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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Content в за кордоном"

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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Content в за кордоном"

16 200 ₴ Середня зарплата в місяць

Рівень середньої зарплатні за останні 12 місяців: "Content в за кордоном"

Валюта: UAH USD Рік: 2024
На гістограмі зображено зміну рівня середньої заробітної плати професії Content в за кордоном.

Розподіл вакансії "Content" по областям за кордоном

Як видно з діаграми, в за кордоном найбільшу кількість вакансій професії Content відкрито в Польщі. На другому місці - Чехія, а на третьому - Нідерланди.

Рейтинг регіонів за кордоном за рівнем зарплатні для професії "Content"

Як видно з діаграми, в за кордоном найбільшу кількість вакансій професії Content відкрито в Польщі. На другому місці - Чехія, а на третьому - Нідерланди.

Рейтинг схожих вакансій по рівню заробітної плати в за кордоном

Серед схожих професій в за кордоном найбільш високооплачуваною вважається Customer Service. За даними нашого сайту, рівень середньої зарплатні становить 18000 грн. На другому місці - Other з зарплатнею 18000 грн, а на третьому - Контент менеджер з зарплатнею 14400 грн.

Рекомендовані вакансії

Content Marketing Specialist - rekrutacja online
HRK S.A., Warszawa, mazowieckie, Polska
Jako Content Marketing Specialist będziesz odpowiedzialny za tworzenie, edycję, optymalizację i strategię treści firmy. Twoje zadania obejmują zapewnienie, że treść - niezależnie od jej formy - jest interesująca, trafna i łatwo dostępna.Content Marketing SpecialistMiejsce pracy: Warszawa Obowiązki: Tworzenie treści takich jak blogi, artykuły, posty na mediach społecznościowych i strony internetowe. Redagowanie i korekta treści przed publikacją. Współpraca z zespołami kreatywnym, marketingowym i projektowym w celu ustalenia celów dotyczących treści. Optymalizacja treści pod kątem wyszukiwarek (SEO) i mediów społecznościowych (SMO). Zarządzanie kalendarzem treści: Śledzenie wyników i generowanie raportów.   Wymagania: Minimum 2 lata doświadczenia w tworzeniu treści, marketingu lub komunikacji. Znajomość narzędzi: Systemy zarządzania treścią (np. WordPress, Drupal) i narzędzia do projektowania treści (np. Adobe InCopy, InDesign). Dobra znajomość pakietów MS Office i Google Suite.   Pracodawca oferuje: Zatrudnienie na podstawie Umowy o Pracę lub Kontraktu B2B. Możliwość pracy hybrydowej (biuro w Warszawie) lub całkowicie zdalnej. System kafeteryjny. Dalsze możliwości rozwoju zawodowego.  
Website Content Plan
West Hartford, CT, USA, West Hartford, CT, USA
Project Details What We Need A document outlining each page and section of the website, with descriptions of written and visual content for each An assessment of the written content, specifically indicating where written content is final, draft (needs editing), or needs to be written from scratch An assessment of the visual content, specifically indicating which visual assets are ready and which need to be created or sourcedAdvice on how to collect content from other places (e.g., marketing materials, grant proposals, event photos, etc.) and edit it for the websiteNote: This project is for content planning only. For additional support, see the Website Creation: Build a Brand New Site bundle Additional Details We are in need of assistance with updating our website. We have a WordPress site. We are looking for help resolving the following issues:Mobile & Desktop: Home page - Facebook link feed isn't workingMobile: Our Team page - head shots are not consistentMobile: Get Involved page donation list is not workingAlso, the donation link will need to change throughout the site, in the near future as we are getting a new donor database program. What We Have In Place We currently have access to the site, which should make it easy for you to get started. We also have staff who are willing to help, and the ability to provide any other information you need. How This Will Help This project will save us $1,636 , allowing us toinvest in our marketing and communications materials that will help drive people to our site. Our website really needs a revamp - this is the first interaction many people have with our non-profit and we want it to convey in a modern, simple way all the good work we are doing! The Right Volunteer Skills & Experience Communications Marketing Experience creating content plans or strategies for websites or other marketing materialsFamiliarity with how website page structures work, such as navigation systems and linksStrong communication and organizational skills Availability Works remotely from anywhere 10-15 hours over 2-4 weeks Project may require a short interview
Website Content Audit
San Pedro, CA, USA, San Pedro, CA, USA
Project Details What We Need Inventory and assessment of Organization's existing website content Recommendations of new content according to communication goalsNote: This project does not include feedback on a website's layout and design. For support in that area, please check out our Website Usability Audit project Additional Details We would like someone to review and give feedback on the entire website including: - grammar/spelling errors- Does the content make sense? Is it compelling?- How should we improve the website/make it more enticing?- What should be changed/edited? What We Have In Place We currently have a recently-launched website, which should make it easy for you to get started.We also have notes about how we can improve our own website and the ability to provide any other information you need. How This Will Help This project will save us $3,052 , allowing us tofulfill more dreams and create more powerful connections for younger and older generations. This content audit role will optimize our website, which will result in more awareness, support, and donations. This will greatly boost our mission of empowering students and their local communities to fulfill hospice patients' end-of-life dreams. The Right Volunteer Skills & Experience Communications Digital Marketing Expertise in content marketing and search engine optimizationExperience with communications strategy and analysis Availability Works remotely from anywhere 8-12 hours over 2-3 weeks Project may require a short interview
Website Content Audit
Williamsburg, VA, USA, Williamsburg, VA, USA
Project Details What We Need Inventory and assessment of Organization's existing website content Recommendations of new content according to communication goalsNote: This project does not include feedback on a website's layout and design. For support in that area, please check out our Website Usability Audit project Additional Details audit of my website. What We Have In Place We currently have website, which should make it easy for you to get started. We also have not sure what else is needed, and the ability to provide any other information you need. How This Will Help This project will save us $3,052 , allowing us touse the savings to continue hosting our conference and gala. It will bring the right traffic to the organization and its mission. The Right Volunteer Skills & Experience Communications Digital Marketing Expertise in content marketing and search engine optimizationExperience with communications strategy and analysis Availability Works remotely from anywhere 8-12 hours over 2-3 weeks Project may require a short interview
Social Media Content Calendar
Lancaster, CA, USA, Lancaster, CA, USA
Project Details What We Need A 4-week content calendar for one social media platform, including graphics & copy (12-20 posts, or as agreed upon by both parties)A content calendar template that can be used to plan out posts in the future Additional Details We are currently setup on Buffer which allows us to post on multiple platforms at the same time. We can provide the volunteer with the account information to buffer that will allow them to create the 12-20 posts for the organization to get started. What We Have In Place We currently have Buffer, which should make it easy for you to get started. We also have Staff, photo's,, and the ability to provide any other information you need. How This Will Help This project will save us $4,212 , allowing us tocontinue to build upon the organization's next steps. Hummingbird Haven is an organization that is just getting started. This project will help us by getting recognized and attract an audience by informing them about Hummingbird Haven and letting them know what we have to offer. The Right Volunteer Skills & Experience Digital Marketing Social Media Experience managing social media accounts for business or other organization Experience creating and populating social media content calendars Availability Works remotely from anywhere 20-30 hours over 4-6 weeks Project may require a short interview
Social Media Content Calendar
Denver, CO, USA, Denver, CO, USA
Project Details What We Need A 4-week content calendar for one social media platform, including graphics & copy (12-20 posts, or as agreed upon by both parties)A content calendar template that can be used to plan out posts in the future Additional Details Green Team Academy has some really cool things coming up and we're looking for somebody to join our team of incredibly talented folk in order to spread the word! We're working with Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter, and are able to post straight to Facebook and Instagram through our WIX account. What We Have In Place We have a lot of content to post about! We have our International Climate Action Challenge coming up, partnerships, new board members to introduce, different activists and groups to tag, and we've just launched our new website that gives the org a fresh feel!We've been doing a lot of internal restructuring so there's a lot to fill people in on! How This Will Help This project will save us $4,212 , allowing us tofocus more resources on extra support for teams who need help keeping up on the challenge and launching their projects. Green Team Academy has a structure that is proven to aid in the launch of environmental projects from a very local/grassroots level, which is where change needs to be started from.The more people we're able to extend our outreach to, the more change each individual can be empowered to make. We're hoping that by teaming up our marketing strategist with a content developer, we'll be able to plan out our s.m. calendar in order to engage and excite people to be the change that they're looking for. The Right Volunteer Skills & Experience Digital Marketing Social Media Experience managing social media accounts for business or other organization Experience creating and populating social media content calendars Availability Works remotely from anywhere 20-30 hours over 4-6 weeks Project may require a short interview
Website Content Plan
Baltimore, MD, USA, Baltimore, MD, USA
Project Details What We Need A document outlining each page and section of the website, with descriptions of written and visual content for each An assessment of the written content, specifically indicating where written content is final, draft (needs editing), or needs to be written from scratch An assessment of the visual content, specifically indicating which visual assets are ready and which need to be created or sourcedAdvice on how to collect content from other places (e.g., marketing materials, grant proposals, event photos, etc.) and edit it for the websiteNote: This project is for content planning only. For additional support, see the Website Creation: Build a Brand New Site bundle Additional Details MIFAL INC has a new daughter company Educational Tutoring Services. I'm looking for a new website for that company that will draw people to the new tutoring services that we offer. What We Have In Place Very little resources. I can provide the vision and the dream and I want to collaborate to bring it into fruition. How This Will Help This project will save us $1,636 , allowing us tocreate a new budget for staffing, and also give scholarships to help students who may not be able to pay full price for our services. MIFAL INC is more than a music and arts program, we want to work with the community holistically in a way to be able to help students all over who need help in the five subject areas to be successful in life. The Right Volunteer Skills & Experience Communications Marketing Experience creating content plans or strategies for websites or other marketing materialsFamiliarity with how website page structures work, such as navigation systems and linksStrong communication and organizational skills Availability Works remotely from anywhere 10-15 hours over 2-4 weeks Project may require a short interview
Website Content Plan
Malibu, CA, USA, Malibu, CA, USA
Project Details What We Need A document outlining each page and section of the website, with descriptions of written and visual content for each An assessment of the written content, specifically indicating where written content is final, draft (needs editing), or needs to be written from scratch An assessment of the visual content, specifically indicating which visual assets are ready and which need to be created or sourcedAdvice on how to collect content from other places (e.g., marketing materials, grant proposals, event photos, etc.) and edit it for the websiteNote: This project is for content planning only. For additional support, see the Website Creation: Build a Brand New Site bundle Additional Details We are seeking someone who can help with the visuals/graphics as we work both on improving our website content. We have wording and some changes already recommended (we continue to address more that are needed/identified) and need help to implement them. We have no background in graphics and would like to work with someone who can help us with that. Our site is housed using the Wordpress Avada platform.Note: We are seeking volunteers who ideally are located within the USA or Canada. What We Have In Place We currently have a list of some of the changes we want to make, which should make it easy for you to get started. We also have staff/resources to help with implementation, and the ability to provide any other information you need. How This Will Help This project will save us $1,636 , allowing us tocontinue prioritizing the children we serve above administrative and operating costs. We want our website to be updated and as effective as possible in conveying our mission and work. The Right Volunteer Skills & Experience Communications Marketing Experience creating content plans or strategies for websites or other marketing materialsFamiliarity with how website page structures work, such as navigation systems and linksStrong communication and organizational skills Availability Works remotely from anywhere 10-15 hours over 2-4 weeks Project may require a short interview
Social Media Content Calendar
Olean, NY, USA, Olean, NY, USA
Project Details What We Need A 4-week content calendar for one social media platform, including graphics & copy (12-20 posts, or as agreed upon by both parties)A content calendar template that can be used to plan out posts in the future Additional Details General help with social media. What We Have In Place We currently have 2 facebook accounts attached to Twitter and an Instagram acc, which should make it easy for you to get started. We also have an Instagram account, and the ability to provide any other information you need. How This Will Help This project will save us $4,212 , allowing us tocontinue to fund the Medical Equipment Loan Center. We have very limited resources for marketing. Because social media is free it is our only viable choice. The Right Volunteer Skills & Experience Digital Marketing Social Media Experience managing social media accounts for business or other organization Experience creating and populating social media content calendars Availability Works remotely from anywhere 20-30 hours over 4-6 weeks Project may require a short interview
Social Media Content Calendar
Long Beach, CA, USA, Long Beach, CA, USA
Project Details What We Need A 4-week content calendar for one social media platform, including graphics & copy (12-20 posts, or as agreed upon by both parties)A content calendar template that can be used to plan out posts in the future Additional Details The socail media accounts I have are not consistantly maintained so the audience fluctuates. I have Instagram, facebook, and twitter What We Have In Place We currently have active social media accounts, which should make it easy for you to get started. We also have a few different topics we want to cover on social media, and the ability to provide any other information you need. How This Will Help This project will save us $4,212 , allowing us toContinue to provide advocacy and outreach while finding a retail and saferoom space. We do outreach, ask for donations, utilize sellable items in our booth, and educate people about domestic violence. So all those topics should be addressed somehow on social media The Right Volunteer Skills & Experience Digital Marketing Social Media Experience managing social media accounts for business or other organization Experience creating and populating social media content calendars Availability Works remotely from anywhere 20-30 hours over 4-6 weeks Project may require a short interview
Website Content Audit
Tucson, AZ, USA, Tucson, AZ, USA
Project Details What We Need Inventory and assessment of Organization's existing website content Recommendations of new content according to communication goalsNote: This project does not include feedback on a website's layout and design. For support in that area, please check out our Website Usability Audit project Additional Details Our website is six years old and needs refreshing. A Catchafire volunteer just did a usability audit for us and gave us some good pointers. Now we are looking for a more detailed content audit to help us get ready for an update. What We Have In Place We currently have updated SEO and results of a usability audit, which should make it easy for you to get started. We also have time to work on getting ready for an update, and the ability to provide any other information you need. How This Will Help This project will save us $3,052 , allowing us todevote our finite resources to improving programming, expanding services, and remodeling our building. We have a strong need to reach two completely different primary audiences through our website - supporters and families of prospective students. Since we are a tuition-free, community-supported private school that exclusively serves children from low-income families, there is virtually no overlap between these groups. We would like to reach both more effectively. The Right Volunteer Skills & Experience Communications Digital Marketing Expertise in content marketing and search engine optimizationExperience with communications strategy and analysis Availability Works remotely from anywhere 8-12 hours over 2-3 weeks Project may require a short interview
Social Media Content Calendar
Cleveland, OH, USA, Cleveland, OH, USA
Project Details What We Need A 4-week content calendar for one social media platform, including graphics & copy (12-20 posts, or as agreed upon by both parties)A content calendar template that can be used to plan out posts in the future What We Have In Place Seeking help with reaching target audience (youth grades 5th-12th). We provide workshops and programs on a visiting basis. We want previous and perspective participants to join our network (mighty network) and engage regularly. How This Will Help This project will save us $4,212 , allowing us tofocus our donations on purchasing supplies for project coping box and workshop materials. Our organization does not have a physical location. We visit schools, organizations, and hospitals to teach youth and families about mental health, trauma, and developing healthy coping skills. We created a MightyNetworks site to help us maintain engagement with the many students we encounter throughout our time of visiting and dropping off coping boxes. The Right Volunteer Skills & Experience Digital Marketing Social Media Experience managing social media accounts for business or other organization Experience creating and populating social media content calendars Availability Works remotely from anywhere 20-30 hours over 4-6 weeks Project may require a short interview
Website Content Audit
Urbanna, VA, USA, Urbanna, VA, USA
Project Details What We Need Inventory and assessment of Organization's existing website content Recommendations of new content according to communication goalsNote: This project does not include feedback on a website's layout and design. For support in that area, please check out our Website Usability Audit project Additional Details We did a website audit in preparation for a makeover, and it identified some problems with content. We need to determine what additional content we need on the site. Website is located at https://vaaacares.com/ it is not the main website associated with our organization. We want to promote VAAACares as a lead entity, capable of leading statewide and national collaboratives, contracting with health systems/MCOs, etc. What We Have In Place We currently have An existing site with content, which should make it easy for you to get started. We also have stock image sources, staff dedicated to the project, and the ability to provide any other information you need. How This Will Help This project will save us $3,052 , allowing us toprovide leadership in transitional care in the state of Virginia. We have been involved with Transitional Care since the Medicare Pilot project; this site will help us coordinate Transitional Care statewide in Virginia The Right Volunteer Skills & Experience Communications Digital Marketing Expertise in content marketing and search engine optimizationExperience with communications strategy and analysis Availability Works remotely from anywhere 8-12 hours over 2-3 weeks Project may require a short interview
Social Media Content Calendar
Westlake, OH, USA, Westlake, OH, USA
Project Details What We Need A 4-week content calendar for one social media platform, including graphics & copy (12-20 posts, or as agreed upon by both parties)A content calendar template that can be used to plan out posts in the future Additional Details We are an all-volunteer nonprofit organization committed to powering a movement of young women problem solvers, change makers, and leaders. We are launching our Climate Action Campaign with young women in India this year and need help with our Campaign social media! What We Have In Place We currently have draft Campaign copy, which should make it easy for you to get started. We also have past Campaign details, and the ability to provide any other information you need. How This Will Help This project will save us $4,212 , allowing us toprovide more scholarships, mentoring and leadership opportunities to young women in India. Go Laadli Campaigns are micro leadership opportunities for young women in India; goal being to leverage the creativity and leadership of young women to create an impact in their communities, while furthering our mission of amplifying, elevating and highlighting their voices, agency and leadership. Our Climate Action Campaign is designed to facilitate impactful actions towards climate change while keeping young women at its front and center. The Right Volunteer Skills & Experience Digital Marketing Social Media Experience managing social media accounts for business or other organization Experience creating and populating social media content calendars Availability Works remotely from anywhere 20-30 hours over 4-6 weeks Project may require a short interview
Website Content Plan
San Carlos, CA, USA, San Carlos, CA, USA
Project Details What We Need A document outlining each page and section of the website, with descriptions of written and visual content for each An assessment of the written content, specifically indicating where written content is final, draft (needs editing), or needs to be written from scratch An assessment of the visual content, specifically indicating which visual assets are ready and which need to be created or sourcedAdvice on how to collect content from other places (e.g., marketing materials, grant proposals, event photos, etc.) and edit it for the websiteNote: This project is for content planning only. For additional support, see the Website Creation: Build a Brand New Site bundle Additional Details Have centralized messaging document with draft messaging (long, short, and tailored to specific subjects/messages) prepared. Existing website content is too text-heavy, so particularly looking for assistance clarifying our core message and increasing engagement. What We Have In Place We currently have an updated messaging document, which should make it easy for you to get started. We also have several grant applications, annual reports, and brochures, and the ability to provide any other information you need. How This Will Help This project will save us $1,636 , allowing us tofocus resources on hiring needed staff to allow us to meet the demand for our services. Our website is outdated and was built internally by volunteers with no marketing or website creation experience. We know it is difficult to navigate for our three core audiences (potential volunteers, potential partners, and potential donors) but struggle with concisely serving the needs of those audiences. This project with help us define what content is essential, and how to present that in a compelling way, which in turn will increase volunteer engagement, partnership pipeline, and donations The Right Volunteer Skills & Experience Communications Marketing Experience creating content plans or strategies for websites or other marketing materialsFamiliarity with how website page structures work, such as navigation systems and linksStrong communication and organizational skills Availability Works remotely from anywhere 10-15 hours over 2-4 weeks Project may require a short interview
Website Content Audit
Marietta, GA, USA, Marietta, GA, USA
Project Details What We Need Inventory and assessment of Organization's existing website content Recommendations of new content according to communication goalsNote: This project does not include feedback on a website's layout and design. For support in that area, please check out our Website Usability Audit project Additional Details We are looking to update our current website. Therefore, we need recommendations of the new content. What We Have In Place We currently have a working website, which should make it easy for you to get started. We also have an update content, and the ability to provide any other information you need. How This Will Help This project will save us $3,052 , allowing us toprovide more menstrual hygiene workshops, feminine products, and tuition assistance to underserved middle and high school girls in Burkina Faso. This project is important because it will allow our visitors to understand the content of our mission goals succinctly, and concisely, which will help expand us. The Right Volunteer Skills & Experience Communications Digital Marketing Expertise in content marketing and search engine optimizationExperience with communications strategy and analysis Availability Works remotely from anywhere 8-12 hours over 2-3 weeks Project may require a short interview
Social Media Content Calendar
Anaheim, CA, USA, Anaheim, CA, USA
Project Details What We Need A 4-week content calendar for one social media platform, including graphics & copy (12-20 posts, or as agreed upon by both parties)A content calendar template that can be used to plan out posts in the future Additional Details Looking for someone to help us create Social Media content calendar. I am looking to create designs around holidays to have a content calendar for the year. (i.e. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, etc)Content needs to be uploaded to Canva to be easily accessible with our team account.Here is our brand identity:https://www.behance.net/gallery/113106027/Spicy-Green-Book-Brand-IdentityHere is our Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/spicygreenbook What We Have In Place We currently have a team Canva account, which should make it easy for you to get started. We also have a Later account, and the ability to provide any other information you need. How This Will Help This project will save us $4,212 , allowing us toallowing us to provide a higher quality of promotion to the Black-owned business we aim to help. This project will create greater exposure and engagement with the communities we are serving. The Right Volunteer Skills & Experience Digital Marketing Social Media Experience managing social media accounts for business or other organization Experience creating and populating social media content calendars Availability Works remotely from anywhere 20-30 hours over 4-6 weeks Project may require a short interview
Website Content Audit
Appleton, MN, USA, Appleton, MN, USA
Project Details What We Need Inventory and assessment of Organization's existing website content Recommendations of new content according to communication goalsNote: This project does not include feedback on a website's layout and design. For support in that area, please check out our Website Usability Audit project Additional Details We have created a new website for our organization. We've started from scratch and need help figuring out what content we need on there and what would be valuable to viewers. This website will be used for project updates and donations. What We Have In Place We currently have our goals for the website, which should make it easy for you to get started. We also have a good portion of our content our website, and the ability to provide any other information you need. How This Will Help This project will save us $3,052 , allowing us tospend money on the rehabilitation phase of our project. It will also be a huge time savings for our organization. This project will help us to meet our organizational goals of raising enough funds to rehab/restore a late 1800s building. Having the correct information on our website will help donors to have the information they need, direct them clearly to our fundraising efforts and help them to understand what PAH is and what we are doing. The Right Volunteer Skills & Experience Communications Digital Marketing Expertise in content marketing and search engine optimizationExperience with communications strategy and analysis Availability Works remotely from anywhere 8-12 hours over 2-3 weeks Project may require a short interview
Social Media Content Calendar
El Segundo, CA, USA, El Segundo, CA, USA
Project Details What We Need A 4-week content calendar for one social media platform, including graphics & copy (12-20 posts, or as agreed upon by both parties)A content calendar template that can be used to plan out posts in the future Additional Details We will be focused on Instagram and creating content that speak to racial inequality and injustices. Our theme for 2020 is Daydreaming. We created a photographic series which depicts the dreams of young Black America and now we want to follow up with encouragement to dream of a bigger and better future, to reimagine or present existence and to allow creative thought to find new solutions. What We Have In Place We currently have Canva, Hootsuite, which should make it easy for you to get started. We also have The ability to obtain whatever tools you need., and the ability to provide any other information you need. How This Will Help This project will save us $4,212 , allowing us toPlace those funds into supporting our summer program for youth. The Photographic journal. This project still help to gain or organization recognition online, connect with Black people and provide positive encouragement. Most importantly it will help to support our mission and encourage others to do the same. We hope to capture the imaginations of Black America so that we can all collectively dream and think beyond our present circumstances and be inspired to revolutionize or way of life and our existence in America. The Right Volunteer Skills & Experience Digital Marketing Social Media Experience managing social media accounts for business or other organization Experience creating and populating social media content calendars Availability Works remotely from anywhere 20-30 hours over 4-6 weeks Project may require a short interview
Website Content Plan
Englewood, CO, USA, Englewood, CO, USA
Project Details What We Need A document outlining each page and section of the website, with descriptions of written and visual content for each An assessment of the written content, specifically indicating where written content is final, draft (needs editing), or needs to be written from scratch An assessment of the visual content, specifically indicating which visual assets are ready and which need to be created or sourcedAdvice on how to collect content from other places (e.g., marketing materials, grant proposals, event photos, etc.) and edit it for the websiteNote: This project is for content planning only. For additional support, see the Website Creation: Build a Brand New Site bundle Additional Details We look forward to being in a place where we can improve our online presence and communication through a clean, professional, user-friendly website. What We Have In Place We currently have an existing website, which should make it easy for you to get started. We also have flyers, videos, pictures,, and the ability to provide any other information you need. How This Will Help This project will save us $1,636 , allowing us toKeep bringing hope to the heart of Africa by providing quality education to underprivileged and marginalized children. This project is critical to communicating the organization's mission, vision, accomplishments, needs, and other important information to general and specific audiences. The Right Volunteer Skills & Experience Communications Marketing Experience creating content plans or strategies for websites or other marketing materialsFamiliarity with how website page structures work, such as navigation systems and linksStrong communication and organizational skills Availability Works remotely from anywhere 10-15 hours over 2-4 weeks Project may require a short interview