practices. Participate actively in SAP security audits, implementing necessary security measures and addressing any deficiencies promptly. Contribute to Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) projects, assisting with the successful integration of systems and processes. Collaborate with various internal teams to implement SAP security strategies that align with business objectives and compliance requirements. Provide ongoing support and guidance to colleagues and stakeholders on SAP security topics, helping to enhance the organization's overall security posture. Stay updated with the latest SAP security trends, tools, and best practices, and use this knowledge to improve and streamline security procedures.Working Conditions Financial stability and competitive compensation Annual compensation package reviews Transparent professional and career growth development plans Сareer development: horizontal, professional, managerial 20 working days of paid vacation, 15 working days of paid sick leave with a doctor’s note, 5 working days of paid sick leave without a doctor’s note Health insurance, life, and accident insurance (opportunity to insure relatives at the corporate rate) E-education, certification coverage, Access to Language Learning Platform fluent Remote work or work from the office Flexible work scheduleJR - 31706
IT Quality & Security Specialist
HAYS, Katowice, slaskie, Polska
IT Quality & Security SpecialistKatowiceNR REF.: 1186737Your new company For our Client, international company located in Katowice, we are currently looking for IT Quality & Security Specialist to join Global IT Hub.Your new role Your responsibilities:Responsibility for the ISMS systemAnalysing IT specifications to access security risksSupporting the adoption of Information Security Management processes and practicesSupporting assessment and applying information security controls Supporting information security polices, standards, procedures and guidelinesSuggesting and implement solutions for improvementSupporting TISAX Audit requirementsManaging the full lifecycle of information security risk registerContributing to compliance assessments and due diligence assignmentsProviding support and coaching as needed for imbedding security control practices throughout the organisationWhat you39ll need to succeed At least 3 years IT related experience (preferably IT Security area)Understanding of current prevailing technologies, IT Quality infrastructure, application support and operation support servicesISO27001, ISMS, NIST CSF, GDPR, Data management, COBIT, ITIL are a would be a plusFamiliarity with O365 and IT management toolsProject management and change management experience would be a plusExcellent written and communication skills, and should have methodical, structured and analytical abilitiesQuality assurance, IT audit and / or risk management experience (nice to have)What you39ll get in return Possibility to grow in international environmentPrivate healthcare - possibility of joining on preferential terms for you and option to extend to your family/partnerGroup insurance - possibility of joining on preferential termsSocial Fund benefitsFlexible working hours (we start between 7 and 9 am)Fitness program (preferential terms)Good atmosphere of workAbility to use foreign languages on a daily basisTrainings and development opportunitiesWhat you need to do now If you39re interested in this role, click 39apply now39 to forward an up-to-date copy of your CV, or call us now.Hays Poland sp. z o.o. is an employment agency registered in a registry kept by Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship under the number 361.
Junior Content Verification Specialist (No Experience Required) - Czech/Slovak Language
L.M. Group Poland, Marki, mazowieckie, Polska
Junior Content Verification Specialist (No Experience Required) - Czech/Slovak Language We are an international recruitment agency established in 1987 in Israel and present in Poland since 2014. We specialize in permanent and temporary recruitments. Our headquarters are located in Poznań, and we also have branches in Warsaw, Gdańsk, and Wrocław.Currently, for our client, an international company in the BPO/SSC industry, we are looking for candidates for a position in the Social Media department. Junior Content Verification Specialist (No Experience Required) - Czech/Slovak Language Reference number: JAKU/2023 Workplace: Marki Responsibilities:Verifying online content for linguistic accuracy and compliance with guidelines.Troubleshooting issues related to online content.Collaborating with the team to maintain high-quality content.Reporting and participating in the improvement of verification processes. Requirements:Proficiency in the Czech or Slovak language and English (both spoken and written).Good computer skills and internet navigation.Motivation to learn and acquire new skills.Strong communication and teamwork skills.Positive attitude and commitment.Openness to working in a shift-based system. Our Client Offers:Employment in a stable, international company on an employment contract basis.Training in content verification.Competitive salary and a package of non-monetary benefits.A friendly and inspiring working environment.
Junior Content Verification Specialist (No Experience Required) - Czech/Slovak Language
L.M. Group Poland, Pruszków, mazowieckie, Polska
Junior Content Verification Specialist (No Experience Required) - Czech/Slovak Language We are an international recruitment agency established in 1987 in Israel and present in Poland since 2014. We specialize in permanent and temporary recruitments. Our headquarters are located in Poznań, and we also have branches in Warsaw, Gdańsk, and Wrocław.Currently, for our client, an international company in the BPO/SSC industry, we are looking for candidates for a position in the Social Media department. Junior Content Verification Specialist (No Experience Required) - Czech/Slovak Language Reference number: JAKU/2023 Workplace: Pruszków Responsibilities:Verifying online content for linguistic accuracy and compliance with guidelines.Troubleshooting issues related to online content.Collaborating with the team to maintain high-quality content.Reporting and participating in the improvement of verification processes. Requirements:Proficiency in the Czech or Slovak language and English (both spoken and written).Good computer skills and internet navigation.Motivation to learn and acquire new skills.Strong communication and teamwork skills.Positive attitude and commitment.Openness to working in a shift-based system. Our Client Offers:Employment in a stable, international company on an employment contract basis.Training in content verification.Competitive salary and a package of non-monetary benefits.A friendly and inspiring working environment.
Junior Content Verification Specialist (No Experience Required) - Czech/Slovak Language
L.M. Group Poland, Piaseczno, mazowieckie, Polska
Junior Content Verification Specialist (No Experience Required) - Czech/Slovak Language We are an international recruitment agency established in 1987 in Israel and present in Poland since 2014. We specialize in permanent and temporary recruitments. Our headquarters are located in Poznań, and we also have branches in Warsaw, Gdańsk, and Wrocław.Currently, for our client, an international company in the BPO/SSC industry, we are looking for candidates for a position in the Social Media department. Junior Content Verification Specialist (No Experience Required) - Czech/Slovak Language Reference number: JAKU/2023 Workplace: Piaseczno Responsibilities:Verifying online content for linguistic accuracy and compliance with guidelines.Troubleshooting issues related to online content.Collaborating with the team to maintain high-quality content.Reporting and participating in the improvement of verification processes. Requirements:Proficiency in the Czech or Slovak language and English (both spoken and written).Good computer skills and internet navigation.Motivation to learn and acquire new skills.Strong communication and teamwork skills.Positive attitude and commitment.Openness to working in a shift-based system. Our Client Offers:Employment in a stable, international company on an employment contract basis.Training in content verification.Competitive salary and a package of non-monetary benefits.A friendly and inspiring working environment.
Junior Content Verification Specialist (No Experience Required) - Czech/Slovak Language
L.M. Group Poland, Warszawa, mazowieckie, Polska
Junior Content Verification Specialist (No Experience Required) - Czech/Slovak Language We are an international recruitment agency established in 1987 in Israel and present in Poland since 2014. We specialize in permanent and temporary recruitments. Our headquarters are located in Poznań, and we also have branches in Warsaw, Gdańsk, and Wrocław.Currently, for our client, an international company in the BPO/SSC industry, we are looking for candidates for a position in the Social Media department. Junior Content Verification Specialist (No Experience Required) - Czech/Slovak Language Reference number: JAKU/2023 Workplace: Warszawa Responsibilities:Verifying online content for linguistic accuracy and compliance with guidelines.Troubleshooting issues related to online content.Collaborating with the team to maintain high-quality content.Reporting and participating in the improvement of verification processes. Requirements:Proficiency in the Czech or Slovak language and English (both spoken and written).Good computer skills and internet navigation.Motivation to learn and acquire new skills.Strong communication and teamwork skills.Positive attitude and commitment.Openness to working in a shift-based system. Our Client Offers:Employment in a stable, international company on an employment contract basis.Training in content verification.Competitive salary and a package of non-monetary benefits.A friendly and inspiring working environment.
Senior Procurement Specialist
HAYS, Kraków, malopolskie, Polska
Senior Procurement SpecialistKrakówNR REF.: 1186742For one of our clients, we are seeking a highly motivated and experienced Procurement Specialist / Senior Procurement Specialist. This person will be responsible for managing the procurement of goods and services to support the company39s operations. This role involves sourcing suppliers, negotiating contracts, and ensuring timely and cost-effective procurement. The ideal candidate will have strong analytical skills, a deep understanding of procurement processes, and the ability to manage supplier relationships effectively.Your taska and responsorialny:Source and evaluate potential suppliers to meet the company39s procurement needs.Negotiate contracts, terms, and pricing with suppliers to secure the best deals.Manage supplier relationships, ensuring high-quality goods and services are delivered on time.Conduct market research to identify trends, pricing, and availability of goods and services.Collaborate with internal departments to understand their procurement requirements.Prepare and process purchase orders and requisitions.Monitor and manage inventory levels to ensure optimal stock levels.Ensure compliance with procurement policies, procedures, and regulations.Maintain accurate records of procurement activities, including supplier performance and contract details.Identify opportunities for cost savings and process improvements.Provide support in developing and implementing procurement strategies.Your skills and experience. As successful candidate, you will bring the following:Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, Supply Chain Management, or a related field.For Procurement Specialist: Minimum of 3-5 years of experience in procurement or supply chain management.For Senior Procurement Specialist: Minimum of 5-7 years of experience in procurement or supply chain management, with demonstrated leadership capabilities.Strong knowledge of procurement principles, practices, and procedures.Excellent negotiation, communication, and interpersonal skills.Proficiency in procurement software and Microsoft Office Suite.Strong analytical and problem-solving abilities.Ability to manage multiple tasks and prioritize effectively.Fluency in English. German language would be an asset.What we offer:Competitive salary and benefits package.Opportunities for professional growth and development.A collaborative and innovative work environment.Modern workplace in a conveniently situated location.Possibility of working from home.If you39re interested in this role, click 39apply now39 to forward an up-to-date copy of your CV.Hays Poland sp. z o.o. is an employment agency registered in a registry kept by Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship under the number 361.
Application Security Senior Engineer/Manager
HAYS, Warszawa, mazowieckie, Polska
Application Security Senior Engineer/ManagerWarszawaNR REF.: 1186799Your new company International company from the healthcare, medical technologies and products industry. Your new role You will act as a member of an Information Security team which is responsible for Application Security strategy, technology, and engineering. You will partner with other members of the global team to implement and mature security capabilities related to modern software development, Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning, Citizen Development (Low Code / No Code), and applications built on SaaS (Software as a Service) and Cloud platforms.You will connect with company software development teams and business unit technology partners to shape practices related to DevSecOps, increase adoption of application security tooling, expand security capability features, ensure timely remediation of risk, and provide subject matter expertise related to securing applications.Scope of duties:Implement and mature Application Security capabilities (e.g., Citizen Development Security, SaaS Security, Artificial Intelligence Security, Cloud Security, etc.) with a focus on automationProduct Ownership and SDLC adherenceProvide guidance and consultancy for dev teamsDrive increased adoption of application security capabilitiesEnsure timely remediation of riskAssess new patterns, methods and practices of software development as they arise for enterprise readiness and fitness for purposeParticipate in business planning to ensure cybersecurity capabilities are appropriately considered and reflected in the roadmapConnect with and report valuable metrics to senior leadershipTimely reporting of security incidents or significant security problems to appropriate personnelAct as the main point of contact for security issues for their area of influenceWhat you39ll need to succeed Bachelor’s degree and 6+ years of experience in the information security or information technology sectorProficiency in English languageExperience with Product OwnershipExperience with Cloud platforms (e.g., AWS, Azure, GCP, etc.)Knowledge of Artificial Intelligence SecurityKnowledge of securing Low Code / No Code PlatformsKnowledge of common information security management frameworks such as NIST, OWASP, SANS, CISUnderstanding of the software development processComprehension of container orchestration methods and the opportunities to automate security practices within themExperience with API SecurityGood communication and collaboration skills; able to network and influence various levels of the organisation, cross sector, cross-functionally and globallyInnovative thinking and leadership with an ability to lead and empower cross-functional, interdisciplinary teamsExperience working in complex, fast-paced environmentsWhat you39ll get in return Contract of employmentYearly bonusInternational working environmentMedical, sport, insurance and cultural benefits packagesEnglish lessonsHybrid working model (3 days office, 2 days remote/week)What you need to do now If you39re interested in this role, click 39apply now39 to forward an up-to-date copy of your CV, or call us now.Hays Poland sp. z o.o. is an employment agency registered in a registry kept by Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship under the number 361.
Specjalista IT Security (Support)
HAYS, Warszawa, mazowieckie, Polska
Specjalista IT Security (Support)WarszawaNR REF.: 1186893Hays IT Contracting to współpraca oparta na zasadach B2B. Nasza firma dopasowuje specjalistów IT do najciekawszych projektów technologicznych na rynku.Dołącz do grona 500 zadowolonych Kontraktorów i pracuj dla Klientów Hays!Obecnie dla naszego Klienta poszukujemy Kandydatów na stanowisko:Specjalista IT Security  Lokalizacja: Warszawa, praca hybrydowaBranża: projekt w sektorze finansowymRodzaj umowy: kontrakt (B2B przez Hays Poland)Współpraca: współpraca długofalowa Stawka: 80 PLN/h netto + VATStos technologiczny: Jira, Excal, Splunk, SIEM SystemZakres obowiązków:Obsługa procesu zarządzania podatnościamiObsługa procesu zarządzania testami bezpieczeństwa i naprawą podatnościWdrażanie zaleceń dotyczących bezpieczeństwa ITPrzygotowywanie i aktualizacja dokumentacji bezpieczeństwa Monitorowanie przestrzegania procedur bezpieczeństwaZarządzanie incydentami bezpieczeństwaPomoc w zakresie szkoleń bezpieczeństwa dla pracownikówObsługa systemu SIEM oraz skanera podatnościCo otrzymasz:Długofalową współpracę z Klientem realizującym projekty dla największych graczy z sektora bankowego, ubezpieczeniowego, telco i nie tylkoMożliwość pracy w elastycznych godzinach Błyskawiczny proces rekrutacyjny – jedno spotkanie, decyzja nawet w ciągu 1 dniaStandardowe benefity – preferencyjne stawki pakietów LuxMed i MultisportDecydując się na współpracę via Hays, otrzymujesz również możliwość pracy w przyszłości dla wielu innych wiodących klientów HaysCzego oczekujemy:Minimum 2 lat doświadczenia na podobnym stanowiskuZnajomości technologii Jira, Excal, mile widziane: Splunk oraz SIEMZnajomości języka angielskiego na minimum B2Jak będzie wyglądał proces rekrutacyjny:Twoje CV trafi do weryfikacji przez Rekrutera HaysRekruter skontaktuje się z Tobą telefonicznie – 15-minutowa rozmowa o projekcie i Twoim doświadczeniuRozmowa techniczna z Klientem – spotkanie online (1h)OfertaWitamy w projekcie! Hays Poland sp. z o.o. jest agencją zatrudnienia zarejestrowaną w rejestrze prowadzonym przez Marszałka Województwa Mazowieckiego pod numerem 361